• ISSN 1673-5722
  • CN 11-5429/P


田浩 胡进军 谭景阳 崔鑫 石昊

田浩,胡进军,谭景阳,崔鑫,石昊,2022. 基于特征分类排序的典型海底地震动记录研究. 震灾防御技术,17(2):360−371. doi:10.11899/zzfy20220216. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20220216
引用本文: 田浩,胡进军,谭景阳,崔鑫,石昊,2022. 基于特征分类排序的典型海底地震动记录研究. 震灾防御技术,17(2):360−371. doi:10.11899/zzfy20220216. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20220216
Tian Hao, Hu Jinjun, Tan Jingyang, Cui Xin, Shi Hao. Recommendation of Ranked Typical Seafloor Ground Motions Records According to Characteristic Classification[J]. Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention, 2022, 17(2): 360-371. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20220216
Citation: Tian Hao, Hu Jinjun, Tan Jingyang, Cui Xin, Shi Hao. Recommendation of Ranked Typical Seafloor Ground Motions Records According to Characteristic Classification[J]. Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention, 2022, 17(2): 360-371. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20220216


doi: 10.11899/zzfy20220216
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(2021YFC3100700);国家自然科学基金项目(52078470、U1939210)




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Recommendation of Ranked Typical Seafloor Ground Motions Records According to Characteristic Classification

  • 摘要: 面向海域工程抗震设计及评估对海底地震动的需求,基于日本相模湾海域K-NET的ETMC海底强震动记录,根据震级、震中距选取面向工程输入的949组地震动记录数据库。在考虑震源类型差异的基础上,对地震动峰值、持时、频谱等参数进行分析,通过反应谱、Arias烈度等指标描述典型海底地震动特征。根据峰值加速度、显著持时等强度指标对海底地震动记录进行排序,给出基于不同地震动特征分类下的典型地震动记录。推荐的海底地震动可为考虑不同结构需求参数的典型海域工程结构时程分析提供输入地震动。
    1)  2 https://www.kyoshin.bosai.go.jp/
  • 图  1  ETMC系统海底台站分布

    Figure  1.  Distribution of seafloor stations of ETMC system

    图  2  海底地震记录矩震级与震中距分布

    Figure  2.  Distribution of moment magnitude and epicentral distance of seafloor ground motion records

    图  3  典型高PGA地震动加速度时程曲线

    Figure  3.  Typical high PGA ground motion acceleration time history curve

    图  4  典型高PGA地震动加速度反应谱

    Figure  4.  Typical high PGA ground motion acceleration response spectrum

    图  5  典型高PGV地震动速度时程曲线

    Figure  5.  Typical high PGV ground motion acceleration time history curve

    图  6  典型高PGV地震动速度反应谱

    Figure  6.  Typical high PGV ground motion velocity response spectrum

    图  7  典型高PGD地震动位移时程曲线

    Figure  7.  Typical high PGD ground motion acceleration time history curve

    图  8  典型高PGD地震动位移反应谱

    Figure  8.  Typical high PGD ground motion velocity response spectrum

    图  9  典型长持时地震动加速度时程曲线

    Figure  9.  Acceleration time history of typical long duration ground motion curve

    图  10  典型长持时地震动归一化Arias烈度时程曲线

    Figure  10.  Normalized Arias intensity time history of typical long duration ground motion

    图  11  KNG2010604210250.EW加速度时程及Arias烈度时程曲线

    Figure  11.  Acceleration and Arias intensity time history curve of KNG2010604210250.EW

    图  12  KNG2010604210250.EW加速度反应谱

    Figure  12.  Acceleration response spectrum of KNG2010604210250.EW

    图  13  典型低频地震动加速度时程曲线

    Figure  13.  Acceleration time history of typical low frequency ground motion

    图  14  典型低频地震动傅里叶谱及其对比

    Figure  14.  Fourier spectrum of typical low frequency ground motion and its curve of comparison

    图  15  典型近场高频地震动加速度时程曲线

    Figure  15.  Acceleration time history of typical high frequency ground motion

    图  16  典型近场高频地震动傅里叶谱

    Figure  16.  Fourier spectrum of typical high frequency ground motion and its curve of comparison

    表  1  基于PGA排序的海底地震动记录

    Table  1.   Recommended seafloor ground motion records based on PGA ranking

    记录编号震级Mw(类型)震中距/kmPGA/Gal 记录编号震级Mw(类型)震中距/kmPGA/Gal
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  2  基于PGV排序的海底地震动记录

    Table  2.   Recommended seafloor ground motion records based on PGV ranking

    下载: 导出CSV

    表  3  基于PGD排序的海底地震动记录

    Table  3.   Recommended seafloor ground motion records based on PGD ranking

    下载: 导出CSV

    表  4  基于Ds5-95排序的海底地震动记录

    Table  4.   Recommended seafloor ground motion records based on Ds5-95 ranking

    下载: 导出CSV

    表  5  基于Ds5-75/Ds5-95排序的海底地震动记录

    Table  5.   Recommended seafloor ground motion records based on Ds5-75/Ds5-95 ranking

    下载: 导出CSV

    表  6  基于低频地震动识别参数βl排序的海底地震动记录(从大到小)

    Table  6.   Recommended seafloor ground motion records based on defining parameters(βl) of low frequency (from large to small)

    下载: 导出CSV

    表  7  基于低频地震动识别参数βl排序的海底地震动记录(从小到大)

    Table  7.   Recommended seafloor ground motion records based on defining parameters(βl) of low frequency (from small to large)

    下载: 导出CSV
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