Analysis of Structural Style of Yanjin Fengqiu Section of Xinxiang Shangqiu Fault in Neotectonic Period
摘要: 新乡-商丘断裂是南华北盆地与渤海湾盆地、鲁西隆起的分界断裂,是一条长期活动的区域性深大断裂。浅层地震勘探与跨断层钻孔联合剖面探测工作已证实该断裂延津至封丘段的最新活动时代为晚更新世,本文通过对典型地震勘探剖面和钻探资料综合分析认为:新乡-商丘断裂延津至封丘段断裂结构复杂,新近纪以来构造样式在不同构造部位有显著差异。延津段在地震勘探剖面上浅部显示为负花状构造;封丘段变化较大,东部在剖面上为多组阶状正断层组合,形成了由断层带控制的构造背斜,平面上表现为NW向排列、走向NNE雁列状断层组合;西部结构单一,自东向西断裂控制的浅部地层变形范围增大,断层带逐步变宽。根据新乡-商丘断裂延津至封丘段剖面上的构造样式与平面上的组合模式,表明该段断裂最新活动具有走滑运动性质。Abstract: The Xinxiang-Shangqiu fault is a regional deep fracture of long-term activity marking the boundary between the South North China Basin and Bohai Bay Basin. The latest active age of the Yanjin to Fenqiu fragment of this fault is of late Pleistocene, which is testified by the joint work of shallow seismic exploration and cross-fault borehole detection. On the basis of the typical seismic exploration profiles and drilling data, we concluded that the Yanjin-Fengqiu fragment of the Xinxiang-Shangqiu fault has a very complicated structure. Since the Neogene time, the different tectonic positions of the Yanjin-Fengqiu fragment have quite different tectonic styles. The Yanjin part has a negative flower structure in the seismic exploration profile. However, the Fengqiu part is structurally quite variable. The eastern segment of the Fengqiu part is composed of multiple scalariform normal faults, which form an anticline controlled by a fault belt. These faults are arranged in the NW direction and in echelon with a strike of NNE direction. The western segment is relatively in simple structure, with increasing deformation scale of the shallow strata controlled by the E-W trending fault. The fault zone of the western segment becomes wider from east to the west. According to the tectonic styles and combination patterns of the profile, we concluded that the Yanjin-Fengqiu fragment of the Xinxiang-Shangqiu fault is of strike-slip characteristics.
Key words:
- Xinxiang Shangqiu fault /
- Seismic exploration /
- Structural style
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图 3 SP1线偏移时间剖面③
Figure 3. Time seismic exploration profile of SP1 line
图 4 XSB1线偏移时间剖面图④
Figure 4. Time profile of XSB1 line offset
图 5 SP2线与SP3线偏移时间剖面⑤
Figure 5. Seismic time profile of line SP2 and line SP3
图 7 SP6线偏移时间剖面⑤
Figure 7. Seismic time profile of line SP6
图 8 新乡-商丘断裂与黄河断裂交汇区构造图6(位置见图2,构造层为新近系底板,有修改)
Figure 8. Structural map of the intersection area of Xinxiang Shangqiu fault and Yellow River fault (See Fig. 2 for location, the structural layer is the Neogene floor which is modified according)
图 9 XS2线偏移时间剖面④
Figure 9. Shallow seismic exploration section of XS2 line
图 10 FQ1线偏移时间剖面⑥
Figure 10. Shallow seismic exploration section of FQ1 line
图 11 新乡-商丘断裂延津段朱庄钻孔联合地质剖面⑧
Figure 11. Combined geological profile of Zhuzhuang borehole in Yanjin section of Xinxiang Shangqiu fault
表 1 浅层地震勘探基本参数
Table 1. Basic parameters of shallow seismic exploration
序号 线号 长度
/m道距/m 炮距/m 偏移距/m 接收道数 覆盖次数 采样间隔/ms 记录时间
/s震源吨位/t 1 XS1 8875 10 20 0 240 60 0.5 3 26 2 XSB1 5795 5 20 0 260 32 0.5 3 26 3 XS2 8100 10 20 0 240 60 0.5 3 26 4 FQ1 7216 4 16 0 220 22 0.5 2 18 注:XSB1线为组合线,由XSB11线与XSB12线组合而成。 表 2 朱庄钻孔联合剖面测年数据表⑧
Table 2. Data sheet of combined profile dating of Zhuzhuang borehole
样品编号 样品埋深/m 地层/标志层 所处构造位置 测试方法 距今年龄/ka ZKZ0714C01 16.55 层⑮ 上覆地层 14C 8.76±0.03 ZKZ0314C02 28.26 层⑬/B7 上覆地层 14C >43.50 ZKZ02OSL03 42.38 层⑬ 上覆地层 OSL 130.55±7.59 ZKZ07OSL01 43.98 层⑫/B6 断层下盘 OSL 134.95±8.85 ZKZ04OSL02 54.18 层⑨ 断层下盘 OSL 278.78±23.77 ZKZ09OSL01 72.45 层⑦/B4 断层下盘 OSL 162.41±9.21 ZKZ02ESR01 77.40 层⑦/B4 断层上盘 ESR 270±36 ZKZ02ESR02 88.70 层⑤/B3 断层上盘 ESR 346±34 ZKZ02ESR03 96.59 层③/B2 断层上盘 ESR 556±72 ZKZ02ESR05 117.43 层① 断层上盘 ESR 853±171 注:14C样品年龄测试由美国Beta实验室完成;OSL、ESR样品年龄测试由北京光释光实验室有限公司完成。 表 3 陈王庄钻孔联合剖面测年数据表⑧
Table 3. Data sheet of combined profile dating of Chenwangzhuang borehole
样品编号 样品埋深/m 地层/标志层 所处构造位置 测试方法 距今年龄/ka ZKW0814C01 18.84 层⑬ 上覆地层 14C 17.15±0.06 ZKW0414C01 25.05 层⑫ 上覆地层 14C >43.5 ZKW05OSL02 32.34 层⑪ 断层上盘 OSL 5.38±0.34 ZKW03OSL02 33.75 层⑪ 断层下盘 OSL 107.39±7.13 ZKW04OSL02 45.96 层⑩ 断层上盘 OSL 138.06±6.79 ZKW09OSL02 73.58 层⑨ 断层上盘 OSL 136.19±7.55 ZKW03ESR01 77.14 层⑧/B3 断层下盘 ESR 286±57 ZKW03ESR02 82.21 层⑧/B3 断层下盘 ESR 482±48 ZKW03ESR04 93.10 层⑥/B2 断层下盘 ESR 546±54 ZKW03ESR05 101.97 层⑤ 断层下盘 ESR 610±117 ZKW03ESR06 120.49 层② 断层下盘 ESR 742±148 注:14C样品年龄测试由美国Beta实验室完成;OSL、ESR样品年龄测试由北京光释光实验室有限公司完成。 -
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