• ISSN 1673-5722
  • CN 11-5429/P


孙强 王鹏 张正帅

孙强,王鹏,张正帅,2024. 基于正态分布的双差波速比方法研究−以山东长岛震群为例. 震灾防御技术,19(1):119−129. doi:10.11899/zzfy20240112. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20240112
引用本文: 孙强,王鹏,张正帅,2024. 基于正态分布的双差波速比方法研究−以山东长岛震群为例. 震灾防御技术,19(1):119−129. doi:10.11899/zzfy20240112. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20240112
Sun Qiang, Wang Peng, Zhang Zhengshuai. Research on Double Differential Velocity Ratio Method Based on Normal Distribution−A Case Study of Changdao Earthquake Swarm in Shandong Province[J]. Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention, 2024, 19(1): 119-129. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20240112
Citation: Sun Qiang, Wang Peng, Zhang Zhengshuai. Research on Double Differential Velocity Ratio Method Based on Normal Distribution−A Case Study of Changdao Earthquake Swarm in Shandong Province[J]. Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention, 2024, 19(1): 119-129. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20240112


doi: 10.11899/zzfy20240112
基金项目: 中国地震局震情跟踪青年任务(2020010120);山东省地震局一般科研项目(YB2112)


Research on Double Differential Velocity Ratio Method Based on Normal Distribution−A Case Study of Changdao Earthquake Swarm in Shandong Province

  • 摘要: 对于震源位置相对集中的震群活动,首先应用双差波速比法对台站到时数据进行2次差分,该方法充分利用不同台站纵横波的到时数据,无需地震发震时刻及位置信息,且将计算波速比范围限定在震源区附近,消除了震源区到台站传播路径的影响;然后运用正态分布的组合去除误差分布的影响,得到关于去除误差分布后的纵横波到时二维正态分布,通过公式推导确定了二维正态分布的相关系数;最后,通过计算置信椭圆长轴斜率得到长岛震群整体波速比。研究结果表明,长岛震群整体波速比为1.727 5,等地震数滑动(60个)计算得到的波速比区间为[1.488 7, 3.054 1];2017、2018年长岛震群波速比变化与震群活动过程密切相关,同时反映了震源区介质流体饱和度、裂隙密度和状态变化。
  • 图  1  双差波速比法示意

    Figure  1.  Schematic diagram of double differential wave velocity ratio method

    图  2  长岛震群位置

    Figure  2.  Location map of Changdao earthquake swarm

    图  3  长岛震群ML≥1.0地震震中分布(双差定位)

    Figure  3.  Distributio of earthquake with ML≥1.0 in Changdao earthquake swarm(Double-Difference Hypocenter Locations)

    图  4  长岛震群P、S震相双差数据对统计结果

    Figure  4.  Statistical plots for data pairs of double differential P and S phases of the Changdao earthquake swarm

    图  5  长岛震群震源深度随时间变化曲线(双差定位)

    Figure  5.  Time variation curve of focal depth of Changdao earthquake swarm(Double-difference hypocenter locations)

    图  6  二维正态分布置信椭圆及长短轴向量

    Figure  6.  Two dimensional normal distribution confidence ellipses and major axis and minor axis vectors

    图  7  长岛震群波速比分析结果

    Figure  7.  Results of wave velocity ratio of Changdao earthquake swarm

    图  8  长岛震群双差波速比在95%置信区间内的误差范围

    Figure  8.  Error range within 95% confidence intervals for double difference wave velocity ratios in Changdao earthquake swarm

    图  9  多台和达法计算的长岛震群波速比曲线

    Figure  9.  Plot of wave velocity ratio calculated by the multiple summation method

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