Study on Central Focal Mechanism and its Surrounding Tectonic Stress Field of the Changning M 6.0 Earthquake in Sichuan
摘要: 不同资料和方法给出的2019年6月17日四川长宁6.0级地震震源机制解存在较大差异,为了找到1个合适的震源机制解来研究此次地震的发震方式,通过数学方法得到了与现有震源机制解差别最小的中心震源机制解,节面I的走向、倾角、滑动角分别为194.78°、52.68°和139.16°,节面Ⅱ的走向、倾角、滑动角分别为312.44°、58.67°和45.22°,根据本次地震余震分布拟合得到的断层面的走向为312.17°,与中心震源机制的节面Ⅱ走向一致,因而推断节面Ⅱ为本次地震的发震断层面。之后,利用此次地震之前震源区地震的震源机制解,反演了震源区的震前构造应力场。结果表明,长宁6.0级地震的中心震源机制解和震源区震前应力场均为逆冲型为主兼走滑分量的类型,震前应力场压轴为NWW—SEE向,中间轴为NNE—SSW向,两轴倾角接近水平,而张轴较陡,表现为逆冲型的应力场。将反演得到的应力场投影到中心震源机制解给出的与余震分布一致的节面上,发现中心震源机制解的滑动角和应力场预测的滑动角差别仅为13.45°,表明此次地震受背景应力场控制而发生在先存的薄弱面上。Abstract: There exists great difference from different studies in determination of focal mechanisms of the Changning M 6.0 earthquake in Sichuan. In order to find a reasonable focal mechanism for studying the rupture mode, we applied a "central focal mechanism" method, which has the minimal difference with other focal mechanisms obtained from different data and methods. The strike, dip and rake of nodal plane#1 is 194.78°, 52.68°, 139.16°, and the strike, dip and rake of nodal plane#2 is 312.44°, 58.67°, 45.22°. Based on the distribution of the aftershocks, we obtained the strike of the fitting fault plane of 312.17°, which is consistent with the nodal plane#2 of the central focal mechanism. It is inferred that the nodal plane#2 is the seismogenic fault plane of the earthquake. Then, we inverted the tectonic stress field around the earthquake using focal mechanisms before the earthquake. The results show that the type of central focal mechanism and stress field before the earthquake is dominant by thrust. Before the earthquake, the compressive axis of stress field is in NWW-SEE direction, the intermediate axis is in NNE-SSW direction. Both two-axes are near horizontal, but the tensile axis is steep, which represents a thrust type stress field. We calculated the rake on the nodal plane which consist with the strike of aftershocks under stress field. It is found that the difference between the rake given by central focal mechanism to that predicted by stress field is only 13.45°. It is shown that the earthquake occurred on a pre-existing plane and controlled by background tectonic stress field.
图 1 长宁6.0级地震的余震及历史震源机制解分布(2008年2月—2019年1月)
Figure 1. Distribution of aftershocks of the Changning M 6.0 earthquakes and focal mechanisms historical earthquakes (Feb. 2008— Jan. 2019)
图 4 长宁6.0级地震震源区构造应力场反演结果
(a)黑色弧线为最优应力场从各震源机制解中选择的“发震断层面”,红色大箭头为最优应力场压轴的方向,红色小箭头为断层的理论滑动方向,蓝色小箭头为断层观测的实际滑动方向,绿色弧线为90%置信度下应力场的最大剪应力节面,黄色小箭头为该节面的最大剪应力方向;σ1、σ2、σ3周围的封闭曲线代表 90%置信度下的不确定范围;投影方式为下半球等面积投影;(b)长宁地区应力张量反演结果的三维立体表示(万永革等,2011),U和D表示上和下,E、S、W和N分别为东、南、西和北;红色表示主压应力的大小和方向;蓝色表示主张应力的大小和方向
Figure 4. Inverted tectonic stress field around the Changning M 6.0 earthquake
表 1 震源机制解划分(Zoback,1992)
Table 1. Classification of focal mechanism solutions (Zoback,1992)
