Experimental and Modeling Analysis on the Hysteretic Behavior of the Novel Disc-shaped Steel Wire Rope Ring Vibration Isolator
摘要: 针对目前钢丝绳环隔振器刚度与阻尼特性不易调节、成型与维修难度高、精度低等问题,研制了新型圆盘形钢丝绳环隔振器并对其开展试验研究,获得了钢丝绳直径、钢丝绳环直径与个数等对其刚度与阻尼特性的影响规律。基于圆盘形钢丝绳环隔振器试验滞回特性曲线,建立了考虑误差的非线性滞回模型,并采用间接傅里叶级数法结合最小二乘法完成了滞回模型参数识别。研究结果表明,本研究中的隔振器刚度与阻尼特性可根据钢丝绳环结构参数与个数进行调节以满足不同工况需求;所建滞回模型拟合曲线与试验曲线的最大误差为2.49%,验证了所建模型的有效性,为后续钢丝绳环隔振器非线性滞回性能的进一步研究和新型圆盘型钢丝绳环隔振器推广应用奠定了理论与试验基础。Abstract: To address the challenges associated with the stiffness and damping characteristics of current wire rope ring vibration isolators—such as difficulty in adjustment, shaping, maintenance, and low precision—a new disc-shaped wire rope ring vibration isolator was developed, and experimental research was conducted. The study identified the influence of factors such as wire rope diameter, and the number and diameter of wire rope rings on the stiffness and damping characteristics of the isolator. Based on the test hysteresis characteristic curve of the disc-shaped isolator, a nonlinear hysteresis model accounting for errors was established. The model's parameters were identified using the indirect Fourier series method combined with the least squares method. The results indicate that the stiffness and damping characteristics of the vibration isolator can be adjusted by modifying structural parameters and the number of wire rope rings, making it adaptable to different working conditions. The maximum error between the fitted curve of the established hysteresis model and the test curve is 2.49%, validating the model’s accuracy. This research lays a theoretical and experimental foundation for further investigations into the nonlinear hysteresis behavior of wire rope ring vibration isolators and the promotion and application of the new disc-shaped isolator design.
Key words:
- Vibration isolator /
- Wire line thimble /
- Stiffness /
- Damping /
- Nonlinear /
- Hysteresis model
表 1 滞回环面积与ELR
Table 1. Hysteresis area and ELR
隔振器编号 钢丝绳直径d/mm 钢丝绳环直径D/mm D/d比值 滞回环面积 S/mm2 能量损失率ELR 4-66 4 66 16.5 354.34 0.110 5-66 5 66 13.2 3 263.15 0.322 5-72 5 72 14.4 720.35 0.148 5-80 5 80 16.0 2 513.50 0.399 6-66 6 66 11.0 3 255.70 0.209 6-72 6 72 12.0 2 037.92 0.184 6-80 7 80 13.3 689.46 0.162 表 2 不同钢丝绳环个数下滞回环面积与ELR
Table 2. Hysteresis area and ELR with different number of rope rings
类别 绳环个数 4 5 6 7 8 滞回环面积S/mm2 1 388.11 1 551.16 1 779.09 2 122.72 2 513.5 能量损失率ELR 0.377 0.397 0.381 0.383 0.399 -
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