Positioning Accuracy Analysis of the New Portable Industry-level Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Phantom 4RTK
摘要: 本文针对新型便携式行业级无人机精灵4RTK开展了实测数据的定位精度分析,从有、无控制点情况下的绝对定位精度和无控制点情况下的相对定位精度2方面入手,详细计算后者水平距离和高程差的测量误差,探讨网络RTK技术的无控制点情况在活动构造中的应用。结果表明,无人机精灵4RTK在天气较晴朗、飞行高度100 m、镜头角度正射向下、旁向和航向重叠率均为70%等实测条件下,有控制点情况下水平位置和高程测量误差均<4.5 cm,无控制点情况下水平位置测量误差<0.60 m、高程测量误差<1.90 m;无控制点情况下,当实际水平距离<300 m时,水平距离测量误差<0.100 m,当高程差<2.8 m时,高程差测量误差<0.100 m;以复合运动性质的发震断层为例,初步探讨认为无人机精灵4RTK的网络RTK技术在无控制点情况下提取活动构造的定量参数时,其水平位移量精度能够达到厘米级,垂直位错量精度可能达不到厘米级,当垂直位错量小于8.0 m时,精度能够达到0.157 m。Abstract: This paper carried out a study on positioning accuracy of measured data for the new portableindustry-level unmanned aerial vehicle Phantom 4RTK. Starting from the absolute positioning accuracy with and without control points and relative positioning accuracy without control points aspects, the measurement errors of the horizontal distance and elevation difference of the latter are calculated in detail, and the application of the network RTK technology without control points in active tectonics is discussed. The results show that the horizontal position and elevation measurement errors of unmanned aerial vehicle Phantom 4RTK are less than 4.5 cm with control points under the measured conditions of sunny weather, flying altitude of 100 m, camera angle downwards, lateral and course overlap rate of 70%. Without control points,the measurement errors of horizontal position and elevation are less than 4.5 cm, in the case of no control points the horizontal position measurement error is less than 0.60 m, and the elevation measurement error is less than 1.90 m. In the case of no control points, when the actual horizontal distance is less than 300 m, the horizontal distance measurement error is less than 0.100 m, when the elevation difference is less than 2.8 m, the elevation difference measurement error is less than 0.100 m. Taking causative faults of composite motion as an example, this paper preliminarily discussed that the network RTK technology based on Phantom 4RTK can extract the quantitative parameters of the active tectonics without control points, the accuracy of the horizontal displacement can reach centimeter level, but the accuracy of the vertical dislocation may not reach centimeter level, when the vertical dislocation is less than 8.0 m, the accuracy can reach 0.157 m.
表 1 有控制点情况下的误差分析结果
Table 1. Error analysis results of control points and checkpoints with control point
