Analysis Methods of Soil-pile-isolated Structure Nonlinear Dynamic Interaction
摘要: 近年来,土-桩-隔震结构非线性动力相互作用成为结构抗震领域热点研究问题之一。首先,在回顾现有土-桩-隔震结构非线性动力相互作用研究的基础上,分析国内外学者针对土-桩-隔震结构动力相互作用采用的主要分析方法,包括理论分析法、整体时程分析法、模型试验法及能量分析法;然后,系统地总结了目前考虑土-结构相互作用的隔震结构动力反应相关研究成果;最后,分析了现有研究存在的不足及亟待解决的问题,并给出相关研究建议。Abstract: In recent years, the soil-pile-isolated structure nonlinear dynamic interaction (SPISI) has been one of the significant research issues in the field of structure seismic resistance. This paper reviewed the existing research on the SPISI field and sorted out the main analytical methods in the SPISI field, including theoretical analysis methods, time history analysis methods, model test methods and energy analysis methods, etc. On this basis, the current research results on the dynamic response of isolated structures considering soil-structure interaction were systematically summarized. Finally, the shortcomings of existing research and problems that need to be solved were analyzed and the relevant research recommendations for the imperfections of existing research were given. The research results can be used as a foundation for subsequent research in this field.
图 1 抗震与隔震结构(苏经宇等,2012)
Figure 1. Earthquake resistant and isolated structures (Su et al., 2012)
图 2 SPISI简化分析模型(于旭等,2017)
Figure 2. The simplified model of SPISI (Yu X, et al., 2017)
图 4 考虑SPISI效应的结构动力三维有限元分析模型(Hokmabadi等,2014)
Figure 4. 3D dynamic structure finite element model considering SPISI effect(Hokmabadi et al., 2014)
图 5 桩-土-隔震结构计算模型(邹立华等,2004)
Figure 5. Calculating model of pile-soil-isloated structure (Zou et al., 2004)
图 6 子结构法计算模型(李海岭等,2001)
Figure 6. Calculation model of substructure method (Li et al., 2001)
图 7 土性地基有限元模型于旭等(于旭等, 2016a)
Figure 7. Finite element model of soil foundation (Yu X. et al., 2016a)
图 8 土-桩-多层隔震结构体系振动台模型(Yu等,2017)
Figure 8. Shaking table model test of soil-pile-multi-layer isolated structure system (Yu et al., 2017)
图 9 土-桩-多层隔震结构相互作用体系加速度峰值放大系数(Yu等,2017)
Figure 9. AMFs of the soil-pile-multi-layer isolated structure interaction system (Yu et al., 2017)
图 10 不同地基上小高宽比隔震结构体系隔震效率对比(Yu等,2017)
Figure 10. Comparison of seismic isolation efficiency of small aspect ratio isolated structure system on different foundations (Yu et al., 2017)
图 11 土-桩-高层隔震结构模型体系振动台试验(李昌平等,2013b)
Figure 11. Shaking table model test of soil-pile-high-rise isolated structure system (Li et al., 2013b)
图 12 土-桩-层间隔震结构模型体系振动台试验(吴应雄等,2022)
Figure 12. Shaking table model test of soil-pile-interlayer isolated structure system (Wu et al., 2022)
图 13 岩土隔震系统(景立平等,2020)
Figure 13. The diagram of geotechnical isolated system (Jing et al., 2020)
图 14 基于能量抗震设计方法的实施框架(叶列平等,2014)
Figure 14. Procedure for calculating structural member total cumulative dissipated energy (Ye et al., 2014)
图 15 刚性地基上隔震结构各部分耗能比组成(于旭等,2016b)
Figure 15. Ratio of energy dissipation of parts of isolated structure on rigid foundation (Yu et al., 2016b)
图 16 软夹层地基上隔震结构各部分耗能比组成(于旭等,2016b)
Figure 16. Ratio of energy dissipation of parts of isolated structure on softer interlayer soil foundation (Yu et al., 2016b)
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