• ISSN 1673-5722
  • CN 11-5429/P


王波 陈少林 高雷 唐晖

王波,陈少林,高雷,唐晖,2022. 地基土-反应堆厂房-核电辅助厂房结构相互作用体系地震响应分析. 震灾防御技术,17(4):651−665. doi:10.11899/zzfy20220405. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20220405
引用本文: 王波,陈少林,高雷,唐晖,2022. 地基土-反应堆厂房-核电辅助厂房结构相互作用体系地震响应分析. 震灾防御技术,17(4):651−665. doi:10.11899/zzfy20220405. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20220405
Wang Bo, Chen ShaoLin, Gao Lei, Tang Hui. Earthquake Response Analysis of Soil-reactor Plant-nuclear power Auxiliary Plant Interaction System[J]. Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention, 2022, 17(4): 651-665. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20220405
Citation: Wang Bo, Chen ShaoLin, Gao Lei, Tang Hui. Earthquake Response Analysis of Soil-reactor Plant-nuclear power Auxiliary Plant Interaction System[J]. Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention, 2022, 17(4): 651-665. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20220405


doi: 10.11899/zzfy20220405
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(51978337、U2039209);华龙一号及在役核电机组关键技术装备攻关工程项目(2003-105)




Earthquake Response Analysis of Soil-reactor Plant-nuclear power Auxiliary Plant Interaction System

  • 摘要: 土-结构相互作用分析是核电结构抗震设计的重要环节,考虑到附属厂房可能导致反应堆厂房处于最不利工况状态,对地基土-反应堆厂房-核电辅助厂房结构相互作用体系地震响应进行研究。基于PASSI算法,提出显-隐式单元层计算方法,实现显、隐式交替计算,保持高效性的同时,提高计算稳定性。通过场地分析算例和土-结构相互作用分析算例,与ABAQUS软件计算结果进行对比,验证计算方法的可行性。以某核电站为对象,分析同一基础上相邻厂房对反应堆厂房地震响应的影响。研究结果表明,在基岩场地上,安全厂房通过基础和场地对反应堆厂房的作用较小,对反应堆厂房地震响应的影响较小;地震动输入下,燃料厂房和电器厂房加大了反应堆厂房位移峰值,减小了反应堆厂房加速度反应谱峰值,并使反应堆厂房顶部点加速度反应谱峰值向高频移动;与反应堆厂房共用同一基础的辅助厂房,应与反应堆厂房作为整体进行地震响应分析,至少应将与反应堆厂房相连的辅助厂房作为整体进行分析。
  • 图  1  SSI系统分析模型

    Figure  1.  Soil-structure interaction system

    图  2  显-隐式数据交互示意

    Figure  2.  Explicit-implicit data interaction

    图  3  脉冲波位移时程和频谱曲线

    Figure  3.  Displacement time history and spectrum of SV/P pulse wave

    图  4  ABAQUS软件中黏弹性人工边界及监测点示意

    Figure  4.  Viscoelastic artificial boundary and monitoring points in ABAQUS

    图  5  SV波和P波垂直入射场地位移时程曲线

    Figure  5.  Site response of SV and P wave

    图  6  土-结构相互作用模型

    Figure  6.  Soil-structure interaction model

    图  7  结构位移时程曲线

    Figure  7.  Displacement time history of nuclear power plant

    图  8  核电站平面布置示意

    Figure  8.  Floor plan of nuclear power plant

    图  9  反应堆厂房监测点分布示意

    Figure  9.  Monitoring points of reactor plant

    图  10  地震动加速度时程与反应谱曲线

    Figure  10.  Ground motion acceleration time history and response spectrum

    图  11  核电站4种工况模型

    Figure  11.  Four working conditions model for nuclear power plant

    图  12  反应堆厂房监测点位移时程曲线

    Figure  12.  Displacement time history of each monitoring point on the reactor plant

    图  13  反应堆厂房监测点加速度反应谱

    Figure  13.  Acceleration response spectrum of monitoring point on the reactor plant

