• ISSN 1673-5722
  • CN 11-5429/P


盖海龙 姚生海 殷翔 苏旭 刘炜

盖海龙,姚生海,殷翔,苏旭,刘炜,2023. 柴达木块体内部都兰南断裂晚第四纪活动特征. 震灾防御技术,18(2):261−273. doi:10.11899/zzfy20230207. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20230207
引用本文: 盖海龙,姚生海,殷翔,苏旭,刘炜,2023. 柴达木块体内部都兰南断裂晚第四纪活动特征. 震灾防御技术,18(2):261−273. doi:10.11899/zzfy20230207. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20230207
Gai Hailong, Yao Shenghai, Yin Xiang, Su Xu, Liu Wei. The Late Quaternary Activity Characteristics of the Dulan South Fault in the Qaidam Block[J]. Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention, 2023, 18(2): 261-273. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20230207
Citation: Gai Hailong, Yao Shenghai, Yin Xiang, Su Xu, Liu Wei. The Late Quaternary Activity Characteristics of the Dulan South Fault in the Qaidam Block[J]. Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention, 2023, 18(2): 261-273. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20230207


doi: 10.11899/zzfy20230207
基金项目: 中国地震局地震科技星火计划项目(XH20061Y);青海省中青年科技人才托举工程(2022QHSKXRCTJ49)




The Late Quaternary Activity Characteristics of the Dulan South Fault in the Qaidam Block

  • 摘要: 青藏高原是新生代期间印度与欧亚板块持续强烈陆陆碰撞作用下形成的陆内活动造山带,发育了复杂的活动断裂系统,并成为东亚显著的陆内强震活动区。已有学者对高原活动断裂的研究多集中于地块边界带上,缺少对块体内部变形的研究。近期在开展青海省海西州都兰县察汗乌苏镇地震小区划工作中,调查发现在柴达木地块东南部的都兰次级断块内部存在明显的晚第四纪活断层−都兰南断裂。通过对都兰南断裂开展详细的野外地质调查、高分辨率遥感影像解译和无人机低空摄影精细测量等,得到该断裂的构造地貌特征、空间几何展布及运动特性,并通过开挖探槽和地质测年等,对其最新活动时代及滑动速率等进行初步约束。研究结果表明,该断裂为全长约43 km、全新世活动的左旋走滑断裂,并在其东段存在长约6 km的地表破裂带。在该断裂东段,地表的晚第四纪累积左旋位移达(14.5±1.8)m,西段的左旋走滑量为(6.7±0.8)m,初步估算其东段的水平走滑速率为1.56~1.9 mm/a,西段的水平走滑速率为0.9~1.16 mm/a。该断裂的发现及全新世活动的厘定表明,青藏高原内部活动构造变形样式复杂,断块内部通常存在不同程度的弥散变形。因此,断块内部的强震危险性不容忽视。该活动断裂的发现为认识都兰次级断块内部变形样式、应变分配等提供了参考,为都兰地区地震危险性的认知提供了支撑,对防御和减轻区域地震灾害风险具有一定指导意义。
  • 图  1  研究区地震构造

    Figure  1.  Seismic tectonic map of the study area

    图  2  都兰南断裂几何展布

    Figure  2.  Geometric display of the the Dulan South fault

    图  3  都兰南断裂地表破裂遥感影像(影像据Google map,红色箭头为断裂疑似位置)

    Figure  3.  Remote sensing image of surface ruptures at the Dulan South fault (According to google map, the red arrow is the suspected location of the break)

    图  4  都兰南断裂东段地表破裂

    Figure  4.  Surface rupture at the eastern end of the Dulan South fault

    图  5  断层陡坎垂直高度测量

    Figure  5.  Measurement of vertical height of fault steep

    图  6  沿地表破裂发育的断层凹槽、反向陡坎和断塞塘

    Figure  6.  Fault grooves, reverse steep ridges and fault ponds develop along surface ruptures

    图  7  G109国道以西1.5 km处断裂沿线地貌特征

    Figure  7.  Landform features along the fault 1.5 km to the west of G109 national highway

    图  8  G109国道以西1.5 km处断裂沿线左旋位移

    Figure  8.  Photo of left-handed displacement along the fault line 1.5 km west of G109 national highway

    图  9  探槽与断裂位置示意

    Figure  9.  Schematic diagram of the location of exploration trenches and faults

    图  10  探槽剖面及解译

    Figure  10.  Sectional view and interpretation of the trench

    图  11  S4冲沟左旋位错影像

    Figure  11.  Image of left hand dislocation in S4 gully

    图  12  探槽剖面图及解译

    Figure  12.  Profile and interpretation of trench

    表  1  地表破裂沿线冲沟左旋位错实测位移

    Table  1.   Measured displacement table of left-handed dislocation of gullies along the surface rupture

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    表  2  断层陡坎垂直高度实测位移

    Table  2.   Measured displacement of vertical height of fault scarp

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    表  3  断裂沿线冲沟左旋位错实测位移

    Table  3.   Measured displacement table of gully left-handed dislocation along the fault

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    表  4  桃斯托河西北岸探槽14C样品测试结果

    Table  4.   Test results of 14C sample from trench on the north west bank of taosto river

    实验室编号样品号取样位置测年物质常规放射性碳年代/a BP树轮校正2σ/Cal a BP
    Beta-536481DLT1-C2U4地层泥炭4 820±305 533±41
    Beta-536483DLT1-C4U5地层泥炭7 600±308 397±21
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    表  5  G109国道以西探槽OSL样品测试结果

    Table  5.   Test results of OSL sample trench from the trench to west of G109 national highway

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    表  6  G109国道以西探槽14C样品测试结果

    Table  6.   Test results of 14C sample from the trench to the west of G109 national highway

    实验室编号样品号取样位置测年物质常规放射性碳年代/a BP树轮校正2σ/Cal a BP
    Beta-570283DLT2-C1U4地层泥炭5 710±306 497±51
    Beta-570284DLT2-C2U2地层泥炭2 820±302 922±44
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