Construction of CPT-based Liquefaction Database from 2003 Bachu Earthquake
摘要: 2003年2月24日新疆巴楚—伽师地区发生MS6.8地震,出现了唐山地震、海城地震后近30年我国大陆最具规模的砂土液化现象。大量研究显示,巴楚地震液化砂土标贯击数与锥尖阻力指标偏大,采用国内外液化判别方法往往会判为非液化。利用Robertson土质分类图对巴楚地区孔压静力触探试验(CPTU)数据进行土类分层检验,基于以下原则,选定了液化点液化层与非液化点临界液化层。(1)应选取非液化点土层剖面中最易液化层,不能因液化点力学指标偏大而将非液化点临界液化层力学指标选得更大;(2)应结合qc-h与Rf-h图,避免选取黏土为液化层;(3)巴楚地区液化层往往上覆非饱和细砂,形成透水边界,选取液化层时应舍弃存在透水边界的土层。最后,利用我国规范方法构建了巴楚地震静力触探(CPT)液化数据库,并进行了初步的判别分析。Abstract: There occurred a MS6.8 earthquake on Feb. 24, 2003 in Bachu-Jiashi area, Xinjiang, which caused the most widespread and severe liquefaction after 1975 Haicheng and 1976 Tangshan earthquake nearly 30 years in mainland of China. A large number of studies show that SPT blow count and CPT cone tip resistance of liquefied soil in Bachu earthquake are too large to liquefy. In this paper, soil behavior-type chart proposed by Robertson was used to test soil type from CPTU data in Bachu area, critical liquefaction soil layer were selected by following principle. (1) CPT index of non-liquefaction critical layer cannot be selected larger only because that of liquefaction layer are large, (2) combining qc-h and Rf-h map to avoid selecting clay as liquefaction layer, (3) liquefied layer in Bachu area are often covered by unsaturated fine sand, which would form a permeable boundary and critical layer should be moved down by one layer. Finally, using Chinese code methods, CPT-based liquefaction database of Bachu earthquake was constructed and liquefaction is judged preliminarily.
Key words:
- Bachu earthquake /
- Liquefaction /
- CPT /
- Soil behavior-type chart /
- Database
表 1 E-06测点CPTU分层结果
Table 1. CPTU soil layer classification result of site E-06
序号 分层深度/m qc/MPa fs/kPa Rf/% σv0/kPa σ′v0/kPa n Q F/% Ic ① 3.0~4.1 8.38 53.25 0.64 66.10 66.10 0.50 102.23 0.64 1.79 ② 4.1~5.1 14.35 71.54 0.50 85.70 77.86 0.50 161.69 0.50 1.56 ③ 5.1~6.3(临界) 7.81 35.35 0.46 106.29 87.67 0.50 82.25 0.46 1.79 ④ 6.3~9.0(临界) 10.83 51.92 0.48 142.92 105.19 0.50 104.23 0.49 1.71 ⑤ 9.0~9.7 3.79 16.83 0.61 174.91 120.52 0.50 32.90 0.47 2.15 ⑥ 9.7~12.0 10.73 45.56 0.45 203.13 134.04 0.50 90.95 0.43 1.74 ⑦ 12.0~14.5 15.66 87.52 0.60 248.29 155.68 0.50 123.53 0.57 1.69 表 2 E-06测点土层土类检验结果
Table 2. Soil layer inspection results of site E-06
