Study of a Seismic New System of Underground Frame Structure Based on Toughness Design
摘要: 具有功能可快速恢复的抗震结构体系是结构抗震韧性设计的目标,结合浅埋地下框架结构地震破坏和失效模式的震害事例调查与分析以及抗震韧性结构设计的思想,本文提出一种可控制失效模式并具备自复位能力的浅埋地下框架结构抗震新体系。采用数值分析方法研究了传统地下框架结构体系与本文提出的新体系间的抗震能力差异以及新体系的自复位效果。结果表明:与传统的地下框架结构体系相比,新型地下框架结构体系的抗震能力显著提升,并具备良好的自复位能力,实现了结构抗震韧性设计的目标;新体系的自复位效果随轴压比的增加逐渐变差。结合算例,给出了浅埋地下框架结构自复位最大变形能力与轴压比的经验关系。Abstract: Rapid function restoration of the earthquake-resistant structural system is the goal of structural seismic toughness design. Combing the investigation and analysis of earthquake damage and failure mode cases and the idea of seismic damage, a new shallow-buried underground frame structure is proposed. The structure is controlled by failure-mode and has self-centering capability. Based on the numerical model, the seismic capacity and self-restoration effect of the new structure are studied. The results show that the seismic capacity of the new structure is significantly improved compared with the traditional underground frame structure and the new structure has a good self-centering ability, which means that it has realized the design of seismic and toughness of the structure. Finally, an empirical relationship between maximum deformation capacity and axial compression ratio is derived.
Key words:
- Underground frame structure /
- Seismic new system /
- Self-centering /
- Toughness design
表 1 模型变化参数
Table 1. Parameters of various models
试件编号 支撑柱结构形式 设计轴压比 CC1-1 固接柱 0.5 CC1-2 固接柱 0.7 CC1-3 固接柱 0.9 CC1-4 固接柱 1.1 CC1-5 固接柱 1.3 CC1-6 固接柱 1.5 SC2-1 截断柱 0.5 SC2-2 截断柱 0.7 SC2-3 截断柱 0.9 SC2-4 截断柱 1.1 SC2-5 截断柱 1.3 SC2-5 截断柱 1.5 -
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