Comparative Analysis of Casualties between Lushan M6.1 Earthquake and Luxian M6.0 Earthquake
摘要: 本文根据芦山6.1级地震及泸县6.0级地震现场调查资料,对比分析2次地震伤亡人员的空间分布及伤亡原因,得出避震不当是造成2次地震人员伤亡的重要因素之一。其中,芦山6.1级地震重伤及遇难人员多集中在Ⅶ度区,多数因次生地质灾害躲避不当致伤;泸县6.0级地震伤亡人员数量与地震烈度呈现正相关性,重伤及遇难人员均因房屋及其附属构件震损致伤。根据分析结果,从科普宣传、房屋及其附属构件抗震设防、次生地质灾害防治方面提出建议,为当地防震减灾提供参考。Abstract: According to the on-site investigation data of the Lushan M6.1 earthquake and the Luxian M6.0 earthquake, the spatial distribution of casualties and the causes of casualties in the two earthquakes were compared and analyzed, and it was concluded that unreasonable aviodance was one of the important factors for casualties in the two earthquakes. Among them, most of the seriously injured and dead people in the Lushan M6.1 earthquake were concentrated in intensity VII area, and most of them were injured due to improper avoidance of secondary geological disasters. The victims were injured due to the earthquake damage to the house and its ancillary components. According to the analysis results, suggestions are put forward from the aspects of popular science propaganda, seismic fortification of houses and their ancillary components, and prevention of secondary geological disasters, so as to provide reference for local earthquake prevention and disaster reduction.
Key words:
- Casualties /
- Lushan M6.1 earthquake /
- Luxian M6.0 earthquake
1) 2 宝兴县应急管理局,2022. 宝兴地震突发公共事件伤(病)情信息统计报告表. -
表 1 2次地震Ⅵ度及以上各烈度影响范围对比
Table 1. The comparison table of the influence scope of the two earthquakes of degree VI and above
地震名 影响范围/km2 Ⅵ度区面积 Ⅶ度区面积 Ⅷ度区面积 Ⅵ度及以上区域面积 芦山6.1级地震 2777 979 131 3887 泸县6.0级地震 2170 340 103 2613 表 2 伤情程度分类
Table 2. Classification of injury severity
伤情程度 伤情描述 死亡(遇难) 心跳、呼吸完全停止,各种反射消失的临床死亡。 危重 生命体征极不稳定;一个以上的器官系统急性功能障碍或衰竭;随时可能危及生命;下达病危;紧急干预后无改善或预后不良。 重度 生命体征不平稳,有进一步加重趋势,需要立即进行医疗干预,但当前尚未达到“危重”程度的。 中度 生命体征暂时稳定,需住院医疗干预,有可能出现病情加重,但暂不危及生命的。 轻度 生命体征稳定,仅需门、急诊处置或留院观察的。 表 3 2次地震各类伤亡原因人数统计表
Table 3. Statistical table of the number of casualties caused by the two earthquakes
伤情 避震不当致伤/人 因房屋及其附属构件震损致伤/人 次生地质灾害致伤/人 其他偶然原因/人 芦山 泸县 芦山 泸县 芦山 泸县 芦山 泸县 遇难 0 0 0 3 4 0 0 0 危重 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 重度 0 1 1 2 2 0 0 0 中度 0 3 0 1 1 0 0 0 轻度 22 37 3 11 10 0 2 0 合计 22 41 4 17 18 0 2 0 -
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