序号 钻孔柱状图土类 Robertson土质分类图土类 ① 细砂(埋深3.4~5.7 m) 6纯净砂-粉砂(埋深3.0~4.1 m) ② 6纯净砂-粉砂(埋深4.1~5.1 m) ③ 细砂(埋深5.7~12.95 m) 6纯净砂-粉砂(埋深5.1~6.3 m) ④ 6纯净砂-粉砂(埋深6.3~9.0 m) ⑤ 5粉砂-砂质粉土(埋深9.0~9.7 m) ⑥ 6纯净砂-粉砂(埋深9.7~12.0 m) ⑦ 6纯净砂-粉砂(埋深12.0~14.5 m) 表 3 SY-05测点CPTU分层结果
Table 3. CPTU soil layer classification result of site SY-05
序号 分层深度/m qc/MPa fs/kPa Rf/% σv0/kPa σ′v0/kPa n Q F/% Ic ① 0.6~2.8 3.03 93.73 3.68 31.60 31.60 0.50 53.42 3.12 2.44 ② 2.8~4.18 12.49 103.22 0.83 64.93 64.93 0.50 154.20 0.83 1.72 ③ 4.18~6.86(液) 12.60 76.42 0.62 102.72 84.89 0.50 135.64 0.61 1.67 ④ 6.86~8.4 16.15 105.36 0.89 142.01 103.50 0.50 157.37 0.66 1.64 ⑤ 8.4~10.0 2.39 89.18 4.00 171.32 117.42 1.00 18.88 4.02 2.85 ⑥ 10.0~12.0 3.09 105.97 3.93 205.02 133.48 1.00 21.62 3.67 2.78 表 4 SY-05测点土层土类检验结果
Table 4. Soil layer inspection results of site SY-05
序号 钻孔柱状图土类 Robertson土质分类图土类 ① 粉质黏土(埋深0.6~2.8 m) 4黏质粉土-粉质黏土(埋深0.6~2.8 m) ② 细砂(埋深2.8~8.4 m) 6纯净砂-粉砂(埋深2.8~4.18 m) ③ 6纯净砂-粉砂(埋深4.18~6.86 m) ④ 6纯净砂-粉砂(埋深6.86~8.4 m) ⑤ 黏土(埋深8.4~10.0 m) 3粉质黏土-黏土(埋深8.4~10.0 m) ⑥ 4黏质粉土-粉质黏土(埋深10.0~12.0 m) 表 5 SY-17测点CPTU分层结果
Table 5. CPTU soil layer classification result of site SY-17
序号 分层深度/m qc/MPa fs/kPa Rf/% σv0/kPa σ′v0/kPa n Q F/% Ic ① 0.5~2.5 1.86 9.24 0.49 27.93 17.15 0.50 44.12 0.51 2.05 ② 2.5~4.5(液) 2.53 14.52 0.57 65.17 34.79 0.50 41.87 0.59 2.10 ③ 4.5~5.5 9.49 57.58 0.61 93.20 48.12 0.50 135.42 0.61 1.68 ④ 5.5~7.9 20.19 114.18 0.56 125.19 63.45 0.50 251.93 0.57 1.45 ⑤ 7.9~9.22 19.57 135.20 0.79 160.18 80.21 0.50 216.76 0.70 1.55 表 6 SY-17测点土层土类检验结果
Table 6. Soil layer inspection results of site SY-17
序号 钻孔柱状图土类 Robertson土质分类图土类 ① 细砂(埋深0~4.7 m) 6纯净砂-粉砂(埋深0.5~2.5 m) ② 5粉砂-砂质粉土(埋深2.5~4.5 m) ③ 细砂(埋深4.7~9.5 m) 6纯净砂-粉砂(埋深4.5~5.5 m) ④ 6纯净砂-粉砂(埋深5.5~7.9 m) ⑤ 6纯净砂-粉砂(埋深7.9~9.22 m) 表 7 ZK30测点CPTU分层结果
Table 7. CPTU soil layer classification result of site ZK30
序号 分层深度/m qc/MPa fs/kPa Rf/% σv0/kPa σ′v0/kPa n Q F/% Ic ① 1.6~2.6 1.42 29.78 2.31 38.95 38.95 0.70 26.77 2.15 2.57 ② 2.6~4.1(液) 4.09 44.61 1.14 62.22 54.87 0.50 54.38 1.11 2.15 ③ 4.1~6.8(液) 8.38 65.34 0.83 101.32 73.39 0.50 96.64 0.79 1.86 ④ 6.8~8.56 22.00 145.80 0.66 142.93 93.15 0.50 226.45 0.67 1.53 表 8 ZK30测点土层土类检验结果
Table 8. Soil layer inspection results of site ZK30
