Study on the Anti-dislocation Performance of Tianshan Shengli Tunnel Crossing Bo-A Fault Section
摘要: 目前针对超挖、铰接与减震层组合设计对走滑断层隧道抗错断损伤特征的研究尚不明确,为此以天山胜利隧道穿越博罗科努-阿其克库都克断裂为实际工程背景,采用可表征泡沫混凝土力学行为的塑性本构模型模拟减震层泡沫混凝土受压行为,建立精细化三维数值模型,评估隧道在超挖、铰接与减震层组合设计工况下的纵向位移、衬砌断面损伤和应力分布特征,得出采用超挖、铰接与减震层组合设计时的走滑断层隧道力学响应及破坏特征。研究结果表明,隧道受断层活动影响呈现S形变形,在断层滑动面附近隧道变形较大;走滑断层作用下衬砌损伤集中在拱腰及45°共轭方向,衬砌内力随着断层错动量的增加而增大;通过超挖、铰接与减震层的组合设计,能够较好地减轻隧道二次衬砌破坏。Abstract: The research on the characteristics of anti-dislocation damage of the strike-slip fault tunnel for the combination design of overbreak, hinge and damping layer is still unclear. Therefore, taking the tunnel crossing the Tianshan Bo-A fault zone as the research object, the plastic constitutive model that can characterize the mechanical behavior of foam concrete is used to simulate the compression behavior of foam concrete in the damping layer, and a refined three-dimensional numerical model is established to evaluate the longitudinal displacement deformation, lining section damage and stress distribution characteristics under the combined design conditions of hinge and damping layer, and the mechanical response and failure characteristics of overbreak, combined design of hinge and damping layer on strike-slip fault tunnel are obtained. The results show that: 1) The tunnel shows "S" shape deformation under the influence of fault activity, and the tunnel deformation is large near the fault sliding surface; 2) The damage of lining under the action of strike-slip fault is concentrated in the arch waist and 45° conjugate direction, and the internal force of lining increases with the increase of fault dislocation; 3) The combined design of overbreak, hinge and damping layer can effectively reduce the damage of secondary lining.
Key words:
- Tunnel /
- Active fault /
- Anti faulting /
- Shock absorption layer /
- Flexible articulation /
- Foam concrete
表 1 围岩力学参数
Table 1. Rock mechanics parameters
围岩类型 密度/(kg·m−3) 弹性模量/GPa 泊松比 摩擦角/(°) 黏聚力/MPa 断层破碎带 2790 1.2 0.35 27 0.2 围岩 2790 5.5 0.30 39 0.65 表 2 钢筋与混凝土参数
Table 2. Steel and concrete parameters
材料类型 密度/(kg·m−3) 弹性模量/GPa 泊松比 抗拉强度/MPa 抗压强度/MPa C25 2 300 28.0 0.200 1.78 16.70 C40 2 300 32.5 0.200 2.39 26.80 泡沫混凝土 350 0.3 0.250 0.25 1.83 HRB400钢筋 7 850 200.0 0.167 300.00 — -
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