Research on the Effect of Hollow Ditch in Homogeneous Soil on Vibration Insulation
摘要: 为分析均质地基中各参数变化对土体振动响应和空沟隔振效果的影响,通过有限元软件建立二维均质地基计算模型,分析空沟尺寸、激振频率等对土体的影响,研究了不同土体弹性模量、密度及泊松比下的振动加速度差异。结果表明,空沟深度为重要影响因素,空沟深度越深,隔振效果越好;空沟宽度对隔振效果几乎无影响;弹性模量对空沟隔振效果的影响较密度大,且弹性模量越大,隔振效果越差;密度对土体振动加速度和振幅衰减系数的影响较小;泊松比对空沟隔振效果的影响大于密度,但低于弹性模量,泊松比越大,振动加速度越小,隔振效果越差;激振频率越大,空沟隔振效果越好。Abstract: In order to analyze the specific effects of the changes of various parameters in the homogeneous foundation on the vibration isolation effect of the hollow trench, a two-dimensional homogeneous foundation calculation model was established through the finite element software. The model calculation not only analyzes the influence of the hollow trench size and the excitation frequency, but also The difference in vibration acceleration with different soil elastic modulus, density and Poisson’s ratio is discussed. The results show that the depth of the hollow trench is an important factor, and the deeper the hollow trench, the better the vibration isolation effect. The effect of the change on the vibration isolation effect is almost nothing; the effect of the elastic modulus on the vibration acceleration of the hollow trench is not strong, and it can be roughly expressed as the greater the elastic modulus, the greater the vibration acceleration. Density has little effect on vibration acceleration and amplitude attenuation coefficient of soil mass. Poisson's ratio has a greater influence on the isolation effect than the density, but it is lower than the elastic modulus. The larger the Poisson's ratio is, the smaller the vibration acceleration is, and the worse the isolation effect is. The larger the vibration frequency, the better the isolation effect.
表 1 弹性模量计算工况
Table 1. Working condition of elastic modulus calculation
项目 工况1 工况2 工况3 弹性模量/MPa 60 141 25 压力波速/(m·s−1) 257.2 394.8 166.3 剪切波速/(m·s−1) 117.20 182.00 75.52 表 2 土体密度计算工况
Table 2. Working conditions of soil density calculation
项目 工况1 工况2 工况3 密度/(kg·m−3) 1 600 1 800 2 000 压力波速/(m·s−1) 257.2 242.8 230.4 剪切波速/(m·s−1) 117.2 110.3 104.7 表 3 土体泊松比计算工况
Table 3. Calculation condition table of Poisson's ratio of soil
项目 工况1 工况2 工况3 土体泊松比 0.37 0.10 0.20 压力波速/(m·s−1) 257.2 195.8 204.2 剪切波速/(m·s−1) 117.2 130.6 125.0 表 4 激振频率计算工况
Table 4. Excitation frequency calculation condition table
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