• ISSN 1673-5722
  • CN 11-5429/P


郭小东 方士东 王志涛 李钊

郭小东,方士东,王志涛,李钊,2024. 考虑非结构构件的木结构古建筑抗震性能研究综述. 震灾防御技术,19(1):170−179. doi:10.11899/zzfy20240117. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20240117
引用本文: 郭小东,方士东,王志涛,李钊,2024. 考虑非结构构件的木结构古建筑抗震性能研究综述. 震灾防御技术,19(1):170−179. doi:10.11899/zzfy20240117. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20240117
Guo Xiaodong, Fang Shidong, Wang Zhitao, Li zhao. Review of Studies on Seismic Performance of Ancient Wooden Buildings Considering Non Structural Members[J]. Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention, 2024, 19(1): 170-179. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20240117
Citation: Guo Xiaodong, Fang Shidong, Wang Zhitao, Li zhao. Review of Studies on Seismic Performance of Ancient Wooden Buildings Considering Non Structural Members[J]. Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention, 2024, 19(1): 170-179. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20240117


doi: 10.11899/zzfy20240117
基金项目: 北京市教委-市自然科学联合基金(KZ202010005012)




Review of Studies on Seismic Performance of Ancient Wooden Buildings Considering Non Structural Members

  • 摘要: 木结构古建筑是我国文物建筑的主体,它以木材为主要承重构件,具有深厚的历史文化价值。本文根据已有研究,从结构试验、数值模拟、抗震性能评估方法3个方面,总结了含有隔墙、隔扇、雀替等非结构构件的古木建筑抗震性能研究现状。研究表明,非结构构件可以限制榫卯节点拔榫,改善节点受力,不同程度提高结构的强度、刚度和耗能能力,降低了结构在地震作用下坍塌的概率。最后结合我国木结构古建筑的研究现状以及与其他国家的研究差异,给出了未来木结构古建筑抗震性能的可能研究方向。
  • 图  1  汶川地震秦堰楼屋顶瓦面破坏

    Figure  1.  Roof tile damage of Qinyan tower by the Wenchuan earthquake

    图  2  汶川地震平武报恩寺山墙

    Figure  2.  Demage of masonry infilled wall of Baoen temple in Pingwu by the Wenchuan earthquake

    图  3  汶川地震青龙寺大殿榫卯拔榫

    Figure  3.  Tenon pull out of Qinglong temple hall by the Wenchuan earthquake

    图  4  汶川地震佛图寺柱脚滑移

    Figure  4.  Column root slip of Fotu temple by the Wenchuan earthquake

    图  5  2008年汶川地震前后的云岩寺窦真殿

    Figure  5.  Douzhen Hall of Yunyan temple before and after the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008

    图  6  永乐宫三清殿《朝元图》

    Figure  6.  Murals in Sanqing Hall of Yongle Palace

    图  7  皇城相府木雕

    Figure  7.  Wood carving of Royal mansion

    图  8  杭州胡雪岩故居雀替

    Figure  8.  Sparrow of Hu Xueyan's former residence in Hangzhou

    图  9  故宫太和殿隔扇

    Figure  9.  Wood partition board of Taihe Hall of the Forbidden City

    图  10  日本东本愿寺隔扇

    Figure  10.  Wood partition board of Tohomoto temple in Japan

    图  11  日本隔扇力学性能试验

    Figure  11.  Mechanical property test of Japanese wood partition board

    图  12  日本隔扇恢复力模型

    Figure  12.  Restoring force model of Japanese wood partition board

    图  13  典型带对角木斜撑房屋

    Figure  13.  A typical house with diagonal wooden braces

    图  14  法海寺大雄宝殿壁画

    Figure  14.  Frescoes of Fahai temple

    图  15  地方型试验模型外观

    Figure  15.  Appearance of local test model

    图  16  近郊型试验模型外观

    Figure  16.  Appearance of suburban test model

    图  17  秦安宫试验模型

    Figure  17.  Test model of the Qin-An palace

    表  1  古建筑常见非结构构件分类

    Table  1.   Classification of typical non-structural members of ancient buildings

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