Test and Analysis of Foundation Vibration Caused by the High-speed Train
摘要: 为分析高速列车运行引起的地表处振动峰值加速度随距轨道中心线距离的变化特征,选择8个不同场地类型及路基形式的工程场地进行高速列车运行引起的地表振动加速度测试。研究结果表明,高速列车引起的地表振动加速度随距轨道中心线距离的变化特征因场地条件和路基形式的不同存在显著差异;Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ类场地条件下,高速列车引起的地表三分量振动加速度均随距轨道中心线距离的增加而减小,且距轨道近距离处峰值加速度衰减较快,远距离处衰减较慢,Ⅰ类场地条件下,高速列车引起的地表振动加速度随距轨道中心线距离的增加呈先增大后减小的趋势;对于相同路基形式的高速铁路,Ⅲ类场地条件下地表振动峰值加速度随距轨道中心线距离的增加减小速度最快,Ⅱ类场地次之,Ⅳ类场地衰减最慢。Abstract: By choosing 8 cases including elevated subgrade of high and low bridge pier, embankment subgrade and cutting type subgrade under different site condition, in-situ observation were carried out for ground vibration acceleration caused by high speed railway at different distances from the center line of the orbit. The results show that the ground vibration acceleration caused by high-speed trains with the horizontal distance vary significantly with the different site conditions and the subgrade forms. In general, the ground vibration acceleration induced by high-speed trains decreases with the distance increase from the center line of the track under site conditions of class II, III and IV, and the peak acceleration decreases quickly near the orbit, then decreases slowly at long distance from orbit. However, under the site condition of class I, the ground vibration acceleration increases first and then decreases with the increase in distance from the center line of the track. In addition, under the same subgrade condition, the ground peak acceleration decreases fastest with the increase of distance from the center line of the track on site of class III, then on site of class II, and slowest on site of class IV.
Key words:
- Vibration Acceleration /
- Subgrade /
- Site Conditions /
- Foundation /
- Vibration Test
表 1 高速铁路环境振动影响现场测试工况
Table 1. High-speed rail environmental vibration impact field test conditions information
路基形式 场地类型 测试地点 测试内容 高墩高架式(桥墩高度≥10 m) Ⅱ类 南京市浦口区(桥墩高约12 m) 地表不同距离处振动加速度 Ⅲ类 无锡市锡山区(桥墩高约10.5 m) Ⅳ类 苏州市昆山市(桥墩高约10.5 m) 低墩高架式(桥墩高度≤7 m) Ⅱ类 宿州市埇桥区(桥墩高约6.5 m) Ⅲ类 德州市齐河县(桥墩高约5 m) 路堤式 Ⅱ类 枣庄市峄城区 Ⅰ类 徐州市贾汪区 路堑式 Ⅱ类 济宁市邹城市 -
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