Influence of PGV and PGD on Structural Nonlinear Seismic Response of A 6-story Steel Building
摘要: 深入揭示地震动峰值特性影响是推进地震动工程特性研究的有效手段。地震动峰值速度和峰值位移特性对结构弹塑性地震反应的影响规律尚需要探索。本文基于窄带时程叠加方法,人工合成具有相同加速度反应谱但峰值速度和峰值位移不同的4个序列地震动时程。其中第1、2序列地震动峰值速度为0.20 m/s,峰值位移分别为0.20 dm和0.40 dm,而第3、4序列地震动峰值位移为0.30 dm,峰值速度分别为0.15 m/s和0.30 m/s。将地震动峰值加速度分别标定至400 cm/s2和800 cm/s2,并以此作为输入开展建设地震观测系统的6层钢结构弹塑性地震反应分析,使得结构发生不同弹塑性地震反应,对比分析在不同序列地震动作用下层间位移角和延性系数等结构工程需求参数差别,探索峰值位移和峰值速度对结构弹塑性地震反应的影响规律。分析表明,在非线性反应阶段后,结构层间位移角和延性系数的变异系数随着输入地震动峰值的增加而增大,地震动峰值特性对结构层间位移角和延性系数等参数有一定影响,影响幅度随输入地震动增加而增大,且峰值速度较峰值位移的影响更为显著。在进行结构设计地震动参数选取时,应重视地震动速度和位移峰值特性的影响。Abstract: Revealing the influences of amplitude of strong motions is an effective method to push forward the earthquake engineering research. Influence pattern to structural inelastic response of the peak velocity and peak displacement is required to carry out. Based on a specific acceleration response spectrum, 4 sets of artificial ground motions are synthesized with 30 samples. The peak accelerations of the 1st and 2nd sets are identical with value of 1 m/s2 and their peak velocities are similarly the same with the value of 0.20 m/s. Their peak displacements differ from each other, with the values at 0.2 dm for the 1st set and 0.4 dm for the 2nd set. The peak accelerations and peak displacements are consistent with the peak velocity of 0.15 m/s for the 3rd set and 0.30 m/s for the 4th set. The ground motions are separately scaled to 400cm/s2 and 800cm/s2 and they are introduced as the input motions to a 6-story steel building to render certain different degree of non-linear seismic response. Engineering demand parameters including inter-story drift ratio and ductility coefficient are compared for the response under different sets of ground motions. It is inferred from the comparsions that the influence appears a tendency to increase with the amplitude of input ground motions. Analyses also indicate peak velocities have large influences on nonlinear responses and the influence of peak displacement is relatively weaker. Therefore, when ground motions are selected for structural seismic design, it is not appropriate to merely consider spectral characteristics, ignoring the influence of amplitude characteristics.
表 1 人造地震动特征
Table 1. The characteristics of peak values of artificial ground motion
PGA/ (m·s−2)峰值速度
PGD/dm第1序列 1.0 0.20 0.20 第2序列 1.0 0.20 0.40 第3序列 1.0 0.15 0.30 第4序列 1.0 0.30 0.30 表 2 结构梁柱截面配置表
Table 2. Section configuration of the beams and columns
楼层 梁截面 柱截面 6 W24×68 W14×90 5 W24×84 W14×90 3~4 W24×84 W14×132 2 W27×102 W14×176 1 W30×116 W14×176 表 3 楼层加速度反应统计
Table 3. Amplitude statistics of floor acceleration response
楼层 加速度/(cm·s−2) 东西向 南北向 顶层 270.7 441.1 2 195.2 279.8 1 208.6 293.0 表 4 结构自振频率对比分析
Table 4. Comparative analysis of natural frequency of the building
频率/Hz1 y方向 1.462 1.456 2 x方向 1.557 1.537 3 扭转 1.679 1.574 4 y方向 4.556 4.531 5 x方向 5.502 5.177 6 扭转 5.475 5.459 7 y方向 9.319 9.312 8 x方向 10.281 10.277 9 扭转 10.976 10.868 -
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