Research on the Post-earthquake Localization Search Technology Based on the Improved Chan-Taylor Algorithm
摘要: 针对震后复杂的非视距传播环境,在充分了解废墟状态下信道特征和信号传播特点的基础上,构建震后无线定位系统框架,提出改进的Chan-Taylor位置解算方法,将改进的残差加权算法与多元泰勒级数展开算法相融合,并进行二次残差加权。对废墟环境进行实地调研,并通过Matlab进行仿真模拟实验,仿真结果表明,改进后的算法能更好地抑制非视距环境下TDOA的测量误差,对震后被压埋幸存者的位置解算与及时营救具有重要意义。Abstract: For the complex non-line-of-sight propagation environment after the earthquake, based on the understanding of the channel characteristics and signal communication characteristics, the post-earthquake wireless positioning system framework is constructed, and the improved Chan-Taylor position solution is proposed, integrating the improved residual weighting algorithm with the multivariate Taylor series expansion algorithm, and performing quadratic residual weighting. After the field investigation of the ruins environment, and simulation experiments using the Matlab software, the simulation results show that the improved algorithm can better suppress the measurement error of TDOA in the non-line-of-sight environment, which has great significance for the location calculation and timely rescue of victims buried after the earthquake.
表 1 不同信道环境下的参数取值
Table 1. Parameters for different channel environments
信道环境 T/ μs 远郊地区 0.10 一般市区 0.40 典型城区 0.98 恶劣城区 2.53 丘陵地区 6.88 表 2 均方根误差对比
Table 2. Comparison of the root mean squared error
项目 算 法 Chan Taylor Chan-Taylor 改进的
Chan-Taylor均方根误差 8.351 7.479 5.982 3.556 误差平均值 2.845 2.439 1.876 1.372 表 3 不同定位算法的运行时间
Table 3. Running time of the different localization algorithms
项目 算法 Chan Taylor Chan-Taylor 改进的Chan-Taylor 4个基站参与定位运行时间/s 1.069 1.454 1.646 1.652 5个基站参与定位运行时间/s 1.097 1.510 1.722 1.715 6个基站参与定位运行时间/s 1.131 1.612 1.898 1.919 -
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