Damage Analysis of Girder Bridge Under Near-fault Pulse-like Earthquake Motion Considering Wave Propagation Effect
摘要: 在近断层地震动激励的初始阶段,输入地震动从结构底部以波动形式向上传播,然而波动效应对近断层脉冲型地震动作用下梁桥结构地震破坏过程的影响特征尚不明确。为此,利用数值分析方法对某三跨梁桥在近断层脉冲型地震动作用下考虑波动效应的破坏过程、破坏机理开展研究。研究结果表明,在近断层脉冲型地震动作用下,墩柱底部截面曲率发展较合理,梁桥墩顶支座抗震能力较强,梁桥桥台处容许剪切位移是桥梁结构的抗震弱点,因此,在近断层地区的梁桥桥台抗震措施设计中应保证具有充足的容许剪切位移。Abstract: During the initial phase of near-fault seismic excitation, the input ground motion propagates inside the structure from bottom to top in the form of waves, but the influence of the wave propagation effect on the seismic damage process of girder bridge structures under the action of near-fault pulse-type ground motion is not clear. In this paper, numerical analysis method is utilized to study the failure process and failure mechanism of a three-span girder bridge under the action of near-fault pulse-type earthquake considering the wave propagation effect. The results show that the development of the curvature of the bridge pier section is reasonable enough during the seismic excitation process. The bearing at the pier top shows great aseismic capability, the allowable shear displacement of the abutment is the weak point of the whole girder bridge system. Thus, it is important to guarantee a reasonable allowable shear displacement for the abutment of girder bridges located in the near-fault region. Our results provide a reference value for the seismic design of girder bridges in near-fault regions.
表 1 混凝土材料本构参数
Table 1. Parameters for the core and cover concrete material
材料参数 峰值压应力$ /\mathrm{M}\mathrm{P}\mathrm{a} $ 峰值压应变$ {\varepsilon }_{0} $ $ \mathrm{压}\mathrm{溃}\mathrm{应}\mathrm{力}/\mathrm{M}\mathrm{P}\mathrm{a} $ 压溃应变${\varepsilon }_{{\rm{u}}}$ 峰值拉应力$ /\mathrm{M}\mathrm{P}\mathrm{a} $ 软化刚度$ /\mathrm{G}\mathrm{P}\mathrm{a} $ 核心层 −30.85 −0.002 1 −6.2 −0.012 2.16 300 保护层 −30.00 −0.002 0 −6.0 −0.005 2.10 300 表 2 不同国家规范给出的等效塑性铰长度计算公式
Table 2. Computing formula for the equivalent length of pier plastic hinge in China, USA, Europe and Japan
规范名称 等效塑性铰长度$ {L}_{\mathrm{p}} $计算公式 按规范公式计算
得到的$ {L}_{\mathrm{p}} $/m美国Version 1.7《Seismic design criteria》 $0.08 L+0.022{f}_{{\rm{s}}}{d}_{{\rm{s}}}$ 0.86 中国JTG/T 2231-01—2020《公路桥梁抗震设计规范》 $0.08 L+0.022{f}_{{\rm{s}}}{d}_{{\rm{s}}}\geqslant \mathrm{m}\mathrm{i}\mathrm{n}\left(0.044{f}_{{\rm{s}}}{d}_{{\rm{s}}},2/3 h\right)$ 0.86 欧洲BS EN 1998-2: 2005+A2:2011《Eurocode 8-Design of structures for earthquake resistance-part 2: bridges》 $0.1 L+0.015{f}_{{\rm{s}}}{d}_{{\rm{s}}}$ 1.18 日本《Specifications for highway bridges-part V seismic design》 $0.2 L-0.1 h;0.1 h\leqslant{L}_{{\rm{p}}}\leqslant 0.5 h$ 0.75 -
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