The Characteristics of Faults in the Chaoshan Basin, Guangdong Province and Their Late Quaternary Activity
摘要: 潮汕盆地主要受控于北东向和北西向2组断裂构造,盆地及周缘曾发生过多次破坏性地震。因此,厘定相关断裂的构造特征和第四纪活动性,对合理评估区域地震危险性至关重要。在系统总结和分析已有第四系钻孔年代学的基础上,采用野外地质调查与地球物理勘探相结合的方法,对潮汕盆地及周缘断裂构造开展详细的研究工作。盆地周缘基岩区断裂构造野外解析表明,北西向断裂具有正断层性质,兼具左行走滑特征,北东向断裂以逆冲变形为主。结合盆地第四系覆盖区浅层人工地震探测和已有地层年代学分析结果,进一步厘定了榕江断裂、韩江断裂、饶平-汕头断裂和普宁-潮州断裂在潮汕盆地内的几何学展布和晚更新世以来的活动特征。Abstract: The Chaoshan basin is mainly controlled by NE and NW trending faults, and many destructive earthquakes occurred in the basin and its surrounding areas. Therefore, determining the structural characteristics and Quaternary activity of these faults are very important to evaluate the regional seismic risk. In this paper, we conducted an integrated investigation involving detailed field observation, geophysical study, and synthesis of existing borehole geochronology data across the Chaoshan basin. The NW-trending faults are characterized by normal fault with left lateral movement, and the NE-trending faults are mainly trusting deformation. Combined with the shallow artificial seismic exploration, we further revealed the geometric distribution of the Rongjiang, Hanjian, Raoping-Shantou, and Puning-Chaouzhou faults in the Chaoshan basin, and discussed their late Quaternary activity.
Key words:
- Chaoshan Basin /
- Fault structures /
- Geometric distribution /
- Late Quaternary activity
1) 2 广东省地质矿产局,1993.中华人民共和国地质图说明书1∶50000汕头幅、澄海幅、南澳岛幅、潮阳幅、东湖幅.2) 3 广东省地质矿产局,1993.中华人民共和国地质图说明书1∶50000汕头幅、澄海幅、南澳岛幅、潮阳幅、东湖幅.3) 4 中国地震局地球物理研究所,2006. 广东省粤东地区核电项目乌屿厂址关键性地震地质问题评价报告. -
图 2 研究区地质简图①
注:F1. 练江断裂;F2. 榕江断裂;F3. 韩江断裂;F4. 普宁-潮州断裂;F5. 饶平-汕头断裂;F6. 桑浦山断裂
Figure 2. Geological map of the Chaoshan basin
表 1 潮汕盆地隐伏断裂活动性特征
Table 1. Active features of the buried faults in the Chaoshan basin
断裂名称 断层倾向 断层性质 上断点埋深/m 全新统深度/m 推测最新活动时代 榕江断裂 F2-1 北东 正断层 50~63 18~20 ${\rm{Q}}_{\rm{p}}^3 $ F2-2 南西 正断层 30~37 18~20 ${\rm{Q}}_{\rm{p}}^3 $ F2-3 北东 正断层 46~52 13~25 ${\rm{Q}}_{\rm{p}}^3 $ F2-4 南西 正断层 46~54 13~25 ${\rm{Q}}_{\rm{p}}^3 $ 韩江断裂 F3-1 南西 正断层 40~81 12~26 ${\rm{Q}}_{\rm{p}}^3 $ F3-2 北东 正断层 40~43 12~26 ${\rm{Q}}_{\rm{p}}^3 $ 饶平-汕头断裂 F5-1 北西 逆断层 51~56 19~27 ${\rm{Q}}_{\rm{p}}^3 $ F5-2 南东 正断层 45 19~28 ${\rm{Q}}_{\rm{p}}^3 $ 普宁-潮州断裂 F4-1 南东 逆断层 36~42 11~25 ${\rm{Q}}_{\rm{p}}^3 $ F4-2 北西 逆断层 70~78 11~25 ${\rm{Q}}_{\rm{p}}^2 $ 注:断点附近全新统底界深度参考其周围收集的钻孔资料(李平日等,1987;王建华等,1997;凌恳等,2022)。 -
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