• ISSN 1673-5722
  • CN 11-5429/P


黎益仕 吴健 赵凤新

黎益仕,吴健,赵凤新,2022. 区域性地震安全性评价发展现状与定位初探. 震灾防御技术,17(3):606−610. doi:10.11899/zzfy20220320. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20220320
引用本文: 黎益仕,吴健,赵凤新,2022. 区域性地震安全性评价发展现状与定位初探. 震灾防御技术,17(3):606−610. doi:10.11899/zzfy20220320. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20220320
Li Yishi, Wu Jian, Zhao Fengxin. Preliminary Study on Development Status and Orientation of Regional Seismic Safety Evaluation[J]. Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention, 2022, 17(3): 606-610. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20220320
Citation: Li Yishi, Wu Jian, Zhao Fengxin. Preliminary Study on Development Status and Orientation of Regional Seismic Safety Evaluation[J]. Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention, 2022, 17(3): 606-610. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20220320


doi: 10.11899/zzfy20220320
基金项目: 防震减灾法律法规体系建设研究(CEAZY2021JZ02);中国地震局防震减灾法制建设与政策标准研究项目(2240510)

    黎益仕,男,生于1967 年。高级工程师。主要从事地震标准化和防震减灾科普教育方面的研究。E-mail:lysh707@qq.com

Preliminary Study on Development Status and Orientation of Regional Seismic Safety Evaluation

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