Comparative Experimental Study on Dynamic Interaction of Piles-Soil-Steel and Piles-Soil-Concrete Structures
摘要: 为了分析不同上部结构-桩-土相互作用规律,分别进行了钢框架结构-桩-土模型和混凝土结构-桩-土模型的振动台试验,并对试验模型进行了相应的有限元数值模拟分析。试验采用三维叠层剪切模型箱,土体为均匀粉质黏土,钢结构和混凝土结构模型为简化的3层框架结构,桩基为3×3根群桩,桩径为10 cm,桩长为200 cm,输入为人工地震动时程,按时间相似比压缩1/5。振动台对比试验结果表明,相同几何尺寸的结构试验模型,混凝土结构的整体刚度大于钢结构,因此振动频率大于钢结构;相同地震作用下,钢框架结构模型加速度反应明显大于混凝土结构,桩身加速度放大系数前者为后者1.15~1.2倍,上部结构可达2倍,钢框架结构模型反应谱的卓越周期更长。有限元数值模拟的结果定性地验证了试验结果的合理性。Abstract: To analyze the laws of different superstructure interaction of piles-soil, the shaking table comparative tests of piles-soil steel frame structure model and piles-soil concrete structure model were carried out respectively, and the corresponding finite element numerical simulation analysis of the test models was carried out. The three-dimensional laminated shear model container is used in the test, in which the soil is uniform silty clay, the steel structure and concrete structure model are simplified three-layer frame structures, the pile foundation is 3×3 pile groups, the pile diameter is 10 cm, and the pile length is 200 cm. The input is the artificial ground motion time history, which is compressed by one-fifth according to the time similarity ratio. The results of shaking table comparison test show that the overall stiffness of concrete structure is higher than that of steel structure for the same geometric dimensions structure test model, so the vibration frequency is higher than that of steel structure. Under the same earthquake action, the acceleration response of steel frame structure model is obviously greater than that of concrete structure, and the predominant period of steel frame structure model response spectrum is relatively longer. To be specific, the acceleration amplification factor of the pile shaft in the former is 1.15-1.2 times of the latter, and that of the superstructure can reach as high as 2 times. The results of finite element numerical simulation qualitatively verify the rationality of the test results.
表 1 土体参数
Table 1. Soil parameters
结构模型 深度/m 土样密度/(g·cm−3) 最大动剪切模量/MPa 剪切波速/(m·s−1) 钢框架模型 2.15 1.80 81.664 212.9 混凝土模型 2.30 1.80 81.664 212.9 表 2 结构模型振动特性
Table 2. Measurement of vibration characteristics of model structure by white noise method
结构模型 长轴方向频率/Hz 短轴方向频率/Hz 阻尼比/% 混凝土模型 20.67 17.75 5.57 钢结构模型 4.95 5.73 5.80 表 3 上部结构自振周期
Table 3. Natural vibration period of superstructure
结构模型 1阶/Hz 2阶/Hz 3阶/Hz 混凝土模型 16.175 19.379 26.016 钢结构模型 5.161 5.248 9.118 表 4 均方根加速度放大系数对比
Table 4. Amplification factor of root mean square acceleration
测点位置 0.05 g工况 0.1 g工况 钢框架结构 混凝土结构 钢框架结构 混凝土结构 试验 计算 试验 计算 试验 计算 试验 计算 S4 6.268 5.596 2.692 2.639 5.940 5.702 2.424 2.640 S3 4.663 3.846 2.027 2.012 4.406 3.917 1.829 2.013 S2 3.011 2.507 1.660 1.455 2.810 2.528 1.514 1.456 Z5 1.489 1.295 1.276 1.231 1.317 1.295 1.167 1.232 Z4 1.306 1.204 1.097 1.168 1.200 1.205 1.019 1.169 Z3 1.276 1.121 1.143 1.099 1.249 1.121 1.075 1.099 Z2 1.209 1.038 1.156 1.031 1.175 1.038 1.095 1.031 Z1 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 -
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