序号 钻孔柱状图土类 Robertson土质分类图土类 ① 粉质黏土(埋深1.2~3.0 m) 4黏质粉土-粉质黏土(埋深1.6~2.6 m) ② 细砂(埋深3.0~7.8 m) 5粉砂-砂质粉土(埋深2.6~4.1 m) ③ 6纯净砂-粉砂(埋深4.1~6.8 m) ④ 中砂(埋深7.8~14.3 m) 6纯净砂-粉砂(埋深6.8~8.56 m) 表 9 锥尖阻力基准值qc0
Table 9. Liquefied reference value of cone tip resistance
抗震设防烈度 Ⅶ度 Ⅷ度 Ⅸ度 qc0/MPa 4.6~5.5 10.5~11.8 16.4~18.2 表 10 土性修正系数αp
Table 10. Values of soil property correction factor αp
土类 砂土 粉土 摩阻比Rf/ % Rf≤0.4 0.4<Rf≤0.9 Rf>0.9 αp 1. 00 0.60 0.45 表 11 基于CPT测试的我国方法巴楚地震液化数据库(液化点)
Table 11. CPT-based liquefaction database from Bachu earthquake according to Chinese code methods (liquefaction spot)
测试点 地震烈度 土层范围/m σv0 /kPa σ′v0/kPa qc/MPa Rf/% qc0/MPa dw/m du/m αw αu αp qccr/MPa 是否液化 SY06 Ⅸ 3.2~5.6 82.79 68.09 6.63 0.76 16.85 2.9 3.2 0.94 0.94 0.60 8.95 是 SY07 Ⅸ 4.0~5.4 87.51 68.89 7.08 0.87 16.85 2.8 4.0 0.95 0.90 0.60 8.63 是 SY09 Ⅸ 3.8~5.46 86.57 58.84 8.96 0.64 16.85 1.8 3.8 1.01 0.91 0.60 9.32 是 SY12 Ⅸ 7.0~9.2 151.07 105.01 11.95 1.05 16.85 3.4 7.0 0.91 0.75 0.45 5.17 否 SY14-1 Ⅸ 4.4~5.6 93.35 62.97 3.16 0.66 16.85 1.9 4.4 1.01 0.88 0.60 8.95 是 SY14-2 Ⅸ 7.6~9.3 158.14 93.95 10.14 0.68 16.85 1.9 7.6 1.01 0.72 0.60 7.33 否 ZK30-1 Ⅸ 2.6~4.1 62.22 54.87 4.09 1.14 16.85 2.6 2.6 0.96 0.97 0.45 7.07 是 ZK30-2 Ⅸ 4.1~6.8 101.32 73.39 8.38 0.83 16.85 2.6 4.1 0.96 0.90 0.60 8.70 是 SY01 Ⅷ 2.9~4.0 62.24 58.85 1.55 0.96 10.83 2.9 2.9 0.94 0.96 0.45 4.38 是 SY08-1 Ⅷ 3.14~4.7 72.99 43.88 5.39 0.65 10.83 0.95 3.14 1.07 0.94 0.60 6.55 是 SY08-2 Ⅷ 4.7~8.7 124.75 68.4 6.96 0.8 10.83 0.95 4.7 1.07 0.87 0.60 6.00 否 SY11 Ⅷ 4.0~6.6 97.37 73.85 6.76 0.77 10.83 2.9 4.0 0.94 0.90 0.60 5.51 否 SY16 Ⅷ 3.0~4.8 72.32 57.62 8.82 0.87 10.83 2.4 3.0 0.97 0.95 0.60 6.01 否 SY17 Ⅷ 2.5~4.5 65.17 34.79 2.53 0.57 10.83 0.4 2.5 1.10 0.98 0.60 6.99 是 SY18-1 Ⅷ 5.5~6.8 114.51 87.56 6.30 0.48 10.83 3.4 5.5 0.91 0.83 0.60 4.87 否 SY18-2 Ⅷ 6.8~8.3 140.58 99.91 8.48 0.53 10.83 3.4 6.8 0.91 0.76 0.60 4.49 否 SY21 Ⅷ 3.8~5.0 81.93 67.23 5.18 0.90 10.83 2.9 3.8 0.94 0.91 0.60 5.57 是 SY25 Ⅷ 2.7~5.3 72.26 49.72 7.54 0.65 10.83 1.7 2.7 1.02 0.97 0.60 6.39 否 SY05 Ⅶ 4.18~6.86 102.72 84.89 12.60 0.62 4.83 3.7 4.18 0.89 0.89 0.60 2.29 否 SY19 Ⅶ 2.1~2.9 46.31 42.39 5.08 1.71 4.83 2.1 2.1 0.99 1.00 0.45 2.15 否 SY23 Ⅶ 4.0~5.8 91.33 65.85 5.80 0.55 4.83 2.3 4.0 0.98 0.90 0.60 2.55 否 SY24 Ⅶ 4.0~7.4 106.72 78.30 4.53 0.67 4.83 2.8 4.0 0.95 0.90 0.60 2.47 否 SY26-1 Ⅶ 