Study on the Accuracy of Simplified Method for Seismic Analysis of Underground Structures under the Condition of Shallow Bedrock Site
摘要: 为研究浅基岩场地条件下地下结构抗震分析简化方法计算精度,采用反应加速度法和反应谱法计算2层3跨和2层2跨矩形地铁车站结构在均质场地和浅基岩场地条件下的地震响应,将动力时程分析法结果作为参考解,对比分析反应加速度法和反应谱法在不同场地条件下的计算精度。研究结果表明,在均质场地条件下,反应加速度法最大误差约18%,反应谱法最大误差约9%;在浅基岩场地条件下,反应加速度法最大误差约33%,反应谱法最大误差约16%;反应谱法和反应加速度法在浅基岩场地条件下的计算精度均小于均质场地条件,且反应谱法计算精度受场地条件的影响较小。Abstract: To study the accuracy of simplified method for seismic analysis of underground structures under shallow bedrock conditions, the accuracy of the response acceleration method and the response spectrum method for the seismic analysis of underground structures under the conditions of homogeneous site and shallow bedrock site are compared and analyzed by taking the two storey two span and two storey three span subway station structures as examples. The results show that the maximum error of the method of response acceleration is about 18%, and the maximum error of the method of response spectrum is about 9%; Under the condition of shallow bedrock site, the maximum error of the method of response acceleration is about 33%, and the maximum error of the method of response spectrum is about 16%. The calculation accuracy of the method of response spectrum is higher than that of the response acceleration method, and the calculation accuracy of the method of response spectrum is less affected by the shallow bedrock site. The calculation accuracy of response spectrum method and response acceleration method in shallow bedrock field is lower than that in homogeneous site, and the calculation accuracy of response spectrum method is less affected by site conditions.
表 1 土体参数
Table 1. Soil parameters
工况 序号 土体类型 剪切波速/
(kN·m−3)泊松比 均匀场地 1 粉质黏土 100 19.2 0.26 2 粉质黏土 200 19.2 0.26 3 粉质黏土 300 19.2 0.26 4 粉质黏土 400 19.2 0.26 浅基岩场地 1 粉质黏土 100 19.2 0.26 中风化砂岩 500 23.0 0.23 2 粉质黏土 200 19.2 0.26 中风化砂岩 500 23.0 0.23 3 粉质黏土 300 19.2 0.26 中风化砂岩 500 23.0 0.23 4 粉质黏土 400 19.2 0.26 中风化砂岩 500 23.0 0.23 表 2 模态阻尼比
Table 2. Damping ratio mode
结构类别 场地土层 工况1 工况2 工况3 工况4 结构1 均质场地 0.076 0.054 0.035 0.040 浅基岩场地 0.065 0.020 0.012 0.010 结构2 均质场地 0.076 0.054 0.035 0.040 浅基岩场地 0.065 0.020 0.012 0.010 表 3 地震动等效土体参数
Table 3. Equivalent soil parameters of ground motion
工况 土体类别 弹性模量/MPa 阻尼系数α 阻尼系数β 均匀场地 1 粉质黏土 48.4 0.687 0.008 2 粉质黏土 193.5 0.438 0.004 3 粉质黏土 435.5 0.376 0.002 4 粉质黏土 774.1 0.312 0.001 浅基岩场地 1 粉质黏土 48.4 0.562 0.009 中风化砂岩 1 414.5 0.390 0.006 2 粉质黏土 193.5 0.399 0.004 中风化砂岩 1 414.5 0.458 0.005 3 粉质黏土 435.5 0.369 0.003 中风化砂岩 1 414.5 0.472 0.004 4 粉质黏土 774.1 0.308 0.002 中风化砂岩 1 414.5 0.492 0.004 -
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