• ISSN 1673-5722
  • CN 11-5429/P


包金哲 王树波 张帆

包金哲,王树波,张帆,2021. 鄂尔多斯西缘地区地震动高频衰减特性初步研究. 震灾防御技术,16(2):293−301. doi:10.11899/zzfy20210208. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20210208
引用本文: 包金哲,王树波,张帆,2021. 鄂尔多斯西缘地区地震动高频衰减特性初步研究. 震灾防御技术,16(2):293−301. doi:10.11899/zzfy20210208. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20210208
Bao Jinzhe, Wang Shubo, Zhang Fan. A Preliminary Study on the Attenuation Characteristics of High Frequency Ground Motionin the Western Margin of Ordos[J]. Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention, 2021, 16(2): 293-301. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20210208
Citation: Bao Jinzhe, Wang Shubo, Zhang Fan. A Preliminary Study on the Attenuation Characteristics of High Frequency Ground Motionin the Western Margin of Ordos[J]. Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention, 2021, 16(2): 293-301. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20210208


doi: 10.11899/zzfy20210208
基金项目: 中国地震局监测、预报、科研三结合课题(3JH202001015);中国地震局地震科技星火计划(XH20014)




A Preliminary Study on the Attenuation Characteristics of High Frequency Ground Motionin the Western Margin of Ordos

  • 摘要: 以鄂尔多斯西缘地区(34°N—42°N,103°E—109°E)为研究对象,基于2007—2020年研究区域内14个强震动台站记录到的116条强震记录(1≤MS≤8),采用加速度反应谱法,通过MATLAB软件编程拟合鄂尔多斯西缘地区kappa值与震中距的线性回归关系。研究结果表明,鄂尔多斯西缘地区强震台站高频衰减参数kappa0值为0.01545~0.06560 s;等效剪切波速(VS20VS30)与震中距存在对数关系;随着VS20VS30的增大,kappa0值逐渐减至0。
  • 图  1  台站分布及地质构造

    Figure  1.  The distribution of seismograph station and geologic structure

    图  2  Anderson等(1984)经典计算方法计算的kappa值

    Figure  2.  Anderson&Hough's the classical method calculates k

    图  3  鄂尔多斯西缘地区14个台站kappa值与震中距拟合关系

    Figure  3.  The fitting relationship between kappa and epicentral distance of 14 stations in the western margin of Erdos region

    图  4  震级与震中距关系分布图

    Figure  4.  Distribution of earthquake magnitude and epicenter distance

    图  5  震级与峰值加速度PGA关系分布图

    Figure  5.  Distribution of earthquake magnitude and PGA(peak acceleration value)

    图  6  巴彦木仁、磴口台站kappa值与震中距拟合关系

    Figure  6.  Fitting relationship between kappa and epicenter distance at Banyanmuren and Dengkou station

    图  7  kappa0值与剪切波速VS20VS30拟合关系曲线

    Figure  7.  The fitting relationship between kappa0 and shear-wave(VS20VS30)velocity

    表  1  研究区域地震台站信息

    Table  1.   The research area seismic station information

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    表  2  kappa值与震中距拟合结果

    Table  2.   The relationship between kappa and epicentral distance

    台站名称方向回归方程K0/s拟合优度值/R2$ {{\bar{{K}}}_{\rm{0}}}$/sVS20/m·s−1VS30/m·s−1
    巴彦浩特N-Skappa=0.000 3R+0.02640.02640.98030.02530343.05370.2
    E-Wkappa=0.000 3R+0.02420.02420.9854
    巴彦木仁N-Skappa=0.000 2R+0.03630.03630.86910.03485353.4389.4
    E-Wkappa=0.000 2R+0.03340.03340.9280
    宝丰N-Skappa=0.000 1R+0.06870.06870.60550.06560180.4222.1
    E-Wkappa=0.000 1R+0.06250.06250.7876
    磴口N-Skappa=0.000 1R+0.06050.06050.89710.05845231.7261.7
    E-Wkappa=0.000 1R+0.05640.05640.9425
    干盐池N-Skappa=0.000 1R+0.05310.05310.75420.05245317.4357.3
    E-Wkappa=0.000 1R+0.05180.05180.7194
    公地N-Skappa=0.000 2R+0.05410.05410.97900.05450222.7251.2
    E-Wkappa=0.000 2R+0.05490.05490.9730
    吉兰泰N-Skappa=0.000 2R+0.05260.05260.88120.05525327.7335.8
    E-Wkappa=0.000 2R+0.05790.05790.7826
    临河N-Skappa=0.000 1R+0.05300.05300.99770.05175232.3249.7
    E-Wkappa=0.000 1R+0.05050.05050.9960
    灵武N-Skappa=0.000 3R+0.04490.04490.99960.04415292.6325.1
    E-Wkappa=0.000 3R+0.04340.04340.9957
    前进农场N-Skappa=0.000 3R+0.06370.06370.75360.06555209.5248.9
    E-Wkappa=0.000 3R+0.06740.06740.6815
    青铜峡N-Skappa=0.000 1R+0.04280.04280.49870.04315219.0260.0
    E-Wkappa=0.000 1R+0.04350.04350.6287
    沙海N-Skappa=0.000 2R+0.04890.04890.97430.04870188.3216.5
    E-Wkappa=0.000 2R+0.04850.04850.9710
    乌海N-Skappa=0.000 5R+0.01550.01550.73200.01545352.7390.5
    E-Wkappa=0.000 5R+0.01540.01540.6702
    西吉N-Skappa=0.000 1R+0.04290.04290.47130.04240195.1228.7
    E-Wkappa=0.000 1R+0.04190.04190.4909
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    表  3  巴彦木仁、磴口台站kappa值与震中距拟合结果

    Table  3.   Fitting results of kappa value and epicenter distance at Bayanmuren and Dengkou station

    巴彦木仁N-Skappa=0.000 3R+0.02750.02750.6186
    E-Wkappa=0.000 3R+0.02660.02660.7081
    磴口NSkappa=0.000 1R+0.06500.06500.2447
    EWkappa=0.000 1R+0.05620.05620.6064
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  • 收稿日期:  2020-12-08
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