UAV Remote Sensing Information Acquisition and Analysis of MS5.4 Earthquake in Baicheng County, Xinjiang
摘要: 以2021年3月24日新疆维吾尔自治区阿克苏地区拜城县MS5.4地震为例,利用无人机进行灾区航拍,结合现场调查完成灾区地表破裂情况、建筑物毁坏程度、道路毁坏程度无人机遥感灾情获取与分析。研究结果表明,此次拜城地震产生长约5 km的地表破裂带,主破裂带具有左旋走滑特征,与主压应力场方向一致;受地震动、地表破裂、场地类型及土壤成分等因素影响,地表破裂带周边老旧砖木结构房屋不同程度受损,乡村道路不同程度破坏;此次地震造成的地表破裂和震害分布情况受断裂带控制。Abstract: Taking the MS5.4 earthquake in Baicheng County, Aksu District, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region on March 24, 2021 as an example, this study uses UAV to take aerial photos of the disaster area, and completes UAV remote sensing information acquisition and analysis of the surface rupture, building damage and road damage in the disaster area combined with field investigation. The results show that the Baicheng earthquake causes a surface rupture zone with a length of about 5 km, the main rupture zone has the characteristics of sinistral strike slip, which is consistent with the direction of the main compressive stress field; Affected by ground motion, surface rupture, site type, soil composition and other factors, the old brick and wood structure houses around the surface rupture zone are damaged to varying degree, and the rural roads are damaged to varying degree. The distribution of surface rupture and earthquake damage caused by the Baicheng earthquake is controlled by the fault zone.
Key words:
- Earthquake /
- Remote sensing image /
- UAV /
- Disaster acquisition
表 1 拜城MS5.4地震震源机制解参数
Table 1. Focal mechanism solution parameters of the Baicheng MS5.4 earthquake
节面Ⅰ/° 节面Ⅱ/° 震级/MW 深度/km 产出机构 震源机制解 走向 倾向 滑动角 走向 倾向 滑动角 341 75 180 71 90 15 5.2 12 CENC 160 82 55 253 65 9 — — CEA-IGP 340.41 84.77 −176.43 250.08 86.44 −5.24 — — 万永革研究员课题组 160 77 167 253 77 12 5.2 13 GFZ -
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