Transverse Seismic Response of the Double-deck Rocking Frame Bridge with Additional Yielding Dampers
摘要: 为控制双层框架墩结构地震损伤,提升结构震后功能恢复能力,本文提出一种屈服消能摇摆双层框架墩结构,结合拉格朗日方程和动量矩定理建立了结构横桥向地震反应分析模型。针对典型双层桥梁框架墩结构分别建立了现浇分析模型、自由摇摆分析模型和屈服消能摇摆分析模型,并采用远场地震动、近场无脉冲地震动和近场脉冲地震动对结构进行横桥向地震反应分析和结构参数影响规律分析。分析结果表明,摇摆桥墩可避免桥墩发生残余变形,且防屈曲阻尼器的设置起到了较好的减隔震及抗倒塌作用,尤其是在近场脉冲地震动作用下效果最为显著;摇摆结构参数对结构地震反应有明显影响,下层结构地震反应随着摇摆桥墩高宽比、尺寸参数和下层梁墩质量比的增大呈减小趋势,而上层现浇结构地震反应呈相反趋势,值得注意的是较小的上层结构固有频率将会增加现浇墩柱发生塑性变形的可能性。Abstract: To limit earthquake damage and enhance the post-earthquake functional recovery of double-deck bridge frames, this study proposes a yield energy-dissipated double-deck rocking bridge frame based on the rocking concept. A rigid body seismic analysis model of the double-deck rocking bridge frame in the transverse direction was developed using the Lagrange equation and an angular velocity reduction coefficient to account for energy loss during rocking impacts. The research focuses on a double-deck bridge frame with conventional structural parameters, establishing analysis models for cast-in-place structures, free rocking structures, and yield energy-dissipation rocking structures. Seismic response and parameter analyses were conducted in the transverse direction under far-field, non-pulse near-field, and pulse near-field ground motion excitations. The results indicate that rocking piers can effectively prevent residual deformation of the bridge piers. Additionally, anti-buckling dampers significantly reduce the seismic response and enhance the collapse resistance of the double-deck rocking bridge frame, particularly under near-field earthquake records with pulse excitations. The parameters of the rocking structure notably influence the seismic response. Increasing the aspect ratio, the size, and the mass ratio of the beam to the rocking column effectively reduces the seismic response of the lower structure, although it may increase the seismic response of the upper cast-in-place structure to some extent. Importantly, a lower natural frequency of the superstructure may raise the likelihood of plastic deformation in the cast-in-place column.
Key words:
- Double-deck bridge /
- Rocking column /
- Dynamic analytical model /
- Seismic response /
- Parameter analysis
表 1 结构参数
Table 1. Parameters of structure
类别 桥墩宽高比 α 桥墩尺寸参数 R/m 上层结构固有频率 ωs/(rad·s−1) 下层梁墩质量比 γ1 上层结构墩质量比γ2 参数范围 0.1~0.3 3~10 5~50 2~12 2~12 参数增量 0.02 1 5 1 1 -
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