• ISSN 1673-5722
  • CN 11-5429/P


赵晓芬 谢俊举 温增平 李志恒

赵晓芬,谢俊举,温增平,李志恒,2023. 日本北海道胆振东部MW6.6地震近断层地震动的上盘效应. 震灾防御技术,18(3):432−449. doi:10.11899/zzfy20230302. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20230302
引用本文: 赵晓芬,谢俊举,温增平,李志恒,2023. 日本北海道胆振东部MW6.6地震近断层地震动的上盘效应. 震灾防御技术,18(3):432−449. doi:10.11899/zzfy20230302. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20230302
Zhao Xiaofen, Xie Junju, Wen Zengping, Li Zhiheng. The Hanging-wall Effect of the Near-fault Strong Ground Motions during the Hokkaido Eastern Iburi MW 6.6 Earthquake[J]. Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention, 2023, 18(3): 432-449. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20230302
Citation: Zhao Xiaofen, Xie Junju, Wen Zengping, Li Zhiheng. The Hanging-wall Effect of the Near-fault Strong Ground Motions during the Hokkaido Eastern Iburi MW 6.6 Earthquake[J]. Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention, 2023, 18(3): 432-449. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20230302


doi: 10.11899/zzfy20230302
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(2022YFC3003503);中国地震局地球物理研究所基本科研业务专项(DQJB22B27)


  • 12 https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/us1000chhc/executive#executive

The Hanging-wall Effect of the Near-fault Strong Ground Motions during the Hokkaido Eastern Iburi MW 6.6 Earthquake

  • 摘要: 上盘效应是近断层地震动的主要特性之一,而目前就上盘效应的定量研究较少。本文利用日本K-NET和KiK-net强震动台网获取的近场强震动加速度记录,定量研究了北海道MW6.6地震的上盘效应对地震动PGA、PGV和不同周期的加速度反应谱值空间分布和衰减特征的影响,探讨地震动上盘效应的特征及其影响范围,并将上、下盘观测结果与地震动预测经验模型进行对比。研究结果表明:(1)在断层距小于45 km时,此次北海道地震具有显著的上盘效应特征,断层上盘记录的PGA、PGV和加速度反应谱值明显大于下盘和中间区域的地震动观测值,且高于本次地震的平均值。上盘效应影响范围与震源破裂过程反演得到的断层尺度相吻合。(2)断层上盘的PGA观测值高于此次地震平均水平的对数偏差为0.61±0.16,这与1994年北岭地震和1999年集集地震等逆冲型地震的影响水平接近。上盘记录的PGV高于平均水平的对数偏差为0.39±0.12,即高于平均水平约35%。上盘观测地震动在周期T为0.2 、0.5 、1.0、2.0、3.0、5.0 s时的加速度反应谱值高于平均水平的对数偏差分别为0.33±0.19、0.54±0.23、0.53±0.20、0.26±0.21、0.24±0.19、0.16±0.16,随着周期的逐渐增大,上盘效应引起的偏差不断减小。此次地震上盘效应对地震动的影响主要以PGA和短周期(T≤1.0 s)地震动为主。(3)从实际观测结果与地震动预测经验模型的对比来看,对于PGA和小于1.0 s的短周期地震动,BSSA2014和CB2014的2个模型对此次地震上盘效应的预测效果更好,但对1.0 s以上的长周期,ASK2014、CB2014、CY2014模型的预测效果更好,BSSA2014模型则可能会高估地震动。
    1)  12 https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/us1000chhc/executive#executive
  • 图  1  上盘和下盘强震动记录的傅立叶谱

    Figure  1.  The Fourier spectrum of ground motions recorded on the hanging wall and footwall, respectively

    图  2  北海道胆振东部地震67个近场强震动台站的空间分布

    Figure  2.  Spatial distribution of 67 near-field strong ground motion stations during Hokkaido Eastern Iburi earthquake

    图  3  不同位置台站距离参数的示意图

    Figure  3.  The schematic diagram of distance parameters of stations at different locations

    4  水平向PGA、PGV及不同周期对应的加速度反应谱值的空间分布

    4.  The spatial distributions of observed horizontal PGA、PGV and spectral accelerations at different periods

    图  5  由北海道地震近断层强震记录得到PGA、PGV、对应于不同周期的上下盘水平加速度反应谱值随断层距的变化及与NGA-West2地震动经验预测模型的对比

    Figure  5.  Variation of horizontal PGA, PGV and spectral accelerations at different periods in hanging wall, footwall and neutral sites with Rrup and comparison with NGA-West2 models

    图  6  位于上下盘的强震台站记录PGA、PGV及不同周期对应的加速度反应谱值对数残差

    Figure  6.  Residuals of PGA, PGV and spectral accelerations at different periods

