Tectonic Evolution of the Turning Point of the Eastern and Western Section of the Seertengshan Piedmont Fault
摘要: 色尔腾山山前断裂位于鄂尔多斯块体西北角,控制着临河凹陷(河套盆地西部)的持续沉降。对色尔腾山山前断裂东段与西段转折处构造演化模式的研究,有助于提高对正断层演化规律和区域地震风险的认识。本文在研究区大比例尺活动断裂填图的基础上,通过对重点区域进行无人机微地貌的测量、探槽开挖、钻孔资料与第四纪测年等方法获取数据,并运用构造地质学、地貌学和沉积地层学等理论,综合探讨断层转折处的构造演化模式及地震危险性。通过研究认为,近东西走向的色尔腾山山前断裂西段与北西走向的东段间以三角状的转换斜坡相连。现今的转折点为应力的积累区,具有较高的地震风险。水平拉伸力的持续作用使断层不断向盆地一侧迁移,同时使断裂转折部位更加平滑。Abstract: The Seertengshan Piedmont Fault (SPF) is located in the northwest corner of Ordos block, which controls the continuous settlement of the Linhe sag (western Hetao basin). The study of the tectonic evolution of the turning point between eastern and western segment of the SPF will help to improve our understanding of the normal fault evolution law and regional seismic risk. Based on the large-scale active fault mapping in the study area, we conduct the field survey of UAV micro-geomorphology in key areas, and combine trench excavation and Quaternary dating methods to explore the tectonic evolution patterns and earthquake hazard at fault turning point comprehensively. Through this study, we find that the EW-trending western segment of SPF and NW-trending eastern segment of SPF are connected by a triangular relay ramp. The turning point is the accumulation area of stress and has a high earthquake risk at present. With the continuous action of the horizontal tensile force, the normal faults migrate to the basin, and "cutting and straightening" makes the geometry of turning part smooth.
图 2 山麓断层台地演化模式和冲沟出山口处洪积阶地形成示意
Figure 2. The evolution model of the piedmont fault platform and the formation of the diluvial terrace at the mouth of the gully
图 3 乌不浪口点地质地貌解译图(Site 1)
Figure 3. Geological and geomorphological features at Wubulangkou site (Site 1)
图 5 德岭山地质地貌特征解译图(Site 3)
Figure 5. Geological and geomorphological features at Delingshan site (Site 3)
图 7 水泉村钻孔联合剖面图(改自内蒙古自治区地质局水文地质队(1981))
Figure 7. Joint profile with drilling near Shuiquan village
表 1 台地面及探槽光释光测年结果
Table 1. OSL dating ages of samples from terraces and trench
采样点 U/μg·g-1 Th/μg·g-1 K/% 环境剂量率/ Gy·ka-1 等效剂量/ Gy 年代结果/ ka·BP 地貌位置 东圈子村北 3.27 10.7 2.23 4.78 37.72±2.27 8.32±0.96 T1 东圈子村北 2.28 9.86 2.08 4.20 41.09±4.46 9.79±1.44 T1 西水北道 1.82 9.96 1.88 3.84 44.25± 1.58 11.54±1.23 T1 乌加河东北 2.31 10.2 1.84 3.99 37.13±2.41 9.29±1.11 T1 水泉村北 1.12 5.12 2.38 3.59 80.39±4.46 22.42±2.56 T2 繁荣五社东 1.83 9.29 2.23 4.13 136.32±15.44 33.01±1.99 T2 狼山口西 2.82 10.1 2.23 4.55 108.16±11.39 23.97±3.45 T2 马卜子村北 1.54 11.4 1.79 3.79 165.13±16.93 23.25±2.88 T2 阿拉盖兔西 1.18 6.04 2.19 3.51 184.78±9.32 52.69±5.90 T3 西柳树泉子 2.08 8.21 2.41 4.30 309.82±28.31 72.05±9.76 T3 水泉村北 1.4 5.21 2.28 3.60 217.40±18.61 60.34±7.94 T3 大佘太镇东 1.65 11.4 2.28 4.01 286.35±26.71 71.38±9.76 T3 八分子地 2.08 9.07 1.76 3.71 247.50±16.58 66.72±8.03 T3 乌兰村 1.97 9.46 1.91 3.87 307.39±21.29 79.50±9.67 T3 德岭山 1.53 7.34 1.73 3.30 98.30±3.85 29.81±3.20 探槽 德岭山 1.04 4.65 2.27 3.35 125.16±13.50 37.40±5.50 探槽 德岭山 0.66 3.45 2.5 3.28 144.62±18.44 44.03±7.13 探槽 德岭山 0.932 5.32 2.16 3.22 107.68±14.64 33.45±5.64 探槽 德岭山 1.08 5.26 2.27 3.41 130.97±10.31 38.37±4.88 探槽 德岭山 1.55 7.87 2.19 3.84 5.78±0.48 1.51±0.20 探槽 德岭山 1.04 6.33 1.72 2.99 66.55±6.23 22.25±3.05 探槽 德岭山 0.773 4.9 2.1 3.07 214.67±13.24 69.88±8.21 探槽 -
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