• ISSN 1673-5722
  • CN 11-5429/P


张世蒙 王亚欣 王贵春

张世蒙,王亚欣,王贵春,2023. 大跨度悬索桥地震响应控制分析. 震灾防御技术,18(1):136−146. doi:10.11899/zzfy20230115. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20230115
引用本文: 张世蒙,王亚欣,王贵春,2023. 大跨度悬索桥地震响应控制分析. 震灾防御技术,18(1):136−146. doi:10.11899/zzfy20230115. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20230115
Zhang Shimeng, Wang Yaxin, Wang Guichun. The Analysis on Seismic Response Control of Long-span Suspension Bridge[J]. Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention, 2023, 18(1): 136-146. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20230115
Citation: Zhang Shimeng, Wang Yaxin, Wang Guichun. The Analysis on Seismic Response Control of Long-span Suspension Bridge[J]. Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention, 2023, 18(1): 136-146. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20230115


doi: 10.11899/zzfy20230115
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金青年基金(51408554)




The Analysis on Seismic Response Control of Long-span Suspension Bridge

  • 摘要: 以主跨为1 490 m的润扬长江大桥为背景,采用ANSYS软件建立结构有限元模型,计算大跨度悬索桥动力特性。对黏滞阻尼器和软钢阻尼器进行参数敏感性分析,得出控制大跨度悬索桥地震响应的最优参数值,并分析一致激励和行波激励作用下黏滞阻尼器和软钢阻尼器减震效果。研究结果表明,黏滞阻尼器和软钢阻尼器对塔梁相对位移有较好的控制效果,但会使塔底内力有所增加;就位移控制而言,软钢阻尼器的效果更好;在低视波速区间内,黏滞阻尼器和软钢阻尼器减震效果明显存在波动特征;随着视波速的逐渐增大,黏滞阻尼器和软钢阻尼器减震效果受视波速的影响逐渐减小,悬索桥地震响应逐渐平缓,并趋于一致激励作用下的对应值。
  • 图  1  桥型总体布置(单位:米)

    Figure  1.  General layout plan of bridge type (Unit: m)

    图  2  悬索桥有限元模型

    Figure  2.  Finite element model of suspension bridge

    图  3  Combin14单元

    Figure  3.  Combin14 unit

    图  4  Combin40单元

    Figure  4.  Combin40 unit

    图  5  悬索桥地震响应峰值随阻尼系数的变化曲线

    Figure  5.  Variation of peak values of seismic responses of suspension bridge with damping coefficient

    图  6  不同弹性刚度下悬索桥地震响应峰值变化曲线

    Figure  6.  Variation curve of peak values of seismic responses of suspension bridge with different elastic stiffness

    图  7  悬索桥各关键点地震响应时程曲线

    Figure  7.  Time history curves of seismic responses at key points of suspension bridge

    图  8  悬索桥各关键点地震响应时程曲线

    Figure  8.  Time history curves of seismic responses at key points of suspension bridge

    图  9  不同阻尼系数下悬索桥结构响应峰值随视波速的变化曲线

    Figure  9.  Variation curves of peak values of responses of suspension bridge structure with apparent velocity under different damping coefficients

    图  10  悬索桥结构响应峰值随视波速的变化规律

    Figure  10.  Variation of peak values of responses of suspension bridge structure with apparent velocity

    表  1  悬索桥动力特性分析

    Table  1.   Dynamic characteristic analysis of suspension bridge

    10.049 857一阶对称侧弯110.210 620一阶反对称扭转
    20.090 090一阶反对称竖弯120.214 330主缆振动
    30.130 630一阶对称竖弯130.247 290主缆振动
    40.131 430一阶反对称侧弯140.262 390二阶对称侧弯
    50.181 000主缆振动150.264 240三阶对称竖弯
    60.182 400二阶对称竖弯160.291 330主缆振动
    70.184 910主缆振动170.316 890主缆振动+扭转
    80.186 160主缆振动+主梁扭转180.326 400三阶反对称竖弯
    90.187 020一阶对称扭转190.328 770主缆振动
    100.200 630二阶反对称竖弯200.330 460主缆振动
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    表  2  TCU102波输入下软钢阻尼器响应峰值

    Table  2.   Peak values of responses of mild steel damper under TCU102 wave input

    9000.817 20.806 911 80011 800
    2 0000.694 20.692 13 5873 663
    4 0000.553 10.596 44 9674 833
    6 0000.456 30.449 16 2396 091
    9 0000.246 10.240 89 4969 113
    20 0000.089 70.076 18 8728 650
    40 0000.016 80.014 18 0858 239
    50 0000.005 40.004 97 7587 963
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    表  3  悬索桥结构关键部位地震响应与减震效果对比

    Table  3.   Comparison of seismic responses and shock absorbing effect on key positions of suspension bridge structure

    无减震装置0.874 90.664 84 564.11×10372.48×103
    黏滞阻尼器0.421 651.80.430 835.24 411.13×1033.472.55×103−0.1
    软钢阻尼器0.194 677.80.426 535.85 778.02×103−26.692.75×103−27.9
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    表  4  行波效应下悬索桥结构关键部位位移响应与减震效果对比

    Table  4.   Comparison of displacement response shock absorbing effect on key positions of suspension bridge structure under traveling wave effect

    1 00020.4622.885.4114.09
    1 5002.1915.771.599.47
    2 0008.4822.314.4511.22
    4 00015.7569.6610.1813.49
    6 00020.3675.8811.6118.36
    8 00023.3176.1612.2420.53
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    表  5  行波效应下悬索桥结构关键部位内力响应减震效果对比

    Table  5.   Comparison of internal force response shock absorbing effect on key positions of suspension bridge structures

    1 0008.2312.9811.41−6.41
    1 5000.7919.930.432.16
    2 0000.8921.081.073.75
    4 0007.36−1.521.40−26.46
    6 00016.95−6.8811.31−20.13
    8 00019.28−12.279.16−17.46
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