The Key Nodes Identification and Robustness Analysis of Zhejiang Seismic Network Based on Complex Network Theory
摘要: 信息化是推进地震现代化建设的强力引擎。当前,面对日益复杂的信息网络系统,有效识别网络关键节点和评估网络鲁棒性,对于提高站网运行能力和规划网络建设具有重要现实意义。首先,基于浙江地震信息网络实际运行数据,对网络进行路由器级建模;然后,与小世界网络和无标度网络进行对比,分析其表现的拓扑结构特征;其次,结合复杂网络统计特性和地震业务特性,构建关键节点评价指标体系,并基于主观和客观维度设置指标权重,采用理想逼近排序法,综合评价各节点重要程度;最后,模拟不同攻击方式评估网络的鲁棒性。研究结果表明,相较于传统方法,本研究建立的关键节点评价指标体系和权重计算方法更合理,评价结果更准确;浙江地震信息网络为无标度网络,对蓄意攻击具有脆弱性,但对随机攻击具有较强的鲁棒性。Abstract: Informatization plays a crucial role in advancing seismic modernization. With the increasing complexity of network structures, it is essential to develop and enhance station networks. This study focuses on identifying key nodes and evaluating the robustness of such networks. Using the Zhejiang Seismic Network as a case study, we first developed a model at the router level. We then compared this network with small-world and scale-free networks to analyze its topological characteristics. Next, an evaluation system for key nodes was established by assigning weights based on both subjective and objective criteria. The ideal approximation ranking method was employed to comprehensively assess the importance of each node, taking into account the specific characteristics of complex networks and earthquake-related operations. Finally, network robustness was tested through simulated network attacks. The results indicate that the key node evaluation system and weight calculation method proposed in this study are both reasonable and accurate. The Zhejiang Seismic Network was found to be a scale-free network, vulnerable to deliberate attacks but highly resilient to random attacks.
Key words:
- Seismic network /
- Key node /
- Robustness /
- Assessment /
- Identification
表 1 各网络拓扑特征值
Table 1. The Characteristic topology of each network
网络类型 边数 平均度 最大度 特征路径 网络直径 聚合系数 地震信息网络 143 1.99 24 4.72 8 0 无标度网络 144 3.94 28 3.21 6 0.07 小世界网络 1440 20 29 1.92 3 0.19 表 2 比例标度规则
Table 2. The Proportional scaling rules
尺度aij 含义 1 表示2个指标同等重要 2~3 表示指标$ i $较$ j $稍微重要 4~5 表示指标$ i $较$ j $明显重要 6~7 表示指标$ i $较$ j $强烈重要 8~9 表示指标$ i $较$ j $极端重要 表 3 RI指标
Table 3. The RI indicator
m 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 RI 0 0 0.59 0.9 1.12 1.24 1.32 1.41 1.45 表 4 地震信息网络部分节点标准化后的评价指标分数
Table 4. Evaluation index scores of some nodes in the seismic network
序号 NT NL NC DC BC CC EC A1 0.750 0.696 1 0.435 1 1 0.107 A0 1 1 1 0.130 0.513 0.741 0.258 A2 0.750 0.210 1 1 0.349 0.469 1 C1 0.625 0.129 1 0.913 0.335 0.395 0.048 I1 0.625 0.112 1 0.826 0.307 0.378 0.024 5 A3 0.75 0.071 1 0.565 0.205 0.424 0.002 H0 0.625 0.063 1 0.435 0.159 0.564 0.036 C0 0.625 0.134 1 0.043 0.320 0.638 0.031 I0 0.625 0.120 1 0.043 0.297 0.626 0.026 B1 0.625 0.103 1 0.478 0.175 0.311 0.008 表 5 地震信息网络节点重要性排序结果
Table 5. The top 10 nodes of seismic network
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