• ISSN 1673-5722
  • CN 11-5429/P


巴振宁 裴义飞 梁建文 于飞翔 阔晨阳

巴振宁,裴义飞,梁建文,于飞翔,阔晨阳,2024. 层状半空间中典型局部地形地震波散射IBEM结果:二维频域位移幅值. 震灾防御技术,19(4):798−809. doi:10.11899/zzfy20240416. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20240416
引用本文: 巴振宁,裴义飞,梁建文,于飞翔,阔晨阳,2024. 层状半空间中典型局部地形地震波散射IBEM结果:二维频域位移幅值. 震灾防御技术,19(4):798−809. doi:10.11899/zzfy20240416. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20240416
Ba Zhenning, Pei Yifei, Liang Jianwen, Yu Feixiang, Kuo Chenyang. IBEM Results of Seismic Wave Scattering by Typical Local Topography in Layered Half-space: 2D Frequency Domain Displacement Amplitudes[J]. Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention, 2024, 19(4): 798-809. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20240416
Citation: Ba Zhenning, Pei Yifei, Liang Jianwen, Yu Feixiang, Kuo Chenyang. IBEM Results of Seismic Wave Scattering by Typical Local Topography in Layered Half-space: 2D Frequency Domain Displacement Amplitudes[J]. Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention, 2024, 19(4): 798-809. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20240416


doi: 10.11899/zzfy20240416
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(52178495)


IBEM Results of Seismic Wave Scattering by Typical Local Topography in Layered Half-space: 2D Frequency Domain Displacement Amplitudes

  • 摘要: 局部地形对地震动影响的本质是不规则体对地震波的散射,目前对此问题的研究仍主要依赖于各类数值方法。近年来,笔者提出了基于层状半空间中均布荷载动力格林函数的间接边界元方法(IBEM),从维度方面已涵盖二维、2.5维和三维,从介质方面已涵盖各向同性、横观各向同性的弹性和饱和介质,从地形方面包括凹陷、凸起和沉积。广泛验证表明,该方法不仅精度高,而且对复杂几何形状适应性强。为便于其他数值研究的对比验证,笔者将前期研究成果进行整理与补充,给出了各向同性弹性介质中二维凹陷、凸起和沉积对平面SH波、P波和SV波的散射结果。
  • 图  1  基岩上单一土层中不同形状的凹陷地形模型

    Figure  1.  Models of canyons with different shapes embedded in a single layer overlaying on bedrock

    图  2  基岩上单一土层中不同形状的凸起地形模型

    Figure  2.  Models of hills with different shapes embedded in a single layer overlaying on bedrock

    图  3  基岩上单一土层中不同形状的沉积地形模型

    Figure  3.  Models of alluvial basins with different shapes embedded in a single layer overlaying on bedrock

    图  4  SH波入射时不同形状凹陷地形的地表位移幅值

    Figure  4.  The surface-displacement amplitudes of canyons with different shapes for SH waves

    图  5  P波入射时不同形状凹陷地形的地表位移幅值

    Figure  5.  The surface-displacement amplitudes of canyons with different shapes for P waves

    图  6  SV波入射时不同形状凹陷地形的地表位移幅值

    Figure  6.  The surface-displacement amplitudes of canyons with different shapes for SV waves

    图  7  SH波入射时不同形状凸起地形的地表位移幅值

    Figure  7.  The surface-displacement amplitudes of hills with different shapes for SH waves

    图  8  P波入射时不同形状凸起地形的地表位移幅值

    Figure  8.  The surface-displacement amplitudes of hills with different shapes for P waves

    图  9  SV波入射时不同形状凸起地形的地表位移幅值

    Figure  9.  The surface-displacement amplitudes of hills with different shapes for SV waves

    图  10  SH波入射时不同形状沉积地形的地表位移幅值

    Figure  10.  The surface-displacement amplitudes of alluvial basins with different shapes for SH waves

    图  11  P波入射时不同形状沉积地形的地表位移幅值

    Figure  11.  The surface-displacement amplitudes of alluvial basins with different shapes for P waves

    图  12  SV波入射时不同形状沉积地形的地表位移幅值

    Figure  12.  The surface-displacement amplitudes of alluvial basins with different shapes for SV waves

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