Research on the Safety Evaluation Method of Seismic Information System Based on AHP
摘要: 为有效应对网络安全问题,加强地震信息系统网络安全,网络工程师做了大量工作,如增加网络防护、开展安全演练等,但在网络安全评价体系和评价方法方面开展的研究相对较少。本文结合《信息安全技术 网络安全等级保护测评要求》(GB/T 28448—2019)要求,基于AHP(层次分析法)获取系统评价权重指标,分别利用模糊综合评判方法和可拓方法对地震信息系统实例进行安全等级评价,并对比2种评判方法,验证其在地震信息系统安全评价工作中的应用效果。本研究采用量化的客观评价方法,可为信息系统安全评价、风险识别、安全等级保护等提供参考。Abstract: In order to effectively address network security problems and strengthen the network security of seismic information systems, information network engineers have done a lot of works, such as strengthening network protection and conducting security drills, but relatively few researches have been conducted on network security evaluation systems and evaluation methods. In this paper, we combine the requirements of “Information Security Technology —Evaluation Requirement for Classified Protection of Cybersecurity (GB/T 28448—2019)” , obtain system evaluation weight indicators based on AHP (hierarchical analysis method), and then evaluate the security level of seismic information system instances using the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method and the topizable method, respectively, and compare and analyze the two evaluation methods to verify the effectiveness of the application of the two methods in the seismic information system security evaluation work. This study adopts a quantitative and objective evaluation method, which can provide reference for information system security evaluation, risk identification, and security level protection.
表 1 4种标度法赋值说明
Table 1. Description of the 4 kinds of scaling methods assignment
等级划分 1~9标度法 9/9~9/1标度法 10/10~18/2标度法 指数标度法 相同 1 9/9 10/10 90 稍微大 3 9/7 12/8 9(1/9) 明显大 5 9/5 14/6 9(3/9) 强烈大 7 9/3 16/4 9(6/9) 极端大 9 9/1 18/2 9(9/9) 表 2 2层指标权重、打分及隶属度投票示例
Table 2. The weights and scoring example of the second level indexes
安全指标 权重 打分 优 良 合格 不合格 安全管理制度 0.1407 90 36 33 28 3 安全管理机构 0.0816 90 49 38 13 0 人员安全管理 0.1008 95 33 35 30 2 系统运维管理 0.1143 90 26 38 20 16 物理安全 0.1125 85 30 21 35 14 网络安全 0.1125 85 34 25 40 1 主机安全 0.1125 80 32 27 41 0 应用安全 0.1125 90 25 28 47 3 数据安全 0.1125 92 22 28 50 0 -
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