Dynamic Deflection Simulation of Bridge in Driving Process Based on ABAQUS Software
摘要: 为研究桥梁结构在行车过程中动挠度的变化,同时考虑传统动荷载试验方法耗费人力、不利于桥梁快速检测与桥梁健康评估的局限性,提出基于ABAQUS软件模拟行车过程中桥梁动挠度的方法。首先将车辆荷载等效为振动移动荷载;然后根据车辆实际轴距、轮距和轮胎尺寸,在桥梁模型上划分行车带,通过Dload子程序,将荷载作用在行车带上;最后根据车速设置分析步和增量步时长,控制荷载在不同时间作用在行车带各区域模拟车辆运动。将该方法应用于实际连续箱梁桥动荷载试验中,对比分析各工况下的实测结果与模拟结果。实测结果与模拟结果基本一致,表明基于ABAQUS软件模拟行车过程中桥梁动挠度的方法可实现桥梁动挠度的快速检测评估,为通过动荷载试验数据评估桥梁安全提供简便方法。Abstract: In order to study the change of dynamic deflection of bridge structure in the process of driving, and to consider the limitations of traditional dynamic load test method, which is labor-consuming and not conducive to rapid bridge detection and bridge health assessment, a method based on ABAQUS software is proposed to simulate the dynamic deflection of bridges during the driving process. Firstly, the vehicle load is equivalent to vibration moving load. Then according to the actual wheelbase, wheelbase and tire size of the vehicle, the bridge model is divided into driving belt, through the Dload subroutine, the load on the driving belt; Finally, according to the speed setting of the analysis step and incremental step time, loads acting on various areas of the travel zone at different times are controlled to simulate vehicle motion. The method is applied to the dynamic load test of continuous box girder bridge to compare and analyze the measured results with the simulated results under various working conditions. The measured results are generally consistent with the simulated results, which demonstrates that the method based on ABAQUS software to simulate the dynamic deflection of bridges during driving can achieve rapid detection and evaluation of dynamic deflection of bridge, and provides a simple method for assessing the bridge safety through dynamic load test data.
Key words:
- Bridge /
- Dynamic deflection /
- Vehicle load /
- Sports car test
表 1 各跨跨中动挠度校验系数
Table 1. Check coefficients of peak values in the main span
工况 实测值 计算值 时间误差/s 校验系数 时间/t 最大动挠
度/mm时间/t 最大动挠
度/mm20 km/h车速 峰值1 3.13 0.74 2.31 0.86 0.82 0.86 峰值2 8.50 −1.90 7.93 −2.04 0.93 0.93 峰值3 13.80 0.58 12.42 0.62 1.38 0.94 30 km/h车速 峰值1 1.58 0.82 1.60 0.96 0.02 0.86 峰值2 5.65 −1.84 5.30 −2.11 0.35 0.87 峰值3 9.19 0.54 9.26 0.66 0.07 0.81 40 km/h车速 峰值1 1.63 0.96 1.56 0.95 0.07 0.99 峰值2 4.29 −2.23 4.21 −2.29 0.08 0.97 峰值3 6.87 0.68 6.91 0.82 0.04 0.83 -
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