/cmK1 0.143 0.821 0.834 −0.208 J1 2.172 3.695 4.286 0.100 K2 −0.312 0.237 0.778 −0.345 J2 1.748 1.973 2.636 −0.700 K3 −0.330 −0.034 0.692 1.548 J3 −2.530 −1.634 3.012 −1.716 K4 −0.244 0.236 0.395 −2.303 J4 −1.683 −1.625 2.339 −1.579 K5 1.133 −0.313 0.529 0.219 J5 2.161 2.327 3.176 3.300 K6 0.597 1.411 1.757 2.349 J6 −1.740 −1.534 2.320 −1.538 K7 −0.623 −0.029 0.619 0.212 J7 −1.620 −2.188 2.722 1.500 K8 1.017 0.068 1.420 1.066 J8 −2.629 −0.314 2.648 1.000 K9 −1.255 0.402 0.445 1.018 J9 −3.329 −1.302 3.575 2.300 K10 −0.705 −0.328 0.392 −0.299 J10 1.424 2.337 2.737 −0.200 K11 −0.051 −0.690 0.331 −0.764 J11 −2.310 −2.935 3.735 1.500 K12 −0.324 −0.225 0.339 −0.958 J12 −2.764 −1.033 2.951 1.500 K13 −0.005 −0.529 1.176 −1.112 J13 0.808 0.240 0.843 2.300 K14 0.379 −1.716 1.532 −1.883 J14 −1.872 −2.067 2.789 −1.400 K15 −0.422 0.454 0.624 2.221 J15 0.970 2.121 2.332 −0.300 K16 1.300 0.572 1.019 −0.026 J16 −0.241 1.862 1.878 2.200 K17 −0.295 −0.333 1.318 −0.810 J17 −0.310 2.805 2.822 1.200 均值 0.537 0.494 0.835 1.020 均值 1.783 1.882 2.753 1.402 中误差 0.670 0.666 0.945 1.274 中误差 1.964 2.065 2.850 1.643 注:控制点和检查点的X误差、Y误差和Z误差均值为其绝对值的均值。 表 2 无控制点情况下检查点误差分析结果
Table 2. Error analysis results of checkpoint without control point
/mJ1 −0.352 −0.423 0.550 −1.843 J11 −0.318 −0.453 0.553 −1.637 J2 −0.328 −0.416 0.530 −1.707 J12 −0.321 −0.444 0.548 −1.631 J3 −0.361 −0.460 0.585 −1.716 J13 −0.274 −0.415 0.497 −1.578 J4 −0.339 −0.443 0.558 −1.579 J14 −0.281 −0.450 0.530 −1.804 J5 −0.299 −0.384 0.487 −1.497 J15 −0.281 −0.450 0.531 −1.842 J6 −0.306 −0.430 0.528 −1.538 J16 −0.340 −0.445 0.560 −1.849 J7 −0.313 −0.451 0.549 −1.632 J17 −0.360 −0.432 0.562 −1.793 J8 −0.348 −0.453 0.572 −1.741 均值 0.320 0.439 0.543 1.694 J9 −0.325 −0.482 0.582 −1.726 中误差 0.321 0.439 0.544 1.698 J10 −0.293 −0.425 0.517 −1.688 注:控制点和检查点的X误差、Y误差和Z误差均值为其绝对值的均值。 表 3 强震造成地表破裂的参数表
Table 3. Parameter table of surface rupture caused by strong earthquake
序号 发震时间 地点 震级/M 发震断层性质 地表破裂 水平位移量/m 垂直位错量/m 1 1607-07-12 甘肃酒泉 7¼ 逆—左旋 3.0 1.0 2 1679-09-02 三河平谷 8 右旋—正 3.9 3.2 3 1709-10-14 宁夏中卫南 7½ 逆—左旋 5.0~6.0 1.0~2.0 4 1713-02-26 云南寻甸 6¾ 正—左旋 2.3 2.0 5 1739-01-03 宁夏银川、平罗 8 正—右旋 1.5 0.9 6 1902-08-22 新疆阿图什 8¼ 左旋—逆 20.0 5.0 7 1920-12-16 宁夏海原 8.5 逆—左旋 10.0~11.0 7.0~8.0 8 1927-05-23 甘肃古浪 8.0 逆—左旋 6.0 7.1 9 1933-08-25 四川叠溪 7.5 逆—左旋 5.0 3.0~4.0 10 1937-01-07 青海托索湖 7.5 逆—左旋 8.0 5.0~6.0 11 1947-03-17 青海达日 7.7 逆—左旋 5.0~10.0 5.0~6.0 12 1951-11-18 西藏当雄 8.0 正—右旋 7.3 1.5 13 1952-08-18 西藏那曲西南 7.5 左旋—正 5.0 5.5 14 1954-02-11 甘肃山丹 7¼ 右旋—正 2.9~4.0 1.0~1.2 15 1970-01-05 云南通海 7.8 逆—右旋 3.3 0.5 16 1985-08-23 新疆乌恰 7.4 右旋—逆 1.6 1.6 17 1996-02-03 云南丽江 7.0 左旋—正 0.3 0.3 18 2008-03-21 新疆于田 7.3 左旋—正 1.8 2.0 19 2008-05-12 四川汶川 8.0 右旋—逆 4.0~5.0 4.0~5.0 20 2021-5-22 青海玛多 7.4 逆—左旋 2.9~4.0 1.0~2.0 注:数据源自张维岐等,1988;邓起东等,1989;国家地震局地质研究所等,1990;黄静宜,2016;潘家伟等,2021;王未来等,2021。 -
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