The Characteristics of Earthquake Damage Caused by the MS5.0 Earthquake in Honghe, Yunnan
摘要: 2022年11月19日云南省红河县(23.37°N, 102.26°E)发生MS5.0地震,打破了红河哈尼族彝族自治州21世纪以来未发生5级以上地震的记录。本文结合地震现场灾害损失调查和灾情资料收集整理,详细阐述了灾区的建筑物震害、生命线工程震害、地震地质灾害特征及原因分析,并与云南相近震级历史地震震害特征进行对比,结果表明,本次地震灾区受灾规模小,余震少,灾害损失相对较轻。Abstract: On November 19, 2022, a magnitude 5.0 earthquake struck Honghe county in Yunnan Province, an area typically known for its tranquility and infrequent seismic activity. This paper integrates an on-site assessment of actual disaster losses with the collection of disaster data to elaborate on the characteristics and causes of earthquake damage to buildings, lifeline projects, and seismic geological features in the affected area. We also compared the characteristics of this earthquake's damage with those of historical earthquakes of similar magnitude in Yunnan Province. The findings indicate that the affected area was relatively confined, with a minimal number of aftershocks and a generally moderate level of destruction. Significantly, the earthquake resulted in no fatalities.
Key words:
- Characteristics of earthquake damage /
- MS5.0 /
- Honghe county
1)1 1云南省地震局,2022. 2022年云南红河5.0级地震灾害直接经济损失评估报告. -
表 1 离震中最近的4个观测点峰值加速度记录
Table 1. Maximum acceleration records at the four observation points closest to the epicenter
台站编号 台站名 震中距/km 峰值加速度/Gal YN.F2809 元江那诺 12.5 158.66 YN.G2901 红河车古 13.8 149.44 YN.FY001 元江洼垤 19.5 47.93 YN.G2506 石屏牛街 19.9 88.03 表 2 灾区建筑类型与面积基础资料
Table 2. Basic data of building type and area in disaster area
房屋结构类型 民房/m2 公房/m2 不同类型房屋占比/% 框架结构 97440 3230 10.0 砖混结构 733780 10130 74.0 砖木结构 68450 560 6.9 土木结构 192900 0 19.1 表 3 简易房屋破坏比与平均震害指数
Table 3. Summary of simple building damage ratio and average earthquake damage index
结构类型 毁坏/% 破坏/% 基本完好/% 平均震害指数 砖木结构 0.93 10.19 88.89 0.048 土木结构 0.96 10.53 88.52 0.033 表 4 非简易房屋破坏比与平均震害指数
Table 4. Summary of non-simple building damage ratio and average earthquake damage index
结构类型 轻微破坏/% 基本完好/% 平均震害指数 框架结构 0 100 0 砖混结构 9.03 90.97 0.018 表 5 地震烈度与房屋震害指数对应关系
Table 5. Correspondence relationship between seismic intensity and earthquake damage index
地震烈度 类型 平均震害指数
ⅥA1 0.02~0.17 A2 0.01~0.13 B ≤0.11 C ≤0.06 D ≤0.04
ⅦA1 0.15~0.44 A2 0.11~0.31 B 0.09~0.27 C 0.05~0.18 D 0.04~0.16
ⅧA1 0.42~0.62 A2 0.29~0.46 B 0.25~0.50 C 0.16~0.35 D 0.14~0.27 表 6 云南相近震级历史地震对比
Table 6. Comparison of damages caused by historical earthquakes of similar magnitude in Yunnan
地震事件 死亡
房屋面积占比/%Ⅵ度区 砖木 土木 框架 砖混 云南红河MS5.0地震 0 0 Ⅵ 315 117 7050 616 9.7 0.048 0.033 0.000 0.018 云南盈江MS5.0地震 0 0 Ⅵ 369 75 3720 666 20.3 0.015 0.00 0.000 0.010 云南双柏MS5.1地震 0 2 Ⅵ 575 38 3440 678 16.6 0.028 0.043 0.013 0.023 云南巧家MS5.0地震 4 28 Ⅵ 330 193 10430 196 7.2 0.000 0.057 0.009 0.016 云南通海MS5.0地震 0 31 Ⅵ 650 445 49440 11409 21.1 0.023 0.037 0.014 0.013 云南漾濞MS5.1地震 0 1 Ⅵ 810 54 17200 4920 34.5 0.043 0.070 0.018 0.021 -
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