Macro and Micro Analysis of Seismic Isolation Performance of Gravel Cushion Based on Discrete Element Method
摘要: 为研究非接触桩箱复合基础中碎石垫层隔震性能,采用颗粒流软件PFC3D对碎石垫层和沉箱进行模拟分析,从宏细观多角度对碎石垫层隔震性能进行分析。研究结果表明,竖向压力、垫层厚度对垫层隔震效果的影响较大;地震动加载过程中,垫层底部颗粒水平相对位移较大,垫层中上部颗粒水平相对位移较小,颗粒配位数及垫层孔隙率与碎石垫层隔震效果关系密切。Abstract: In order to study the seismic behavior of gravel cushion set up in the unconnected piles-caisson foundation, particle flow analysis software PFC3D was used to numerically simulate the shake table tests of gravel cushion and caisson and to study the seismic isolation performance of the gravel cushion from macro and micro view. The results shows that vertical pressure and thickness of the cushion have significant influence on isolation effect of the gravel cushion. During ground shaking loading, the horizontal relative displacement of particles at the bottom of the cushion is large, and the horizontal relative displacement of particles at the middle and upper part of the cushion is small. The changes of particle coordination number and cushion porosity are closely related to the seismic isolation effect of gravel cushion.
Key words:
- Gravel cushion /
- Foundation /
- Seismic isolation /
- Vibration reduction ratio /
- Particle /
- Discrete element method
表 1 垫层材料参数
Table 1. Bedding material parameters
参数 数值 粒径/mm 5.2,3.1~7.0,0.1~9.9 厚度/mm 20.0,30.0,40.0,60.0 阻尼比 0.055 黏聚力/kPa 0 重度/(kN·m−3) 16.51 颗粒间摩擦系数 0.57 侧限压缩模量/MPa 60.1 表 2 隔震率对比
Table 2. Comparison of isolation ratio
方案编号 垫层厚度/mm 压力/kPa 输入加速度/(m·s−2) 输出加速度/(m·s−2) 数值模拟减震率/% 文献减震率/% 误差/% 1-1 200 3.5 3.44 1.70 50.6 57.1 11.4 1-2 200 8.3 3.40 2.35 30.9 32.1 3.8 1-3 300 3.5 3.41 1.52 55.4 36.84 33.5 1-4 300 8.3 3.41 1.78 47.8 44.11 7.7 -
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