    图  7  上下盘强震记录PGA、PGV以及不同周期对应的加速度反应谱值与NGA-West2地震动模型对比情况

    Figure  7.  Comparison of horizontal PGA,PGV and spectral accelerations at different periods with those predictions of four next generation attenuation(NGA)empirical GMPE

    8  基于NGA-West2模型计算的PGA、PGV和谱加速度在不同周期时上下盘事件内残差

    8.  The intraevent residuals of the hanging wall/footwall for PGA, PGV and spectral accelerations at different periods computed by different NGA-West2 models

    表  1  北海道地震近断层67组地震动记录基本参数

    Table  1.   Parameters for the 67 strong ground motion recordings during the Hokkaido earthquake

    编号 台站名 纬度
    台站位置 PGA/(cm·s−2 PGV/(cm·s−1
    1 HKD038 43.2 142.6 71.9 53.3 77.4 519.9 Neutral 34.1 2.71
    2 HKD039 43.3 142.4 73.9 58.0 68.4 334.8 Neutral 31.0 5.44
    3 HKD040 43.0 142.4 52.8 31.3 58.5 325.8 Neutral 71.6 5.46
    4 HKD096 42.7 143.1 97.0 80.9 108.2 386.3 HW 26.2 2.28
    5 HKD099 43.1 142.8 86.4 69.0 96.2 269.7 Neutral 60.9 6.73
    6 HKD102 42.9 142.4 53.4 32.0 59.2 376.2 HW 86.7 10.67
    7 HKD103 42.7 142.3 38.6 15.4 42.6 288.9 HW 617.9 38.83
    8 HKD104 42.6 142.1 23.1 0.0 25.2 396.1 HW 310.3 20.75
    9 HKD105 42.5 142.1 14.8 0.0 15.9 379.3 HW 306.1 35.13
    10 HKD106 42.3 142.4 33.6 10.8 36.5 238.7 HW 157.3 16.71
    11 HKD107 42.4 142.5 44.5 22.0 49.2 365.7 HW 52.8 7.44
    12 HKD108 42.3 142.6 48.6 29.4 49.3 312.3 Neutral 115.4 7.71
    13 HKD109 42.2 142.8 65.5 48.6 62.8 288.0 Neutral 42.0 3.18
    14 HKD110 42.1 142.9 78.9 62.9 74.9 222.0 Neutral 35.4 3.16
    15 HKD118 43.6 141.9 81.5 74.7 37.8 359.3 Neutral 63.1 3.63
    16 HKD119 43.5 142.2 83.2 71.5 58.5 413.3 Neutral 46.8 4.57
    17 HKD120 43.3 141.7 58.5 57.5 11.3 272.1 Neutral 149.9 6.27
    18 HKD121 43.3 141.9 57.2 52.0 26.1 276.3 Neutral 116.4 6.02
    19 HKD122 43.2 141.8 41.9 39.2 15.6 247.4 Neutral 88.3 7.27
    20 HKD123 43.0 142.0 28.2 12.2 27.9 554.9 Neutral 111.6 7.55
    21 HKD124 43.0 141.8 20.5 17.7 10.7 461.1 Neutral 446.0 14.71
    22 HKD125 42.8 142.1 28.0 3.5 30.8 213.3 HW 666.4 54.10
    23 HKD126 42.6 141.9 8.4 0.0 8.7 152.5 HW 506.6 84.51
    24 HKD128 42.8 141.8 6.1 0.0 6.1 180.9 HW 609.4 90.72
    25 HKD129 42.6 141.6 15.1 15.1 −15.1 445.0 FW 346.8 19.15
    26 HKD130 42.6 141.3 37.6 37.5 −37.5 462.7 FW 161.8 10.37
    27 HKD131 42.4 141.1 63.2 63.1 −63.1 438.4 FW 307.4 9.98
    28 HKD132 42.3 141.0 69.3 69.3 −69.3 229.4 FW 147.9 7.66
    29 HKD133 42.5 140.9 78.7 78.7 −78.7 335.5 FW 80.2 4.96
    30 HKD134 42.7 141.1 55.7 55.7 −55.7 376.0 FW 165.0 7.69
    31 HKD135 42.6 140.9 74.6 74.5 −74.5 214.1 FW 40.4 3.18
    32 HKD140 43.2 141.0 73.1 73.1 −46.5 346.7 Neutral 58.4 3.62
    33 HKD145 42.8 140.9 65.0 65.0 −63.1 271.7 FW 66.1 3.73
    34 HKD176 43.5 141.6 80.0 79.2 11.4 337.5 Neutral 99.8 4.73
    35 HKD177 43.4 141.4 68.9 68.9 −5.2 455.2 Neutral 60.3 3.56
    36 HKD178 43.2 141.3 52.4 52.4 −22.5 214.4 Neutral 93.7 13.39
