Experiment and Analysis of Surface Soil Rupture Pattern
摘要: 近年来地震频发,研究断层区土体破裂形态是了解和认识地震断层破坏机制的关键。为研究不同断层类型对地表形态的影响,通过模型试验得到拉伸型断层、挤压型断层以及剪切型走滑断层的地表土层形态,同时对走滑断层进行了数值模拟计算,并与试验结果进行了对比。由试验结果可知,在拉伸型断层中,地表纵向拉伸变形随土层厚度的增大而减小。挤压型断层中,随着土层厚度的增大,地表纵向压缩变形减小,且减小趋势逐渐变缓,地表隆起区宽度和隆起高度随之增加。在走滑断层中,地表位错量随着土层厚度的增大而减小,且随着土层厚度的增大,地表变形影响区范围呈先增加后减小的趋势。数值模拟计算结果与走滑断层试验结果基本一致。Abstract: With the increasing frequency of earthquakes in recent years, studying soil rupture patterns in fault zones has become essential for understanding the damage mechanisms of earthquake faults. This research investigates the impact of different fault types on surface morphology through model tests and numerical simulations. Surface soil deformation patterns were examined for tensile faults, compressional faults, and strike-slip faults, and numerical simulations were conducted for strike-slip faults to compare with experimental results. The results from the tests reveal that for tensile faults, longitudinal tensile deformation of the ground surface decreases as soil layer thickness increases. In compressional faults, the longitudinal compressive deformation of the surface also decreases with increasing soil thickness, but at a slower rate. Additionally, the width and height of the surface uplift area increase with greater soil thickness. For strike-slip faults, surface dislocation decreases as soil thickness increases. Interestingly, the area affected by surface deformation initially expands and then decreases with increasing soil thickness. The numerical simulations of strike-slip faults align closely with the experimental findings, supporting the accuracy of the model tests.
Key words:
- Tensile fault /
- Extrusion fault /
- Strike slip fault /
- Model test /
- Numerical simulation
表 1 材料参数
Table 1. Material parameters
密度ρ/(g·cm−3) 黏聚力c/kPa 内摩擦角Φ/(°) 平均粒径
E/kPa泊松比μ 1.52 7 30 0.253 0.008 2.67 0.919 0.411 20000 0.25 表 2 试验工况
Table 2. Test conditions
断层类型 断层预留宽度/cm 断层错动方向 断层错动距离/cm 土层厚度/cm 拉伸型断层 0 左盘向左 6 5、10、15、20 挤压型断层 6 左盘向右 6 5、10、15、20 走滑断层 0 右旋 3 5、10、15、20、25 -
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