3.0~4.7 71.10 57.87 8.00 0.7 4.83 2.5 3.0 0.97 0.95 0.60 2.66 否 SY26-2 Ⅶ 4.7~6.26 101.45 72.25 5.02 1.21 4.83 2.5 4.7 0.97 0.87 0.45 1.82 否 SY27-1 Ⅶ 1.66~2.8 41.09 23.64 3.29 0.54 4.83 0.45 1.66 1.10 1.02 0.60 3.24 否 SY27-2 Ⅶ 3.8~7.0 100.31 51.80 5.80 0.66 4.83 0.45 3.8 1.10 0.91 0.60 2.90 否 SY29 Ⅶ 5.8~6.9 118.48 94.47 10.44 0.88 4.83 3.9 5.8 0.88 0.81 0.60 2.06 否 表 12 基于CPT测试的我国方法巴楚地震液化数据库(非液化点)
Table 12. CPT-based liquefaction database from Bachu earthquake according to Chinese code methods (non-liquefaction spot)
测试点 地震烈度 土层
/kPaσ′v0/kPa qc/MPa Rf/% qc0/MPa dw/m du/m αw αu αp qccr/MPa 是否液化 E02 Ⅸ 6.8~8.2 140.8 104.54 12.81 1.21 16.85 3.8 6.8 0.88 0.76 0.45 5.09 否 E04-1 Ⅸ 3.3~4.2 69.88 63.51 9.59 0.81 16.85 3.1 3.3 0.93 0.94 0.6 8.78 否 E04-2 Ⅸ 5.0~6.24 105.07 80.37 9.84 1 16.85 3.1 5 0.93 0.85 0.45 5.98 否 E05 Ⅸ 6.5~9.2 146.43 101.84 13.87 0.65 16.85 3.3 6.5 0.92 0.78 0.6 7.17 否 ZK33 Ⅸ 4.5~5.5 93.59 68.11 9.23 0.83 16.85 2.4 4.5 0.97 0.88 0.6 8.62 否 ZK38 Ⅸ 3.1~4.2 67.56 56.29 10.9 0.74 16.85 2.5 3.1 0.97 0.95 0.6 9.24 否 ZK39 Ⅸ 4.4~6.0 96.49 71.5 13.21 0.56 16.85 2.65 4.4 0.96 0.88 0.6 8.52 否 E03-1 Ⅷ 5.2~6.0 104.27 71.93 13.33 0.66 10.83 2.3 5.2 0.98 0.84 0.6 5.35 否 E03-2 Ⅷ 6.0~8.0 130.34 84.28 15.78 0.58 10.83 2.3 6.0 0.98 0.80 0.6 5.10 否 E06-1 Ⅷ 5.1~6.3 106.29 87.67 7.81 0.46 10.83 3.8 5.1 0.88 0.85 0.6 4.85 否 E06-2 Ⅷ 6.3~9.0 142.92 105.19 10.83 0.48 10.83 3.8 6.3 0.88 0.79 0.6 4.50 否 E09-1 Ⅷ 4.0~5.1 84.92 68.75 3.95 1.17 10.83 2.9 4.0 0.94 0.90 0.45 4.13 是 E09-2 Ⅷ 5.1~6.8 111.21 81.32 7.08 1.02 10.83 2.9 5.1 0.94 0.85 0.45 3.88 否 E10-1 Ⅷ 3.84~5.8 89.28 63.60 1.62 2.11 10.83 2.2 3.84 0.99 0.91 0.45 4.37 是 E10-2 Ⅷ 7.8~9.5 160.49 97.28 11.8 0.54 10.83 2.2 7.8 0.99 0.71 0.6 4.55 否 E11 Ⅷ 2.3~5.7 74.09 46.65 6.84 0.59 10.83 1.2 2.3 1.05 0.99 0.6 6.73 否 ZK24 Ⅷ 4.5~6.0 97.76 74.73 9.13 0.49 10.83 2.9 4.5 0.94 0.88 0.6 5.35 否 ZK25 Ⅷ 5.5~7.5 120.93 73.89 9.08 0.57 10.83 1.7 5.5 1.02 0.83 0.6 5.47 否 E07 Ⅶ 3.86~7.3 100.94 73.69 8.03 0.51 4.83 2.8 3.86 0.95 0.91 0.6 2.49 否 E08 Ⅶ 4.2~5.3 88.55 83.16 16.27 0.43 4.83 4.2 4.2 0.86 0.89 0.6 2.21 否 E12 Ⅶ 5.9~7.5 123.16 82.98 10.88 0.67 4.83 2.6 5.9 0.96 0.81 0.6 2.24 否 E13 Ⅶ 4.4~5.5 92.26 70.21 11.54 0.58 4.83 2.7 4.4 0.95 0.88 0.6 2.43 否 -
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