Research Status and Prospect of Earthquake Duration in Engineering Anti-seismic Design
摘要: 长持时地震动对工程场地震害和建筑结构累积损伤具有不利影响,在工程结构抗震设计中选取地震波时,应充分考虑地震动持时的影响。通过文献梳理,对几类典型的地震动持时定义进行阐述,分析其特点与适用性,并总结持时影响因素及预测方程的研究进展。基于持时对结构抗震性能的影响,总结考虑持时的抗震设计方法研究现状,分析存在的问题,并对研究方向进行展望。Abstract: Based on the adverse effect of long-duration earthquakes on the earthquake disaster of the engineering construction site and the cumulative damage to the structures, the impact of the duration of ground motions should be fully considered to select seismic waves for seismic design of the structures. This article mainly elaborates on several typical definitions of the duration of ground motions, analyzes and discusses its characteristics and scope of application, it is introduced the influencing factors and the research progress of prediction equations of ground motion duration as well. At the same time, according to the effect of duration on the seismic performance of structures, the current research status and existing problems of seismic design methods considering duration have been summarized and analyzed. At last, the research direction of the application of duration in seismic design has been prospected.
表 1 我国典型地震动持时预测模型
Table 1. Domestic typical ground motion duration prediction model
预测模型名称 预测方程 说明 田文通模型 ${D_{{\rm{rs}}} } = {c_0} + {c_1}R + \sigma$ ${D_{{\rm{rs}}} }$为90%重要持时,$ R $为震中距,$ \sigma $为标准差,对水平向和竖向持时分别进行回归分析。 白玉柱模型 $\lg {D_{{\rm{rs}}} } = {c_0} + {c_1}\ln {R_{{\rm{rup}}} } + \sigma$ ${D_{{\rm{rs}}} }$为90%重要持时,对水平向和竖向持时分别进行回归分析。 任叶飞模型 $D = {c_0} + {c_1}{R_{{\rm{rup}}} } + \sigma$ D为70%、90%重要持时和加速度阈值为0.025 g、0.05 g、0.1 g的绝对括号持时。 刘浪模型 $\lg {D_{{\rm{rs}}} } = {b_0} + {b_1}{R_{{\rm{rup}}} } + {b_2}\lg {R_{{\rm{rup}}} } + \sigma$ ${D_{{\rm{rs}}} }$为70%、90%重要持时,对上盘区、下盘区水平向和竖向持时分别进行回归。 霍俊荣模型 $\lg Y = a + bM + c\lg \left( {R + {R_0}} \right) + \sigma $ Y为地震动参数,主要用于地震安全性评价中地震动时程包络曲线平台段起点、平台段长度和下降段衰减因子的估计。 王亚勇模型 $\lg {D_{{\rm{rs}}} } = a + bM + c\lg \left( {R + 30} \right) + {\rm{d}}T$ ${D_{{\rm{rs}}} }$为90%重要持时,T为场地卓越周期,$T = { {4 H} / { { {\overline V}_{\rm{s}}} } }$,${ {\overline V}_{\rm{s} } } = { {\displaystyle\sum\limits_i { {V_{{\rm{s}}i} }{h_i} } }/H}$, ${h}_{i}、{V}_{{\rm{s}}i}$分别为第$ i $层土厚度和剪切波速,H为场地覆盖层厚度。 徐培彬模型 Bommer-Stafford-Alarcon模型 基于中国强震记录对水平向70%、90%重要持时进行回归。 注:表中未说明的参数均为回归系数。 -
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