Research and Practice on Calibration Technology of New Digital Radon Measuring Instrument
摘要: 近年来,多种新型数字测氡仪在地震氡观测中得到应用,但并未制定相应的校准规范。利用Alpha GUARD测氡仪及校准后的RN-FD循环氡源,对广泛应用的DDL-1型数字测氡仪和BG2015R型数字测氡仪开展校准试验研究,制定包含校准条件、校准步骤、校准数据处理等校准技术方案,经试验后在12个观测站点开展该校准技术应用。实践结果表明,12个观测站点得到的校准系数相对偏差最大值为4.6%,该校准技术满足要求。Abstract: In recent years, a variety of new digital radon meters have been applied in seismic radon observation, and no corresponding calibration specifications have been formulated. The calibration of FD-125 water radon meter with Alpha GUARD radon meter has been studied and achieved results. In this paper, the Alpha GUARD radon meter and the calibrated RN-FD circulating radon source are used to carry out calibration experimental research on the widely used DDL-1 digital radon meter and BG2015R digital radon meter. The calibration technical schemes including calibration conditions, calibration steps, calibration data processing and so on are formulated. After the experiment, the new calibration technology is applied in 12 observation stations. The practice results show that the maximum relative deviation of calibration coefficient is 4.6% in 12 observation stations, which all meets the technical requirements.
表 1 新型数字测氡仪校准试验结果(DDL-1型数字测氡仪)
Table 1. Experimental results of calibration of a new digital radon detector(DDL-1 digital radon detector)
项目 日期/年-月-日 2021-09-08 2021-09-09 2021-09-09 2021-09-08 2021-09-11 校准方式 Alpha GUARD测氡仪 RN-FD循环氡源 校准次序 第1次 第2次 第3次 第1次 第2次 温度/℃ 29 29 29 28 29 气压/hPa 998 996 998 996 998 底数V0/mv 0.35 7.96 2.49 2.47 8.48 源浓度/(Bq·L−1) 8.02 5.90 4.63 149.00 149.00 电离室体积/L 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 校准数据 1 137.37 97.90 75.18 2 554.83 2 430.08 2 144.98 102.22 75.17 2 599.87 2 441.03 3 146.18 97.69 77.12 2 574.49 2 443.13 4 137.64 98.29 74.48 2 566.28 2 428.57 5 144.64 99.76 76.56 2 584.56 2 424.12 均值/mv 142.16 99.17 75.70 2 576.00 2 433.39 校准系数K/(Bq·mv−1) 0.041 9 0.045 3 0.044 3 0.040 5 0.043 0 相对偏差/% 4.45 3.38 1.07 3.04 2.90 表 2 新型数字测氡仪校准试验结果(BG2015R型数字测氡仪)
Table 2. Experimental results of calibration of a new digital radon detector(BG2015R digital radon detector)
项目 日期/年-月-日 2021-10-10 2021-10-11 2021-10-15 2021-10-10 2021-11-08 2021-11-01 校准方式 Alpha GUARD测氡仪 RN-FD循环氡源 校准次序 第1次 第2次 第3次 第1次 第2次 第3次 温度/℃ 18.2 18.7 19 18.3 19 18.6 气压/hPa 874 872 872 874 872 874 本底N0/cpm 13 3 5 17 7 11 源浓度/(Bq·m−3) 7 600 9 850 7 567 175 000 175 000 175 000 校准数据 1 746.9 916.4 718.8 15 949.4 15 500.4 15 656.4 2 742.0 905.1 731.3 15 952.7 15 338.8 15 620.4 3 757.0 877.4 707.9 16 092.2 15 436.6 15 575.9 4 737.7 904.9 689.3 15 968.5 15 223.9 15 670.7 5 766.1 923.2 711.1 16 049.6 15 203.5 15 546.1 均值/cpm 749.94 905.40 711.70 16 002.48 15 340.64 15 613.90 校准系数K/( cpm·(Bq·m−3)−1) 0.097 0 0.091 6 0.093 4 0.091 3 0.087 6 0.089 2 相对偏差/% 3.16 2.54 0.65 2.07 1.95 0.27 表 3 新型数字测氡仪实际校准结果(DDL-1型数字测氡仪)
Table 3. Results of calibration of a new digital radon detector(DDL-1 digital radon detector)
观测站点 观测仪器型号 校准设备 校准系数/(Bq·mv−1) 相对偏差/% 昌黎何家庄 DDL-1 RN-FD循环氡源 K1=0.033 3 0.8 K2=0.033 6 0.1 K3=0.033 8 0.7 成县 DDL-1 RN-FD循环氡源 K1=0.444 3 3.3 K2=0.457 3 0.4 K3=0.476 3 3.7 曲江水化站 DDL-1 Alpha GUARD测氡仪 K1=0.396 7 3.3 K2=0.376 3 2.0 K3=0.379 1 1.3 下关水化站 DDL-1 Alpha GUARD测氡仪 K1=0.060 4 2.0 K2=0.060 6 2.4 K3=0.056 5 4.6 保山市局 DDL-1 Alpha GUARD测氡仪 K1=0.046 7 0.6 K2=0.046 2 0.5 K3=0.046 4 0 弥勒市局 DDL-1 Alpha GUARD测氡仪 K1=0.090 4 2.2 K2=0.088 3 0.2 K3=0.086 7 2.0 表 4 新型数字测氡仪实际校准结果(BG2015R型数字测氡仪)
Table 4. Results of calibration of a new digital radon detector(BG2015R digital radon detector)
观测站点 观测仪器型号 校准设备 校准系数/(cpm·(Bq·m−3)−1) 相对偏差/% 弥渡水化站 BG2015R Alpha GUARD测氡仪 K1=0.127 5 2.9 K2=0.122 2 1.4 K3=0.122 2 1.4 昭觉 BG2015R RN-FD循环氡源 K1=0.094 0 1.1 K2=0.095 0 0 K3=0.096 0 1.1 姑咱 BG2015R RN-FD循环氡源 K1=0.089 2 1.9 K2=0.090 8 0 K3=0.092 6 1.9 盐源 BG2015R RN-FD循环氡源 K1=0.101 0 1.0 K2=0.100 0 0 K3=0.100 0 0 攀枝花川05井 BG2015R RN-FD循环氡源 K1=0.025 5 0.4 K2=0.025 3 0.4 K3=0.025 5 0.4 西昌川32井 BG2015R RN-FD循环氡源 K1=0.095 0 1.4 K2=0.092 0 1.8 K3=0.094 0 0.3 -
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