• ISSN 1673-5722
  • CN 11-5429/P


张钦 刘子心 刘章军

张钦,刘子心,刘章军,2023. 考虑脉冲参数随机性的近断层地震动降维建模. 震灾防御技术,18(3):471−482. doi:10.11899/zzfy20230305. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20230305
引用本文: 张钦,刘子心,刘章军,2023. 考虑脉冲参数随机性的近断层地震动降维建模. 震灾防御技术,18(3):471−482. doi:10.11899/zzfy20230305. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20230305
Zhang Qin, Liu Zixin, Liu Zhangjun. Dimension Reduction Modeling of Near-fault Ground Motion Considering Randomness of Pulse Parameters[J]. Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention, 2023, 18(3): 471-482. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20230305
Citation: Zhang Qin, Liu Zixin, Liu Zhangjun. Dimension Reduction Modeling of Near-fault Ground Motion Considering Randomness of Pulse Parameters[J]. Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention, 2023, 18(3): 471-482. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20230305


doi: 10.11899/zzfy20230305
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(51978543、52108444);湖北省高等学校优秀中青年科技创新团队计划项目(T2020010)




Dimension Reduction Modeling of Near-fault Ground Motion Considering Randomness of Pulse Parameters

  • 摘要: 根据50组近断层脉冲型强震动记录,采用连续小波变换提取最强速度脉冲分量,建立最强速度脉冲峰值时刻的统计模型。对近断层地震动加速度高频分量的演变功率谱模型参数进行识别,并利用谱表示-随机函数方法实现了降维模拟,进而积分得到速度高频分量。对脉冲参数进行随机化处理,并采用改进Gabor小波模型随机模拟速度低频分量。将速度高频分量与低频分量叠加得到近断层地震动速度时程。数值算例表明,近断层地震动加速度代表性时程集合的幅值谱和反应谱均与实测记录拟合一致,验证了降维模拟方法的工程适用性。近断层脉冲型地震动的降维模拟与概率密度演化理论相结合,可实现工程结构的随机地震反应与抗震可靠性精细化分析。
  • 图  1  $ {t_{{\text{pk}}}} $$ {M_{\text{W}}} $回归模型

    Figure  1.  Regression model between peak time$ {t_{{\text{pk}}}} $of the strongest velocity pulse and magnitude $ {M_{\text{W}}} $

    图  2  高频能量分布拟合曲线

    Figure  2.  High frequency energy distribution fitting curve

    图  3  低频脉冲模型参数的经验分布函数

    Figure  3.  Empirical distribution functions of low- frequency pulse model parameters

    图  4  近断层地震动高、低频分量代表性时程

    Figure  4.  Representative time-history of high and low frequency components of near-fault ground motions

    图  5  近断层地震动高、低频分量代表性样本集合均值、标准差的目标值与模拟值比较

    Figure  5.  Comparison of mean, standard deviation of representative time-history set of high and low frequency components upon near-fault ground motions with the target values

    图  6  近断层地震动的代表性时程

    Figure  6.  The representative time-histories of near-fault ground motions

    图  7  近断层地震动加速度反应谱、幅值谱模拟值与实测值的比较

    Figure  7.  Comparison of simulated value and measured value of response spectrum and amplitude spectrum of near-fault ground motion acceleration

    表  1  近断层脉冲型地震动记录信息

    Table  1.   Information of the measured records of near-fault pulse-like ground motions

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    表  2  近断层地震动高频分量模型参数取值

    Table  2.   Simulation parameters of high-frequency component in near-fault ground motion

    频率离散点数N1 600地震动峰值加速度${ \overline{A}}_{\mathrm{max}} $240 cm·s−2
    截止频率上限$ \omega_{{\rm{u}}} $50π rad·s−1峰值因子$ r $2.6
    截止频率下限$ \omega_{1} $2π rad·s−1场地土卓越圆频率$ \omega_{{\rm{g}}} $15.7 rad·s−1
    频率离散步长$ \Delta \omega $0.094 rad·s−1场地土阻尼比$ \zeta_{{\rm{g}}} $0.887
    高、低频分界限$ f_{{\rm{r}}} $2π rad·s−1基岩卓越圆频率$ \omega_{{\rm{f}}} $1.57 rad·s−1
    地震动持时$ T $30 s基岩阻尼比$ \zeta_{{\rm{f}}} $0.887
    时间步长$ \Delta t $0.02 s样本数量$ n_{{\rm{sel}}} $1 069
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    表  3  近断层地震动低频脉冲成分模型参数取值

    Table  3.   Simulation parameters of low-frequency component in near-fault ground motion

    TN对数正态分布M1=1.028 1,S1=0.903 4
    $ \varphi $正态分布M2=−0.66,S2=2.80
    PGV广义极值分布k=0.008 7,Sigma=24.64,Mu=58.47
    $T_{\rm{p}} $威布尔分布Sc=4.998 4,Sa=1.405 5
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