Ground-motion Significant Duration Characteristic of the Double Earthquakes on February 6, 2023 in Turkey
摘要: 2023年2月6日土耳其东安纳托利亚断裂带连续发生2次MW7.8、MW7.5强震,震害调查表明地震序列下工程结构更易发生破坏。本研究选取2次强震中台站记录的311组地震动数据,通过随机效应回归方法给出了土耳其双震下水平及竖直方向5%~75%显著持时DS5-75和5%~95%显著持时DS5-95回归模型,与现有研究结果进行比较,验证了本研究回归模型的合理性。研究结果表明,土耳其2次地震竖直方向DS5-75和DS5-95均明显高于水平方向,断层距>10 km时显著持时回归结果随断层距增大速率大于其他模型。本研究得到的地震动水平和竖直方向显著持时特征可为此次土耳其双震部分震害特征提供合理解释,同时表明了地震动竖向显著持时研究的重要性,可为序列型地震显著持时研究提供参考。Abstract: On February 6, 2023, two major earthquakes with magnitudes MW7.8 and MW7.5 struck the East Anatolia fault zone in Turkey. Engineering structures are more susceptible to failure during earthquake sequences, as observed in seismic damage investigations. In this study, we developed a ground-motion regression model that incorporates duration parameters for the 5%~75% significant duration (DS5-75) and the 5%~95% significant duration (DS5-95), using 311 datasets and applying the random effects regression method. The validity of the prediction equations was verified by comparing them with existing research results. Our findings indicate that the DS5-75 and DS5-95 values for the vertical component are significantly higher than those for the horizontal component in both earthquakes. Additionally, the growth rate of the predicted results increases more rapidly with rupture distance beyond 10 km when compared to other models. The developed prediction equations and comparative results offer insights into the seismic damage assessments for the Turkey earthquakes. The characteristics of significant duration in both horizontal and vertical ground motions presented in this paper help explain some aspects of the observed seismic damage. These findings also underscore the importance of studying the vertical significant duration of ground motion, providing a valuable reference for future research on significant duration in earthquake sequences.
表 1 土耳其双震震源信息及地震动记录数量
Table 1. The source information and the number of ground motion records of the Turkish doublet earthquakes
震级/级 纬度/(°N) 经度/(°E) 震源深度/km 地震发生时间 记录数量/组 7.8 37.225 37.021 17.5 2023-02-06 04:17 159 7.5 38.024 37.203 13.5 2023-02-06 13:24 152 表 2 DS5-75和DS5-95回归系数与事件内和事件间方差
Table 2. Regression coefficients DS5-75 and DS5-95 and variance within and between events
回归系数 MW7.5地震 MW7.8地震 水平方向 竖直方向 水平方向 竖直方向 DS5-75 DS5-95 DS5-75 DS5-95 DS5-75 DS5-95 DS5-75 DS5-95 a1 1.270 9 2.313 0 1.003 0 1.487 1 2.838 8 3.271 5 1.293 4 2.258 8 a2 0.467 5 0.394 2 0.513 0 0 0.411 3 0.353 3 0.902 5 0.632 6 a3 1.030 9 0.707 8 0.836 2 0.558 1 0.519 8 0.502 6 0.427 8 0.402 8 a4 −0.044 7 −0.046 7 −0.001 4 −0.001 4 −0.194 3 −0.136 5 −0.104 8 −0.074 7 h 2.351 6 13.760 8 1 1 2 2 2 2 R 150 120 120 0 160 150 10 10 $ {\sigma }_{\eta }^{2} $ 0.080 0.059 0.061 0.049 0.094 0.052 0.062 0.046 $ \sigma_{\varepsilon}^2 $ 0.062 0.051 0.053 0.040 0.084 0.042 0.052 0.039 $ {\sigma }^{2} $ 0.102 0.078 0.081 0.063 0.126 0.067 0.081 0.060 表 3 显著持时模型参数适用范围
Table 3. Application range of significant duration model parameters
显著持时模型 震级MW 断层距Rrup/km 数据集VS30/(m·s−1) KS06 5.0~7.6 0~200 100~2 000 BSA09 4.8~7.9 0~100 100~2 000 AS16 5.0~8.0 0~300 150~1 500 DW17 3.0~7.9 0~300 100~2 000 BRG21 4.0~9.0 0~200 110~2 000 本文模型 7.5、7.8 0~500 0~1 600 -
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