A Review of Research Progress on the Late Quaternary Activities of the Xiaojiang Fault Zone
摘要: 小江断裂带是川滇菱形块体的东南边界断裂,是大型左旋走滑断裂。在总结已有研究成果的基础上,概述了小江断裂带空间展布、滑动速率、地震活动特征、强震地表破裂特征、地震危险性等方面的研究进展。已有研究结果表明,小江断裂带可分为北段、中段、南段,其中中段又可分为东支和西支。整条断裂带全新世的滑动速率为10 mm/a左右,其中北段和中段滑动速率为8~12 mm/a,南段滑动速率小于8 mm/a。小江断裂带沿线及周边地区地震频发,北段、中段地震活动性明显高于南段,强震活动具有明显的时空不均匀性,南段和巧家-东川段为地震空区,具有较高的强震危险性。通过对小江断裂带的论述,认为小江断裂带南段穿过红河断裂并向南延伸,但小江断裂带向南延伸模式及小江断裂带南段速度亏损是否由曲江断裂、石屏-建水断裂和红河断裂吸收,小江断裂带古地震是否与曲江断裂、石屏-建水断裂古地震相互影响,“Y”字形构造带吸收和调节模式还需进一步研究。Abstract: The Xiaojiang fault zone is the southeastern boundary fault of the Sichuan-Yunnan diamond block, and is a large left-lateral strike-slip fault. On the basis of summarizing the previous research results, this paper summarizes the research progress of the Xiaojiang fault zone in terms of spatial distribution, slip rate, seismic activity characteristics, surface rupture characteristics of strong earthquakes, and earthquake risk. The results of previous studies have shown that the Xiaojiang fault zone can be divided into three segments: the northern segment, the middle segment and the southern segment, and the middle segment can be further divided into the eastern branch and the western branch. The Holocene slip rate of the entire fault is about 10 mm/a, of which the slip rate of the northern and middle segments is 8-12 mm/a, and the slip rate of the southern segment is less than 8mm/a; earthquakes occur frequently along the Xiaojiang fault zone and the surrounding areas, The seismic activity of the northern and middle segments is significantly higher than that of the southern segment, and the strong earthquake activity has obvious spatial and temporal inhomogeneity. The southern segment of the Xiaojiang Fault and the Qiaojia-Dongchuan segment are seismic void zones with high risk of strong earthquakes.Through the discussion of the Xiaojiang fault zone, it is concluded that the southern section of the Xiaojiang fault extends southward through the Red River Fault, but the southward extension pattern of the Xiaojiang fault zone, whether the velocity loss of the southern section of the Xiaojiang fault zone is absorbed by the Qujiang fault, the Shiping-Jianshui fault and the Red River Fault, whether the paleoseismicity of the Xiaojiang fault zone interacts with that of the Qujiang fault and the Shiping-Jianshui fault, and the "Y " pattern of absorption and modulation in the tectonic zone needs further study.
Key words:
- Xiaojiang fault zone /
- Slip rate /
- Seismic activity /
- Surface rupture /
- Seismic hazard
图 2 小江断裂带沿线M≥5地震M-T关系图(修改自宋方敏等(1998))
Figure 2. M-T map of M≥5 earthquakes along the Xiaojiang fault zone (According to Song et al(1998))
表 1 小江断裂带晚第四纪各段滑动速率
Table 1. List of the Late Quaternary slip rates of each segment of the Xiaojiang fault zone
序号 分段 滑动速率/(mm·a–1) 参考文献 1
北段15±2 何宏林等(2002) 2 10.0 闻学泽等(2011) 3 10.4 魏文薪等(2012) 4 5.97 王伶俐等(2016) 5 10~13 胡萌萌等(2023) 6 中段 中段西支 7.0~9.0 何宏林等(1993) 7 中段东支 6.0~7.5 何宏林等(1993) 8 中段西支 6.5~7.4 陈睿等(1988) 9 中段东支 4.8~9.6 朱成男等(1983) 10 中段西支 7.5~8.6 宋方敏等(1998) 11 中段东支 4.5~5.1 宋方敏等(1998) 12
整段8.0~9.0 闻学泽等(2011) 13 11.4 魏文薪等(2012) 14 7.19 王伶俐等(2016) 15 南段 1.66 何宏林等(1993) 16 2.5~4.8 宋方敏等(1998) 17 4.0 闻学泽等(2011) 18 11.3 魏文薪等(2012) 19 5.30 王伶俐等(2016) 20 6.5 程佳等(2012) 21 7.02±0.2 韩竹军等(2017) 22
全段7±2 Shen等(2005) 23 10.1±2.0 王阎昭等(2008) 24 10.0 程佳等(2012) 表 2 小江断裂带沿线及周边主要地震(M≥6)事件(1500—1990年)
Table 2. Major earthquake events (M≥6) along and around the Xiaojiang fault zone (From AD1500 to AD1990)
编号 日期/(年-月-日) 震中位置 震级M 震中烈度/度 地点 纬度 经度 1 1500-01-13 24.9°N 103.1°E ≥7 ≥8 云南宜良 2 1571-09-19 24.1°N 102.8°E 6¼ 7 云南通海 3 1606-11-30 23.6°N 102.8°E 6¾ 8 云南建水 4 1713-02-26 25.6°N 103.3°E 6¾ 9 云南寻甸 5 1725-01-08 25.1°N 103.1°E 6¾ 9 云南宜良、嵩明间 6 1733-08-02 26.3°N 103.1°E 7¾ 10 云南东川 7 1750-09-15 24.7°N 102.9°E 6¼ 8 云南澄江 8 1763-12-30 24.2°N 102.8°E 6½ ≥7 云南江川、通海间 9 1789-06-07 24.2°N 102.9°E 7 8 云南华宁 10 1833-09-06 25.0°N 103.0°E 8 ≥10 云南嵩明 11 1909-05-11 24.4°N 103.0°E 6 7 云南华宁、弥勒间 12 1909-05-11 24.4°N 103.0°E 6½ 7 云南华宁、弥勒间 13 1927-03-15 26.0°N 103.0°E 6 8 云南寻甸 14 1930-05-15 26.8°N 103.0°E 6 7~8 云南巧家南 15 1966-02-05 26.1°N 103.1°E 6½ 9 云南东川 16 1966-02-13 26.1°N 103.1°E 6.2 7~8 云南东川 17 1985-04-18 25.9°N 102.9°E 6.3 8 云南禄劝 表 3 小江断裂带各段的古地震复发周期
Table 3. Paleoseismic recurrence periods in various sections of the Xiaojiang fault zone
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