    37 HKD179 43.2 141.5 48.2 48.2 −4.0 201.9 Neutral 94.4 8.77
    38 HKD180 43.1 141.4 47.1 47.1 −19.8 128.0 Neutral 148.3 21.33
    39 HKD181 43.1 141.5 36.2 36.2 −5.0 212.7 Neutral 242.6 15.49
    40 HKD182 43.0 141.6 24.0 24.0 −8.3 310.9 Neutral 187.6 14.59
    41 HKD183 43.0 141.2 49.2 49.2 −39.6 532.1 Neutral 93.7 2.45
    42 HKD184 42.8 141.6 10.7 10.7 −10.7 291.0 FW 336.5 26.05
    43 HKD185 42.8 141.4 27.0 27.0 −26.9 310.8 FW 463.5 19.39
    44 HDKH01 42.7 142.2 33.2 9.3 36.5 368.3 HW 583.2 36.40
    45 HDKH04 42.5 142.0 14.4 0.0 15.5 235.0 HW 389.0 47.35
    46 HDKH05 42.6 142.5 52.5 31.0 58.3 766.2 HW 58.6 4.08
    47 HDKH06 42.3 142.4 32.8 9.6 35.8 412.2 HW 163.1 18.23
    48 HDKH07 42.1 142.9 77.4 61.3 73.5 459.1 Neutral 33.4 3.13
    49 IBUH01 42.9 141.8 9.6 3.8 9.2 306.8 HW 1107.3 97.57
    50 IBUH02 42.9 142.1 30.6 6.4 33.7 541.8 HW 485.8 26.84
    51 IBUH05 42.6 141.3 37.6 37.5 −37.5 379.3 FW 207.4 11.11
    52 IBUH06 42.4 141.0 69.8 69.8 −69.8 340.0 FW 238.4 13.80
    53 IBUH07 42.6 141.1 57.6 57.6 −57.6 259.3 FW 208.9 8.19
    54 IKRH01 43.4 141.6 66.6 66.2 6.9 404.7 Neutral 137.3 5.01
    55 IKRH02 43.2 141.7 45.0 44.6 6.6 180.0 Neutral 256.3 19.52
    56 IKRH03 42.9 141.6 10.5 10.4 −4.6 325.8 Neutral 180.6 21.47
    57 KKWH07 43.4 142.3 74.3 59.1 65.7 403.0 Neutral 43.3 3.46
    58 KKWH08 43.0 142.7 72.5 53.5 80.7 318.0 Neutral 56.5 3.44
    59 KKWH13 43.5 142.4 88.9 75.2 74.0 800.0 Neutral 36.7 3.30
    60 KKWH14 43.4 142.5 83.9 68.2 80.7 537.5 Neutral 21.8 3.04
    61 SBSH07 42.8 140.8 75.8 75.8 −74.3 228.5 FW 80.7 4.71
    62 SBSH08 42.8 141.0 61.9 61.9 −60.8 630.0 HW 106.9 4.91
    63 SRCH07 43.2 141.9 46.7 40.0 26.3 620.0 Neutral 92.0 5.27
    64 SRCH08 43.5 141.9 77.3 70.6 35.9 346.7 Neutral 68.4 4.36
    65 SRCH09 43.1 141.8 27.1 23.8 13.8 240.5 Neutral 515.2 23.51
    66 SRCH10 43.0 142.0 28.2 12.2 27.9 1026.8 Neutral 117.6 6.47
    67 TKCH04 43.2 142.9 95.2 79.0 105.5 445.5 Neutral 41.4 4.38
    注:Rrup为断层距,即台站至断层面的最短距离;Rjb为台站至断层破裂面表面投影的最近距离;Rx为台站至断层破裂顶部投影在地表的距离,均基于图2中的断层破裂面计算得到,不同位置台站的距离参数计算方法如图3所示;VS30为场地30 m剪切波速;HW代表台站位于上盘区域;FW代表台站位于下盘区域;Neutral代表台站位于中间区域。
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    表  2  各种地震动强度参数的衰减模型回归得到的衰减系数

    Table  2.   Regression results for attenuation of various intensity measure(IMs)

    地震动强度表征参数 系数 R2 σlnY
    a b c d
    PGA 9.088 −1.144 8.420 −0.00286 0.686 0.560
    PGV 5.987 −1.192 7.096 −0.00014 0.756 0.478
    SaT=0.2 s) 8.500 −0.457 10.500 −0.02796 0.720 0.519
    SaT=0.5 s) 9.262 −1.274 9.780 0 0.665 0.570
    SaT=1.0 s) 8.141 −1.232 8.637 0 0.623 0.487
    SaT=2.0 s) 7.498 −1.282 9.481 0 0.579 0.502
    SaT=3.0 s) 5.670 −0.904 5.366 −0.00321 0.688 0.569
    SaT=5.0 s) 5.508 −1.097 8.538 0 0.540 0.580
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  • 收稿日期:  2023-04-14
  • 刊出日期:  2023-08-31


