Seismic Response of Cross-fault Tunnel Based on Fluid-structure Interaction
摘要: 为研究跨断层隧道在渗流-地震耦合作用下的动力响应,以宣绩铁路周湾村隧道穿越富水断层为背景,基于Biot固结动力方程,采用有限差分软件FLAC 3D进行多场耦合数值计算。本文主要分析了断层破碎带宽度对隧道衬砌特征点加速度、孔压、位移及应力响应规律的影响。研究结果表明,对隧道结构不同位置而言,加速度响应规律一致,均为正常段加速度<破碎带加速度<交界面加速度。耦合场作用下,地层与破碎带交界处围岩位移及应力均发生突变。随着断层宽度的增加,应力及位移突变范围有所增大,孔隙水压力峰值也进一步扩大。此时隧道受压区增大,衬砌结构易发生局部破坏。通过加设注浆层的方式,可有效减少耦合场作用引起的拱圈应力分布不均现象。
- 铁路隧道 /
- 断层破碎带 /
- 流固耦合动力模型 /
- 地震响应 /
- Biot固结动力方程
Abstract: Taking the Zhouwancun tunnel along Xuanji railway crossing the water-rich fault as the case, we applied the FLAC 3D finite difference software to carry out multi-field coupling calculation which is based on the Biot consolidation dynamic coupling equation, in order to study the dynamic response of the cross-fault tunnel under seepage-earthquake coupling. The influence of the width of the fault fracture zone on the acceleration, pore pressure, displacement and stress response law of the tunnel lining characteristic point is mainly analyzed. The results show that the existence of the fault fracture zone causes the peak acceleration at the arch foot to increase by 30.8% compared with the ordinary segment, and the peak acceleration at the vault increases by 11.4% compared with the ordinary segment. Under the action of the coupling field, the principal stress at the interface between the tunnel and the fault fracture zone undergoes an obvious mutation, and the range of the stress mutation expands with the increase of the fault width. As the fault width increases, the pore pressure and principal stress peaks also further expand. By adding a grouting layer, the phenomenon of uneven stress distribution of the arch ring caused by the action of the coupling field can be effectively reduced. -
表 1 模型材料参数
Table 1. Material parameters of the model
介质 密度/(kg·m−3) 弹性模量/GPa 内摩擦角/(°) 黏聚力/MPa 泊松比 μ 渗透系数/(m·s−1) 砂岩 2000 1.3 27 0.20 0.35 3.0×10−6 初期支护 2300 28.0 — — 0.30 — 注浆层 2000 3.0 33 0.25 0.40 6.0×10−8 断层 1700 0.8 22 0.15 0.40 1.5×10−5 表 2 接触面参数取值
Table 2. Values for contact surface parameters
名称 法向刚度 $ {k_{\rm{n}}} $/(N·m−3) 切向刚度 $ {k_{\rm{s}}} $/(N·m−3) 黏聚力 c/kPa 内摩擦角$ \varphi $/(°) 接触面参数 109 109 50 17 表 3 隧道各特征点水平位移峰值
Table 3. Peak value of horizontal displacement of each characteristic point of the tunnel
破碎带宽度/m 水平位移峰值/mm 拱顶 拱肩 拱腰 拱脚 拱底 10 46.9 46.8 45.0 43.5 43.3 20 46.6 46.6 45.0 43.4 42.6 30 46.3 46.4 44.9 43.4 43.0 40 46.0 46.0 44.6 43.1 42.8 -
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