Experimental Study on Seismic Performance of Built-in Straw Rope Reinforced Load-bearing Rammed Earth Wall
摘要: 为了解决夯土墙体夯筑分层处受力薄弱的问题,本文提出一种内置草绳增强承重夯土墙体性能的方法,以草绳含量及埋置高度为变量,对4片夯土墙体1/3缩尺模型进行拟静力试验,探究其破坏形态、承载及变形能力、耗能能力、刚度退化等抗震性能。试验结果表明:内置草绳可提高墙体各夯筑层间粘结性,延缓夯筑分层处水平裂缝的开展及贯通,从而提高墙体整体性,此外其对墙体承载能力、变形能力均有提升,且提升率与草绳高度呈正相关,二者分别提升108.3%和35.6%;内置草绳的墙体试件滞回曲线更为饱满,达到破坏荷载时,其等效黏滞阻尼系数在0.16~0.23之间,同时初始刚度较无草绳墙体提升40%,且加载过程中刚度始终高于无草绳墙体。实际应用中,建议内置草绳高度应超过1/2墙高。研究成果可对夯土建筑的抗震设计及应用推广提供参考依据。Abstract: In order to solve the problem of weak stress at the rammed layer of rammed earth wall, a load-bearing rammed earth wall reinforced by built-in grass rope is proposed. Taking the grass rope content and embedded height as variables, in order to explore the seismic performance of the wall, such as failure mode, bearing capacity, deformation capacity, energy dissipation capacity and stiffness degradation, a quasi-static test was carried out on four rammed earth walls with scale ratio being 1/3. The test results show that the built-in grass rope can improve the adhesion between the rammed layers of the wall, delay the development and penetration of the horizontal cracks at the rammed layers, and thus improve the integrity of the wall; In addition, the bearing capacity and deformation capacity of the wall are improved, and the lifting rate is positively correlated with the height of the grass rope, which is increased by 108.3% and 35.6% respectively; The hysteresis curve of the wall specimen with built-in grass rope is fuller than that of the wall specimen without grass rope. When the failure load is reached, the equivalent viscous damping coefficient is between 0.16 and 0.23, and the initial stiffness is 40% higher than that of the wall without grass rope. In practical applications, it is recommended that the height of the built-in grass rope should exceed 1/2 wall height. The research results can provide reference for seismic design and application of rammed earth buildings.
Key words:
- Raw soil structure /
- Rammed earth wall /
- Quasi-static test /
- Seismic performance
表 1 试件方案设计表
Table 1. Sample scheme design table
试件编号 生土掺料 草绳高度/mm 草绳/
墙高W1 0.8%麦秸秆 无 无 W2 0.8%麦秸秆 300 1/4 W3 0.8%麦秸秆 600 1/2 W4 0.8%麦秸秆 900 3/4 表 2 各试件特征点处力学性能参数
Table 2. Mechanical property parameters at characteristic points of each specimen
试件编号 屈服位移
/kN延性系数 W1 3.73 9.20 5.02 10.10 9.50 8.40 2.27 W2 3.90 13.80 7.90 17.70 11.10 11.20 2.80 W3 3.88 17.37 7.04 19.51 12.76 16.42 3.28 W4 3.92 17.40 6.12 21.04 12.89 17.58 3.28 表 3 特征点处等效黏滞阻尼系数
Table 3. Equivalent viscous damping coefficient at characteristic points
试件编号 开裂荷载阻尼系数 屈服荷载阻尼系数 极限荷载阻尼系数 破坏荷载阻尼系数 W1 0.0744 0.0865 0.0982 0.1145 W2 0.0811 0.1125 0.1410 0.1687 W3 0.0902 0.1236 0.1665 0.2058 W4 0.0948 0.1358 0.1796 0.2243 -
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