The Key Technology Research of Drone Live Broadcast in Earthquake Disaster Acquisition
摘要: 近年来国内多次地震应急经验表明,在震后第一时间获取灾情信息是公共服务的关键,能够有效减轻地震灾害带来的损失,因此快速获取灾情信息并制定合理的救援策略成为减轻灾害的有效方法。无人机灾情获取技术可与传统灾情获取手段相互融合,在多次地震应急中取得了良好的效果。针对单兵系统依赖的远端服务器稳定性差、本地布设的服务器价格高、展示渠道单一等问题,本文研究了基于无人机视频传输快速获取震后现场灾情信息的方法,有助于完善现有灾情信息获取手段。无人机直播技术采用实时消息传输协议,在云服务器中设定推流、拉流对应地址,将采集的图像信息推流至云服务器,实现数据的拉流,现场灾情信息可同时在前后方电脑端、手机端显示。当网络中断时,利用现场应急通信车的卫星组网功能,仍可将灾情信息回传至后方指挥大厅。Abstract: In recent years, many domestic earthquake emergency response experiences have shown that obtaining disaster information immediately after an earthquake is the key to public services, and can effectively reduce losses from disasters. Therefore, obtaining disaster information quickly and formulating reasonable rescue strategies have become the most effective ways for disaster reduction. The drone disaster acquisition technology integrating with the traditional disaster acquisition method has achieved good application results in many emergency situations. In view of the series of problems, such as the poor remote server stability relied by individual soldier system, the expensive local server, and the single display channel, we propose a method to quickly obtain post-earthquake disaster information through drone video transmission, which is helpful for improving the existing means of disaster acquisition. First, real-time message transmission protocol streaming in drone live broadcast technology sets the corresponding addresses of push and pull streams in the cloud server, and then pushes the collected image information to the cloud server, and then realizes the pull stream of data, which can be simultaneously displayed on the computers and mobile phones in front and back sides. When the network is interrupted, the system can still transmit disaster information back to the command hall by using the satellite networking function of the on-site emergency communication vehicle.
Key words:
- Disaster acquisition /
- Drone live broadcast /
- Data transmission /
- Cloud server
表 1 播放协议及前缀对比
Table 1. Comparison of broadcast protocol and prefix
播放协议 播放前缀 备注 WebRTC webrtc:// 秒开效果最好,支持超高并发 HTTP-FLV http://或https:// 秒开效果较好,支持超高并发 RTMP rtmp:// 秒开效果差,不支持高并发 -
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