Study of Soil Structure Amplification Based on Strong Earthquake Records−A Case Study of SMASS Array
摘要: 震害现场调查和研究成果表明,场地土层结构对地震动有较大影响。为了研究场地内土层结构的放大效应,以河北省地震灾害防御与风险评价重点实验室的场地与结构观测台阵(Seismic Monitoring Array of Site and Structure,SMASS)所记录的古冶和滦州地震记录为基础,采用传统谱比法,将地下236 m测点处设为参考场地,把不同监测点处观测到的地震记录傅氏谱同参考场地进行处理及对比分析,得到以下结论:(1)SMASS台阵场地中浅部土层对地震动的放大效应更为明显。(2)SMASS台阵场地中土层结构对地震动的放大效应存在明显差异,在深部土层中,土层结构对水平向地震动的放大效应更为明显;在浅层土层中,土层结构对竖直向地震动的放大效应较为明显。(3)SMASS台阵场地中随着监测点所处深度不断上升,低频成分频带逐渐变宽,高频成分受到的影响较低频成分更为显著。Abstract: The results of this study demonstrate that the soil layer structure at a site significantly influences seismic motion. To investigate the amplification effect of the soil layer structure, seismic records from Guye and Luanzhou, recorded by the Seismic Monitoring Array of Site and Structure (SMASS) in Key Laboratory of Earthquake Disaster Prevention and Risk Assessment of Hebei Province, were analyzed. The traditional spectral ratio method was employed, using seismic data from an underground reference point at 236 meters. Seismic records from various monitoring points were compared to those from the reference site. The following conclusions were drawn: (1) The amplification effect of the shallow soil layer at the SMASS site is more pronounced; (2) The amplification effect of the soil layer structure on seismic motion varies significantly, with deeper soil layers exhibiting a stronger amplification effect on horizontal seismic motion, while shallow soil layers have a greater impact on vertical seismic motion; (3) As the depth of the monitoring point increases, the low-frequency components of the seismic signal broaden, and the high-frequency components are increasingly influenced by these low-frequency components.
表 1 场地影响台阵仪器布设表
Table 1. Layout of site impact station array instrumentation
测点编号 测点位置 所处土层 S01 地表0 m 杂填土 S02 地下30 m 淤泥质黏土 S03 地下65 m 粉土 S04 地下101 m 黏土 S05 地下151 m 粉砂 S06 地下236 m 砂岩 表 2 不同深度处PGA值
Table 2. Values of PGA at different depths
地震名称 埋深/m 竖向PGA/(cm·s−2) 南北向PGA/(cm·s−2) 东西向PGA/(cm·s−2) 古冶地震 236 0.14 −0.20 0.32 151 −0.13 0.40 −0.20 101 −0.15 −0.30 0.34 65 −0.12 −0.22 −0.48 30 0.18 −1.57 −2.06 0 4.17 −9.29 6.56 滦州地震 236 −0.02 0.04 −0.06 151 −0.03 0.07 −0.05 101 −0.02 0.06 0.08 65 −0.03 −0.06 −0.07 30 0.05 −0.30 −0.39 0 −0.63 1.53 1.31 表 3 古冶地震不同测点处最大放大效应及相应卓越频率
Table 3. Maximum amplification effect at different measurement points and the corresponding frequency of excellence of the Guye earthquake
测点编号 0.2~1 Hz 1~10 Hz 10~25 Hz 水平向地震动 竖直向地震动 水平向地震动 竖直向地震动 水平向地震动 竖直向地震动 AF f/Hz AF f/Hz AF f/Hz AF f/Hz AF f/Hz AF f/Hz S05 1.97 0.44 1.54 0.99 2.91 1.30 4.03 2.15 1.79 16.41 2.64 18.45 S04 2.75 0.46 1.95 0.99 2.92 3.08 3.82 2.13 1.83 16.43 2.66 18.45 S03 3.34 0.49 2.14 0.99 4.12 2.29 3.27 1.89 1.98 10.99 2.55 15.14 S02 22.99 0.51 2.22 0.99 23.76 3.95 4.16 2.14 13.48 11.91 2.82 10.78 S01 33.11 0.51 17.76 0.99 80.30 3.91 93.67 8.8 83.86 18.52 112.57 14.38 注:AF表示最大放大效应,f表示与AF对应的频率。 表 4 滦州地震不同测点处最大放大效应及相应卓越频率
Table 4. Maximum amplification effect at different measurement points and the corresponding frequency of excellence of the Luanzhou earthquake
测点编号 0.2~1 Hz 1~10 Hz 水平向地震动 竖直向地震动 水平向地震动 竖直向地震动 AF f/Hz AF f/Hz AF f/Hz AF f/Hz S05 2.34 0.48 1.47 0.99 3.64 1.31 3.20 2.29 S04 3.41 0.50 1.74 0.99 3.07 1.34 2.73 2.29 S03 4.14 0.51 1.96 0.74 3.71 2.32 3.75 2.13 S02 27.26 0.53 2.45 0.74 24.29 1.31 6.45 2.31 S01 41.57 0.52 22.89 0.73 66.09 3.22 80.26 8.49 注:AF表示最大放大效应,f表示与AF对应的频率。 表 5 不同埋深处土层地震放大系数及相应卓越频率
Table 5. Amplification coefficients and corresponding excellence frequencies for amplification at different depths of burial
埋深/m 古冶地震 滦州地震 水平向地震动 竖直向地震动 水平向地震动 竖直向地震动 谱比值 卓越频率/Hz 谱比值 卓越频率/Hz 谱比值 卓越频率/Hz 谱比值 卓越频率/Hz 151 2.91 1.30 4.03 2.15 3.65 1.31 3.20 2.29 101 2.92 3.08 3.82 2.14 3.07 1.34 2.73 2.29 65 4.12 2.29 3.27 1.89 3.71 2.32 3.75 2.13 30 23.76 3.95 4.16 2.14 24.29 1.31 6.45 2.31 0 83.86 18.53 112.57 14.38 66.09 3.22 80.26 8.49 -
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