Research on Shear Strength of Interior Joints in Corroded Reinforced Concrete Frame
摘要: 随着服役时间的增长,侵蚀环境下钢筋混凝土框架节点因钢筋发生不同程度的锈蚀而造成承载性能下降,严重影响建筑结构的安全使用。本文在已有钢筋混凝土框架节点抗剪强度理论模型的基础上,考虑钢筋锈蚀对框架节点受力性能的影响,建立锈蚀钢筋混凝土框架中节点受剪承载力计算公式。通过11组锈蚀钢筋混凝土节点试验数据,对建议理论模型进行验证。研究结果表明,锈蚀钢筋混凝土节点受剪承载力试验值与理论计算值之比的平均值为0.951,方差为0.075,二者吻合较好,本文建议的计算方法可用于锈蚀钢筋混凝土框架中节点承载力分析。Abstract: With the increasing of service time, due to the corrosion of steel bars, the bearing performance of reinforced concrete frame joints under erosion environment is reduced, which seriously affects the safety of building structures. Based on existing theoretical models of shear strength of reinforced concrete frame joints, the calculation formula of shear strength of corroded reinforced concrete frame joints was proposed by considering the effect of steel bars corrosion. The test results of 11 sets of corroded reinforced concrete joints were used to validate the suggested model. The results show that the ratios between test values and calculated values of shear strength of corroded joints is 0.951, and the variance is 0.075, which is in good agreement. The calculation method proposed in this paper can analyze the bearing capacity of corroded reinforced concrete frame joints.
Key words:
- Concrete structures /
- Corrosion /
- Joints /
- Shear strength /
- Coupling effect
表 1 锈蚀节点抗剪承载力试验值与计算值对比
Table 1. Comparison of shear strength between test values and calculation values of corroded joints
文献 试件 截面尺寸(b×h)/mm 轴压比 节点配筋 Vt/kN 节点锈蚀率ηs/% Vp
/Vp梁 柱 梁筋 柱筋 箍筋 梁筋 柱筋 箍筋 郑山锁等(2015) JD-1 150×250 200×200 0.3 2×3 122×3 16ϕ6@60 54.3 0.00 0.00 0.00 63.0 0.862 JD-2 150×250 200×200 0.3 2×3 122×3 16ϕ6@60 50.3 1.98 2.23 3.72 52.9 0.951 JD-3 150×250 200×200 0.3 2×3 122×3 16ϕ6@60 46.8 2.76 3.13 6.38 48.3 0.969 JD-4 150×250 200×200 0.3 2×3 122×3 16ϕ6@60 42.7 4.36 5.02 10.57 41.6 1.026 JD-5 150×250 200×200 0.1 2×3 122×3 16ϕ6@60 40.6 1.92 2.34 6.41 46.7 0.869 JD-6 150×250 200×200 0.45 2×3 122×3 16ϕ6@60 47.4 2.53 3.14 6.82 47.7 0.994 周静海等(2015) JH-1 170×300 250×250 0.2 2×2 202×2 20— 35.4 0 0 — 36.6 0.967 JH-2 170×300 250×250 0.2 2×2 202×2 20— 32.6 2 2 — 33.1 0.985 JH-3 170×300 250×250 0.2 2×2 202×2 20— 26.7 5 5 — 30.3 0.881 JH-4 170×300 250×250 0.2 2×2 202×2 20— 24.9 10 10 — 26.9 0.926 JH-5 170×300 250×250 0.2 2×2 202×2 20— 24.8 15 15 — 24.1 1.029 注:Vt为锈蚀节点抗剪承载力试验值;Vp为锈蚀节点抗剪承载力理论计算值 -
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