Parameter Analysis and Evaluation on Seismic Performance of Seismic-damaged Frame Piers of Double-deck Viaduct Strengthened by Steel Jacket
摘要: 基于《公路桥梁抗震设计规范》“两阶段”设防原则,采用SAP2000有限元软件建立震损加固桥墩数值模型,通过构建与设防水准地震相匹配的结构性能水准,选取基底剪力和墩顶位移作为结构性能评价指标,建立基于能力需求比的双层高架桥墩抗震性能评估流程,从抗震性能和损伤修复效果角度,对外包钢套含钢量和强度的影响进行分析。研究结果表明,中度损伤试件经外包钢套加固后基底剪力和墩顶位移能力需求比分别提高了76.72%、62.93%,重度损伤试件经外包钢套加固后基底剪力和墩顶位移能力需求比分别提高了62.98%、51.94%;当外包钢套含钢量ρ<0.98%时,重度损伤加固试件基底剪力能力需求比呈负向增长,承载能力修复效果不理想;当外包钢套含钢量ρ>2.08%时,中度损伤及重度损伤加固试件墩顶位移能力需求比提高率大于基底剪力,此时变形能力修复效果优于承载能力;提高外包钢套强度显著增强了中度损伤和重度损伤加固试件承载能力,但变形能力基本不提高。Abstract: Based on the “ two-stage ” fortification principle of bridge specification, SAP2000 finite element software was used to establish the numerical model of seismic damage reinforced piers. By constructing the structural performance level matched with the fortification level earthquake, the base shear force and the displacement of pier top were selected as the structural performance evaluation indexes, and the seismic performance evaluation process of double-layer viaduct pier based on the capacity-demand ratio was established. From the perspective of seismic performance and damage repair effect, the parametric influence analysis on the content of outsourcing steel and the strength of outsourcing steel sleeve was completed. The results show that the base shear and pier top displacement capacity requirements of the moderate damage reinforced specimens are increased by 76.72 % and 62.93 % respectively, and the severe damage reinforced specimens are increased by 62.98 % and 51.94 % respectively. When the outsourcing steel content ρ < 0.98 %, the base shear capacity demand ratio of severe damage reinforced specimens increases negatively, and the bearing capacity repair effect is not ideal. When ρ > 2.08 %, the increase rate of displacement capacity demand ratio of moderate damage and severe damage reinforced specimens is greater than that of base shear, and the repair effect of deformation capacity is better than that of bearing capacity. The bearing capacity of the strengthened specimens with moderate and severe damage is significantly enhanced by increasing the strength of the wrapped steel sleeve, but the deformation capacity is basically not improved.
表 1 试件预损参数
Table 1. Pre-damage parameters of specimens
试件编号 地震损伤程度 预损加载位移/mm 加固状态 FP-0(对比试件) — 0 — FP-1 — 0 外包钢套加固 FP-2 中度 36 外包钢套加固 FP-3 重度 63 外包钢套加固 表 2 钢材力学性能
Table 2. Measured mechanical properties of steel
钢材名称 钢材型号 屈服强度/MPa 极限强度/MPa 弹性模量/ MPa 箍筋 HPB300 279.3 478.6 2.1×105 纵筋 HRB400 377.5 576.8 2.0×105 角钢 L50×5 279.3 478.6 2.1×105 缀板 −40×4 369.8 569.4 2.1×105 表 3 约束混凝土本构参数
Table 3. Constitutive parameters of confined concrete
加固状态 约束水平 有效约束系数ue 有效约束应力fl 抗压强度提高系数γ 峰值应变提高系数β 未加固墩柱 无约束 — — — — 箍筋 0.268 0.29 1.08 1.40 加固墩柱 外包钢套 0.478 1.15 1.31 2.55 外包钢套+箍筋 0.268 1.54 1.40 3.00 表 4 损伤折减系数
Table 4. Damage reduction coefficient
试件编号 损伤程度 损伤指数Dm 强度折减系数αF 刚度折减系数αk FP-2 中度损伤 0.44 0.88 0.38 FP-3 重度损伤 0.81 0.61 0.23 表 5 E2水准地震动参数
Table 5. E2 level ground motion parameters
名称 时间间隔/s 有效持续时间/s 有效峰值加速度/g 调幅系数 RG1 0.010 25.00 0.350 1.00 RG2 0.010 30.00 0.350 1.00 GM1 0.005 31.40 0.053 6.60 GM2 0.010 42.35 0.167 2.09 GM3 0.010 33.50 0.072 4.86 GM4 0.020 28.22 0.132 2.65 GM5 0.005 38.40 0.144 2.43 表 6 结构性能目标
Table 6. Structural performance objectives
地震设防水准 结构性能水准 结构损伤状态 损伤定性描述 结构性能状态 损伤定量描述 E1 Ⅰ 中等/可修复损伤 表层混凝土发生剥落 稍加修理即可继续使用 表层混凝土达到剥落应变时的
截面初始塑性转角RspallE2 Ⅱ 局部失效/倒塌机制 核心区混凝土压酥破坏 不出现倒塌,保证生命安全 核心区混凝土达到极限压应变
时的截面容许塑性转角Rlimit表 7 双设防水准下的能力需求比
Table 7. Capacity requirements ratio at double defence levels
试件编号 E1地震设防水准下的
墩顶位移能力需求比FP-0 2.32 3.35 FP-1 5.14 7.56 FP-2 4.10 5.46 FP-3 3.78 5.09 -
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