类型 P轴倾伏角 B轴倾伏角 T轴倾伏角 正断型(NF) ≥52° ≤35° 正走滑型(NS) 40°≤倾角<52° ≤20° 走滑型(SS) ≤20° ≥45° <40° <40° ≥45° ≤20° 逆走滑型(TS) ≤20° 40°≤倾角<52° 逆冲型(TF) ≤35° ≥52° 不确定型(U) 上述类型之外的震源机制解 表 2 不同震源机制解及得到的中心震源机制解的标准差
Table 2. Focal mechanisms of the Changning M 6.0 earthquake resulted from different institutions, and standard deviation of central focal mechanism
滑动角来源 作为初始解得到的中心震源机制走向/倾角/滑动角 作为初始解得到
最小空间旋转角350°/67°/93° 中国地震台网中心台
网部应急组312.40°/58.60°/45.18° 29.891757° 45.30° 296°/81°/-13° 中国地震局地震预测
研究所312.36°/58.65°/45.14° 29.891781° 58.54° 190°/50°/150° 中国地震局地球物理
研究所194.77°/52.68°/139.15° 29.891709° 14.57° 191°/57°/141° 郭祥云等 194.78°/52.67°/139.16° 29.891708° 6.66° 308°/46°/41° USGS 312.42°/58.64°/45.20° 29.891707° 13.22° 192°/46°/137° GFZ 194.78°/52.68°/139.16° 29.891705° 7.01° 184°/40°/123° GCMT 194.77°/52.68°/139.15° 29.891709° 17.18° 表 3 长宁6.0级地震之前震源区的历史震源机制解(2008年2月—2019年1月)
Table 3. The focal mechanisms of historical earthquakes before the Changning M 6.0 earthquake (Feb. 2008—Jan. 2019)
序号 日期 北纬/° 东经/° MW 走向/° 倾角/° 滑动角/° 来源 1 2008-02-01 28.5 105.2 4.4 295 75 -20 王晓山等(2015) 2 2008-03-11 28.5 104.8 4.0 305 75 85 王晓山等(2015) 3 2008-11-19 28.3 104.9 3.6 98 80 170 王晓山等(2015) 4 2011-03-01 28.2 105.0 3.7 224 76 122 王晓山等(2015) 5 2011-04-20 28.2 105.0 3.9 53 71 159 王晓山等(2015) 6 2011-06-02 28.4 104.9 3.7 155 75 30 王晓山等(2015) 7 2011-06-26 28.4 104.9 3.9 155 75 35 王晓山等(2015) 8 2012-04-09 28.4 104.9 3.7 284 46 100 王晓山等(2015) 9 2012-07-31 28.4 105.0 3.6 30 90 -90 王晓山等(2015) 10 2013-02-19 28.3 104.8 4.9 191 65 45 王晓山等(2015) 11 2013-02-19 28.3 104.8 4.9 191 65 45 王晓山等(2015) 12 2013-04-25 28.5 104.8 4.7 328 28 55 GCMT 13 2014-10-01 28.3 104.8 3.8 182 37 48 本研究 14 2015-01-28 28.4 105.0 3.7 270 58 53 本研究 15 2015-02-07 28.3 105.0 4.8 18 40 79 GCMT 16 2015-02-07 28.4 104.9 4.5 11 64 90 本研究 17 2015-02-07 28.4 104.9 3.6 18 23 90 本研究 18 2015-04-11 28.1 104.8 3.6 339 64 21 本研究 19 2015-04-12 28.2 104.8 3.8 189 29 71 本研究 20 2015-04-24 28.2 104.8 4.1 144 65 -2 本研究 21 2015-09-18 28.4 104.8 3.7 300 55 47 本研究 22 2015-10-14 28.1 104.8 3.8 152 58 2 本研究 序号 日期 北纬/° 东经/° MW 走向/° 倾角/° 滑动角/° 来源 23 2015-11-30 28.4 105.0 3.7 72 43 68 本研究 24 2015-12-12 28.1 104.8 3.7 149 64 4 本研究 25 2016-09-10 28.1 104.8 3.7 150 34 71 本研究 26 2016-12-28 28.1 104.8 3.7 19 32 90 本研究 27 2017-01-15 28.2 104.7 4.0 10 43 70 本研究 28 2017-01-15 28.1 104.7 3.9 199 27 90 本研究 29 2017-01-15 28.1 104.7 3.8 27 63 90 本研究 30 2017-01-18 28.1 104.8 4.2 348 57 63 本研究 31 2017-01-20 28.1 104.7 3.9 8 64 83 本研究 32 2017-01-28 28.2 104.9 4.9 352 41 47 GCMT 33 2017-02-02 28.1 104.8 4.0 22 62 81 本研究 34 2017-04-05 28.3 104.8 3.8 339 58 42 本研究 35 2017-05-04 28.3 105.0 5.0 88 75 179 GCMT 36 2017-06-09 28.1 104.9 3.9 0 69 -29 本研究 37 2017-06-26 28.1 104.7 3.8 159 33 59 本研究 38 2018-12-16 28.2 105.1 5.3 79 81 -174 GCMT 39 2019-01-03 28.2 105.0 5.0 349 41 43 GCMT -
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