Discussion on Location Selection of Broadband Seismic Monitoring Stations in Yunnan Field of China Earthquake Science Experimental Field Construction Project−Taking Wenshan and Qujing Areas as Example
摘要: 地震监测台站勘选的合理性是决定地震观测数据质量、台站功能及稳定运行的重要因素。本文依据中国地震科学实验场建设工程项目云南场区宽频带地震监测意向台站的勘选要求,对云南文山、曲靖地区24个意向台站进行实地勘选,梳理总结了宽频带地震监测意向台站勘选的重要环节,可划分为室内资料收集、台址图勘、野外踏勘确定意向台址、场地协商及租地意向书签订、室内勘选资料整理5个阶段,其中台址图勘对野外踏勘确定意向台址起到了非常重要的作用,大大提高了意向台站勘选的工作效率。以CD151意向台站勘选为例,详细论述了5个阶段的工作方法;同时以4个意向台站噪声水平测试分析验证勘选方法的可行性,勘选的意向台站均符合Ⅰ级台基背景噪声水平,满足按照Ⅲ级地噪声台站勘选的观测环境技术要求,本研究对宽频带地震监测台站勘选工作具有一定参考价值和借鉴意义。Abstract: The selection of seismic monitoring stations is crucial for ensuring high-quality seismic observation data, functional integrity, and stable operation of the stations. This process demands advanced technology, substantial experience, and lacks specific working methodologies. In response to the requirements of the China Earthquake Science Experimental Field Construction Project in Yunnan province, focused on broadband seismic monitoring, a survey and selection of 24 intention stations in Wenshan and Qujing areas of Yunnan province was conducted. This paper outlines the key stages involved in the survey and selection of intention stations for broadband seismic monitoring, organized into five stages: indoor data collection, station site mapping, field survey to determine the intention station site, negotiations and signing of land lease agreements, and indoor data sorting and selection. Site mapping plays a pivotal role in the field survey and determination of intention station sites, significantly enhancing survey efficiency. Using the survey and selection of the CD151 intention station as an example, this paper discusses in detail the methodologies employed across these five stages. The feasibility of this approach is validated through noise level tests and analysis conducted at four intention stations. These selected stations exhibit noise levels consistent with Grade I station standards, meeting the technical requirements for observation environments based on Grade III station ground noise surveys. This study provides valuable reference and practical insights for the selection of broadband seismic monitoring stations, emphasizing the importance of systematic survey methodologies to ensure effective station deployment and operational success.
表 1 给定点位与勘选意向点位间距
Table 1. The distance between the given point and the selected intention point
序号 台站名称 距离/m 序号 台站名称 距离/m 序号 台站名称 距离/m 1 CD447 100 9 CD150 1050 17 CD228 3270 2 CD230 4300 10 CD151 3600 18 BB033 2300 3 BB004 3000 11 CD164 3370 19 CD175 2900 4 BB012 1050 12 CD226 3800 20 CD176 160 5 CD145 2970 13 CD450 3900 21 CD178 4400 6 CD446 2270 14 CD451 1400 22 CD229 2750 7 BB021 3560 15 CD183 1450 23 CD448 160 8 CD146 3080 16 CD227 1870 24 CD449 3200 表 2 台站1~20 Hz台基噪声RMS测试总平均值
Table 2. RMS test mean value of 1~20 Hz station-based noise
序号 台站名称 实测24小时RMS总平均值/(m·s−1) 噪声水平级别 UD EW NS UD EW NS 1 马关CD451 1.60×10−8 2.40×10−8 2.09×10−8 Ⅰ级 Ⅰ级 Ⅰ级 2 砚山CD227 1.18×10−8 1.66×10−8 1.38×10−8 Ⅰ级 Ⅰ级 Ⅰ级 3 陆良CD151 2.08×10−8 1.65×10−8 1.88×10−8 Ⅰ级 Ⅰ级 Ⅰ级 4 陆良CD146 2.14×10−8 3.00×10−8 2.69×10−8 Ⅰ级 Ⅰ级 Ⅰ级 -
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