    图  14  反应堆厂房监测点加速度反应谱

    Figure  14.  Acceleration response spectrum of monitoring point on the reactor plant

    表  1  土体参数

    Table  1.   Soil parameters

    软土500.1080.351 000200416
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    表  2  显-隐式单元层计算方法和ABAQUS软件计算效率

    Table  2.   PASSI and ABAQUS calculation efficiency

    场地80 00085 731257 1934106
    土-结构相互作用80 01085 771257 31333106
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    表  3  核电站结构材料参数

    Table  3.   Material parameters of nuclear power plant

    1C30厂房/基础32.50.22 400
    2C40内/外壳36.00.22 450
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    表  4  核电站厂址参数

    Table  4.   Soil parameters of nuclear power plant site

    岩石6046.90.262 6502 6734 639
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    表  5  模态分析

    Table  5.   Modality analysis

    13.006 690.186 263.006 690.186 194.016 961.000 003.726 480.426 64
    23.007 491.000 003.007 491.000 004.068 740.277 893.861 540.413 38
    34.078 570.540 833.725 200.677 044.114 500.094 623.885 430.002 48
    44.096 080.381 573.858 000.683 884.210 240.482 594.017 181.000 00
    55.488 440.002 043.885 280.009 754.739 490.029 304.068 750.275 37
    65.513 010.001 434.078 570.540 695.472 460.169 674.114 530.097 12
    75.540 460.003 314.096 080.381 505.566 560.002 174.210 380.480 55
    85.572 030.004 844.559 210.068 575.610 470.012 114.560 350.045 69
    95.629 190.003 165.439 430.064 355.762 070.080 104.739 620.029 71
    105.658 220.010 715.488 440.002 056.163 020.037 355.441 090.042 47
    116.426 340.004 545.513 010.001 436.470 850.006 885.472 660.167 66
    126.471 340.015 755.540 460.003 316.496 260.389 725.566 560.002 12
    136.496 200.598 365.572 030.004 826.615 100.003 045.610 470.011 96
    146.614 210.001 585.629 190.003 176.875 020.134 965.702 480.044 00
    156.875 130.207 355.658 220.010 727.121 850.000 715.762 180.079 50
    167.117 110.000 875.698 290.070 077.183 560.005 666.163 160.037 35
    177.171 630.005 926.426 340.004 557.186 370.071 546.470 850.006 79
    187.186 590.070 526.471 340.015 757.228 460.359 016.496 260.386 15
    197.218 460.014 676.496 200.598 317.349 150.546 566.615 100.003 03
    207.235 540.000 056.614 210.001 597.778 060.042 946.875 020.133 73
    217.778 050.071 156.875 130.207 347.984 620.026 007.121 850.000 71
    227.984 600.042 407.117 110.000 878.112 550.020 307.183 560.005 58
    238.112 540.033 217.171 630.005 938.241 690.004 937.186 370.070 85
    248.241 670.008 197.186 590.070 518.355 480.012 787.228 550.356 06
    258.355 470.020 327.218 460.014 678.603 980.003 847.349 130.541 36
    268.457 000.005 007.235 540.000 048.879 180.000 607.778 060.042 54
    278.603 970.006 277.778 050.071 158.980 480.011 407.984 620.025 76
    288.977 700.014 417.984 600.042 399.092 810.031 828.112 550.020 11
    299.092 800.051 768.112 540.033 219.161 850.066 658.241 690.004 88
    309.229 790.118 338.241 670.008 199.229 870.071 678.355 480.012 67
    319.414 480.015 028.355 470.020 329.414 480.009 218.603 980.003 80
    329.518 820.077 798.457 000.005 049.450 980.026 218.879 180.000 58
    339.698 920.086 258.603 970.006 279.518 870.045 528.980 480.011 29
    349.776 220.456 368.977 700.014 429.787 150.014 039.092 810.031 53
    359.841 210.024 009.092 800.051 769.841 170.020 969.161 810.065 98
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