Study on Mechanical Properties of Buried Steel Pipelines Strengthened with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer under Reverse Fault
摘要: 碳纤维增强复合材料(CFRP)被广泛应用于工程结构加固领域,以提高结构抵抗变形的能力。基于管道-土体相互作用三维非线性有限元分析方法,研究逆断层作用下埋地油气钢管经外包CFRP加固后的非线性响应规律和破坏模式。基于Hashin失效准则模拟CFRP受力破坏过程,与相关理论公式进行对比验证,并对加固前后逆断层错动连续埋地钢管力学响应进行分析。研究结果表明,CFRP加固钢管可显著提高其抵抗逆断层错动的能力,0°/90°为最佳缠绕角度;管道内压的施加虽抑制了管道轴向应变的增加,但当管道发生局部屈曲后,管道内压会导致管道屈曲集中于应力最大处;管道内压的施加不仅增强了CFRP加固钢管的抗变形能力,还抑制了CFRP加固钢管发生局部屈曲后应变的发展。Abstract: CFRP is widely used in the field of engineering structures to improve the ability of structures to resist deformation. This paper investigates the possibility of wrapping FRP around steel pipelines to improve the resistance of cross-fault oil and gas pipelines to large ground deformation. Based on the Hashin failure criterion, the damage process of FRP materials is simulated, and a three-dimensional numerical analysis model was established and compared with the relevant equations to verify the equations, and analyze the mechanical response of continuous buried steel pipelines with reverse fault movement before and after reinforcement. The results show that: the FRP-reinforced steel pipeline can significantly improve its resistance to fault misalignment, where the wrapping angle of 0/90° is the best wrapping angle; although the internal pressure of the pipeline suppresses the increase in pipeline strain, when the pipeline undergoes local buckling, the internal pressure of the pipeline causes the pipeline buckling to concentrate at the maximum stress; the application of internal pressure not only increases the resistance to deformation of the CFRP-reinforced steel pipeline, but also The application of internal pressure not only increases the resistance to deformation of the CFRP reinforced steel pipeline, but also inhibits the development of strain after local buckling of the CFRP reinforced steel pipeline.
Key words:
- Cross-fault /
- Pressure pipelines /
- CFRP /
- Reinforcement efficiency /
- Numerical simulation
表 1 土体物理力学参数
Table 1. Physical and mechanical parameters of soil
名称 ρ/(kg·m−3) E/MPa μ c/MPa ϕ/(°) ψ/(°) 黏土 1 900 33 0.27 35 22 0 表 2 CFRP材料力学性能
Table 2. Mechanical properties of CFRP materials
弹性模量E2/MPa泊松比Nu 纤维-树脂方向的
tCFRP/mm230 000 1 900 0.3 3 387 3 387 3 387 0.176 表 3 Hashin失效参数
Table 3. Hashin failure parameters
方向 参数 数值/MPa 方向 参数 数值/MPa x向 拉伸强度XT 1 830 y向 拉伸强度YT 31.3 压缩强度XC 895 压缩强度YC 124.5 剪切强度SL 72 剪切强度ST 62.3 -
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