Research on Frequency Domain Analysis Method Based on Equivalent Linearization for a Base-isolated Nuclear Power Plant
摘要: 在核电构筑物土-结构相互作用(SSI)分析中常用的方法是子结构法,这是由于其采用半解析法地基模拟技术,具有求解速度快、分析系统频率稳定的优势。因此,可在隔震核电厂房楼层反应谱计算中采用子结构法。因隔震支座具有明显的非线性特征,而子结构法基于叠加原理,在求解非线性问题时具有局限性,为了能够采用子结构法求解隔震核电厂房地震响应问题,基于等效线性化理念,在子结构法中实现隔震支座非线性行为模拟,并用SAP 2000软件验证本方法的可行性。将该方法应用于不同地基参数下隔震厂房反应谱计算,将得到的反应谱与采用隔震支座等效刚度计算结果进行对比。研究结果表明,在子结构法中应用等效线性化方法得到的隔震支座滞回曲线与采用SAP2000软件得到的滞回曲线基本一致,证明该方法是可行的;与采用等效刚度计算结果相比,采用迭代收敛刚度计算出的零周期加速度变化较小,主频略降低,峰值略有提高;由于隔震系统卓越频率与场地卓越频率并不接近,因此隔震结构楼层反应谱对地基参数的变化并不敏感。Abstract: Sub-structuring method is generally used in the soil-structure interaction (SSI) analysis for nuclear structures due to that such method is of the semi-analytic foundation simulation technique, the high calculation efficiency and constant damping of the whole analysis system. Therefore, the sub-structuring method can be adopted in SSI analysis for base-isolated buildings. However, the sub-structuring method has limitations to solve base-isolation problem because it bases on the superposition theory while the isolation bearing has significant non-linear characteristic. To solve this problem, we simulate the nonlinear behavior of the isolation bearing based on the concept of equivalent linearization in sub-structuring method and verify its feasibility by using SAP2000. In this paper, the method was applied to the in-structure response spectrum (ISRS) calculation of a base-isolated nuclear building under different site conditions, and the results were compared with those from the calculation using the equivalent stiffness of bi-linear constitutive model of the bearing. Our results show that the hysteresis curve of the isolation bearing obtained by the sub-structuring method is basically consistent with that from the nonlinear calculation in SAP2000, which proves that the method is reasonable and feasible. Compared with the ISRS obtained by using the equivalent stiffness, the zero-period acceleration of the ISRS obtained by using the convergent stiffness do not change too much, and the dominant frequencies decreased with slight increase of the peak acceleration. The ISRS of the base-isolated structure is not sensitive to the change of the site conditions since the predominant frequency of the isolation system is not close to the predominant frequencies of the sites.
表 1 典型厂址特征参数
Table 1. Characteristic parameters of three typical plant sites
参数 硬岩 中硬岩 软土 剪切波速vs/(m·s−1) 2 166 1 311 407 压缩波速vp/(m·s−1) 3 970 2 613 1 158 水平向阻尼比 0.051 0.063 0.08 竖向阻尼比 0.051 5 0.063 0.08 密度ρ/(kg·m−3) 2 667 2 383 1 920 -
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